@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+<script setup lang="tsx">
+import SvgIcon from '@/components/custom/svg-icon.vue';
+import { menuTypeOptions } from '@/constants/business';
+import { useAntdForm, useFormRules } from '@/hooks/common/form';
+import { $t } from '@/locales';
+import { fetchAddMenu, fetchGetMenuDetail, fetchGetMenuList, fetchGetSysApiList, fetchUpdateMenu } from '@/service/api';
+import { getLocalIcons } from '@/utils/icon';
+import { SimpleScrollbar } from '@sa/materials';
+import { computed, nextTick, reactive, ref, watch } from 'vue';
+// import {
+// getLayoutAndPage,
+// getPathParamFromRoutePath,
+// getRoutePathByRouteName,
+// getRoutePathWithParam,
+// transformLayoutAndPageToComponent
+// } from './shared';
+import {
+} from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
+ name: 'MenuOperateModal'
+const menuOptions = ref([])
+const sysapiList = ref([])
+export type OperateType = AntDesign.TableOperateType | 'addChild';
+interface Option {
+ label: string;
+ value: string;
+interface Props {
+ /** the type of operation */
+ operateType: OperateType;
+ /** the edit menu data or the parent menu data when adding a child menu */
+ rowData?: Api.SystemManage.Menu | null;
+ /** all pages */
+ allPages: string[];
+ visibleOptions: Option[];
+const props = defineProps<Props>();
+interface Emits {
+ (e: 'submitted'): void;
+const emit = defineEmits<Emits>();
+const visible = defineModel<boolean>('visible', {
+ default: false
+const { formRef, validate, resetFields } = useAntdForm();
+const { defaultRequiredRule } = useFormRules();
+const title = computed(() => {
+ const titles: Record<OperateType, string> = {
+ add: $t('page.manage.menu.addMenu'),
+ addChild: $t('page.manage.menu.addChildMenu'),
+ edit: $t('page.manage.menu.editMenu')
+ };
+ return titles[props.operateType];
+type Model = Pick<
+ Api.SystemManage.Menu,
+ | 'menuType'
+ | 'menuName'
+ | 'path'
+ | 'component'
+ | 'sort'
+ | 'i18nKey'
+ | 'icon'
+ | 'visible'
+ | 'parentId'
+ | 'isFrame'
+ | 'permission'
+ | 'title'
+ | 'apis'
+> & {
+ // query: NonNullable<Api.SystemManage.Menu['query']>;
+ // buttons: NonNullable<Api.SystemManage.Menu['buttons']>;
+ layout: string;
+ path: string;
+const model: Model = reactive(createDefaultModel());
+function createDefaultModel(): Model {
+ return {
+ menuType: 'M',
+ title: '',
+ path: '',
+ component: '',
+ layout: '',
+ // i18nKey: null,
+ icon: '',
+ parentId: 0,
+ visible: '0',
+ isFrame: '1',
+ sort: 0,
+ menuName: '',
+ permission: '',
+ apis: []
+ };
+type RuleKey = Extract<keyof Model, 'title' >;
+const rules: Record<RuleKey, App.Global.FormRule> = {
+ title: defaultRequiredRule
+const isEdit = computed(() => props.operateType === 'edit');
+const localIcons = getLocalIcons();
+const localIconOptions = localIcons.map(item => ({
+ label: () => (
+ <div class="flex-y-center gap-16px">
+ <SvgIcon localIcon={item} class="text-icon" />
+ <span>{item}</span>
+ </div>
+ ),
+ value: item
+const showLayout = computed(() => model.parentId === 0);
+const layoutOptions: CommonType.Option[] = [
+ {
+ label: 'base',
+ value: 'base'
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'blank',
+ value: 'blank'
+ }
+/** - add a query input */
+// function addQuery(index: number) {
+// model.query.splice(index + 1, 0, {
+// key: '',
+// value: ''
+// });
+// }
+// /** - remove a query input */
+// function removeQuery(index: number) {
+// model.query.splice(index, 1);
+// }
+/** - add a button input */
+// function addButton(index: number) {
+// model.buttons.splice(index + 1, 0, {
+// code: '',
+// desc: ''
+// });
+// }
+// /** - remove a button input */
+// function removeButton(index: number) {
+// model.buttons.splice(index, 1);
+// }
+async function handleInitModel() {
+ Object.assign(model, createDefaultModel());
+ if (!props.rowData) return;
+ await nextTick();
+ if (props.operateType === 'addChild') {
+ const { menuId } = props.rowData;
+ Object.assign(model, { parentId: menuId });
+ }
+ if (props.operateType === 'edit') {
+ const { menuId } = props.rowData;
+ // const { apis, component, ...rest } = props.rowData;
+ // const { layout, page } = getLayoutAndPage(component);
+ // const { path, param } = getPathParamFromRoutePath(rest.path);
+ const res:any = await fetchGetMenuDetail(menuId)
+ if (res && res.code === 200) {
+ Object.assign(model, res.data );
+ }
+ }
+function closeDrawer() {
+ visible.value = false;
+// function handleUpdateRoutePathByRouteName() {
+// if (model.routeName) {
+// model.path = getRoutePathByRouteName(model.routeName);
+// } else {
+// model.path = '';
+// }
+// }
+// function handleUpdateI18nKeyByRouteName() {
+// if (model.routeName) {
+// model.i18nKey = `route.${model.routeName}` as App.I18n.I18nKey;
+// } else {
+// model.i18nKey = null;
+// }
+// }
+function getSubmitParams() {
+ const { layout, path, ...params } = model;
+ // const component = transformLayoutAndPageToComponent(layout, model.page);
+ // const routePath = getRoutePathWithParam(model.path, pathParam);
+ // params.component = component;
+ // params.path = routePath;
+ params.path = path
+ return params;
+async function handleSubmit() {
+ await validate();
+ const params = getSubmitParams();
+ let res:any = {}
+ // request
+ if(isEdit.value) {
+ if (params.menuType === 'M'){
+ model.apis = []
+ params.apis = []
+ }
+ res = await fetchUpdateMenu(params, props.rowData.menuId)
+ } else {
+ res = await fetchAddMenu(params)
+ }
+ if (res && res.code == 200) {
+ if(isEdit.value){
+ window.$message?.success($t('common.updateSuccess'));
+ } else {
+ window.$message?.success('添加成功');
+ }
+ } else {
+ window.$message?.error(res.msg || '更新失败!');
+ }
+ closeDrawer();
+ emit('submitted');
+/** 查询菜单下拉树结构 */
+function getTreeselect() {
+ fetchGetMenuList().then((response:any) => {
+ if (response.code === 200) {
+ menuOptions.value = []
+ const menu = { menuId: 0, title: '主类目', children: [] }
+ menu.children = response.data
+ menuOptions.value.push(menu)
+ }
+ })
+async function getApiList() {
+ const res:any = await fetchGetSysApiList({ 'pageSize': 10000, 'type': 'BUS' })
+ if (res && res.code === 200) {
+ sysapiList.value = res.data.list
+ }
+function handelChangeType() {
+ model.apis = []
+watch(visible, () => {
+ if (visible.value) {
+ handleInitModel();
+ resetFields();
+ getTreeselect();
+ getApiList();
+ }
+// watch(
+// () => model.routeName,
+// () => {
+// handleUpdateRoutePathByRouteName();
+// handleUpdateI18nKeyByRouteName();
+// }
+// );
+ <AModal v-model:open="visible" :title="title" width="800px">
+ <div class="h-480px">
+ <SimpleScrollbar>
+ <AForm ref="formRef" :model="model" :rules="rules" :label-col="{ lg: 8, xs: 4 }" label-wrap class="pr-20px">
+ <ARow wrap>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24">
+ <AFormItem label="上级菜单" name="parentId">
+ <ATreeSelect v-model:value="model.parentId" show-search :tree-data="menuOptions"
+ :fieldNames="{value: 'menuId', children: 'children', label: 'title'}"
+ placeholder="选择上级菜单" allowClear/>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24">
+ <AFormItem name="title">
+ <template #label>
+ <span class="marginRight5">{{$t('page.manage.menu.menuName')}}</span>
+ <ATooltip>
+ <template #title>菜单位置显示的说明信息.</template>
+ <QuestionCircleFilled />
+ </ATooltip>
+ </template>
+ <AInput v-model:value="model.title" :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.menuName')" allowClear/>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24">
+ <AFormItem name="sort">
+ <template #label>
+ <span class="marginRight5">显示排序</span>
+ <ATooltip>
+ <template #title>根据序号升序排列</template>
+ <QuestionCircleFilled />
+ </ATooltip>
+ </template>
+ <AInputNumber v-model:value="model.sort as number" :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.order')" class="w-full" />
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24">
+ <AFormItem name="menuType">
+ <template #label>
+ <span class="marginRight5">{{ $t('page.manage.menu.menuType') }}</span>
+ <ATooltip>
+ <template #title>包含目录:以及菜单或者菜单组,菜单:具体对应某一个页面,按钮:功能才做按钮;</template>
+ <QuestionCircleFilled />
+ </ATooltip>
+ </template>
+ <ARadioGroup v-model:value="model.menuType" >
+ <ARadio v-for="item in menuTypeOptions" :key="item.value" :value="item.value" @change="handelChangeType">
+ {{ $t(item.label) }}
+ </ARadio>
+ </ARadioGroup>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24" v-if="model.menuType == 'M' || model.menuType == 'C'">
+ <AFormItem name="menuName" >
+ <template #label>
+ <span class="marginRight5">{{ $t('page.manage.menu.routeName') }}</span>
+ <ATooltip>
+ <template #title>需要和页面name保持一致,对应页面即可选择缓存.</template>
+ <QuestionCircleFilled />
+ </ATooltip>
+ </template>
+ <AInput v-model:value="model.menuName" :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.routeName')" allowClear/>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24" v-if="model.menuType == 'M' || model.menuType == 'C'" >
+ <AFormItem name="component">
+ <template #label>
+ <span class="marginRight5">{{ $t('page.manage.menu.routePath') }}</span>
+ <ATooltip>
+ <template #title>菜单对应的具体vue页面文件路径;</template>
+ <QuestionCircleFilled />
+ </ATooltip>
+ </template>
+ <AInput v-model:value="model.component" :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.routePath')" allowClear/>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24" v-if="model.menuType != 'F'">
+ <AFormItem label="路由地址" name="path">
+ <AInput v-model:value="model.path" placeholder="请输入路由地址" allowClear/>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24" v-if="showLayout">
+ <AFormItem :label="$t('page.manage.menu.layout')" name="layout">
+ <ASelect
+ v-model:value="model.layout"
+ :options="layoutOptions"
+ :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.layout')"
+ allowClear
+ />
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <!-- <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24">
+ <AFormItem :label="$t('page.manage.menu.i18nKey')" name="i18nKey">
+ <AInput v-model:value="model.i18nKey as string" :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.i18nKey')" />
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol> -->
+ <!-- <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24">
+ <AFormItem :label="$t('page.manage.menu.iconTypeTitle')" name="iconType">
+ <ARadioGroup v-model:value="model.iconType">
+ <ARadio v-for="item in menuIconTypeOptions" :key="item.value" :value="item.value">
+ {{ $t(item.label) }}
+ </ARadio>
+ </ARadioGroup>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol> -->
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24">
+ <AFormItem :label="$t('page.manage.menu.icon')" name="icon">
+ <!-- <template v-if="model.iconType === '1'">
+ <AInput v-model:value="model.icon" :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.icon')" class="flex-1">
+ <template #suffix>
+ <SvgIcon v-if="model.icon" :icon="model.icon" class="text-icon" />
+ </template>
+ </AInput>
+ </template> -->
+ <ASelect
+ v-model:value="model.icon"
+ :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.localIcon')"
+ :options="localIconOptions"
+ allowClear
+ />
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24">
+ <AFormItem name="visible">
+ <template #label>
+ <span class="marginRight5">{{$t('page.manage.menu.menuStatus') }}</span>
+ <ATooltip>
+ <template #title>需要显示在菜单列表的菜单设置为显示,否则设置为隐藏;</template>
+ <QuestionCircleFilled />
+ </ATooltip>
+ </template>
+ <ARadioGroup v-model:value="model.visible">
+ <ARadio v-for="item in visibleOptions" :key="item.value" :value="item.value">
+ {{ item.label }}
+ </ARadio>
+ </ARadioGroup>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24" v-if="model.menuType == 'M' || model.menuType == 'C'">
+ <AFormItem name="isFrame">
+ <template #label>
+ <span class="marginRight5">{{ $t('page.manage.menu.href') }}</span>
+ <ATooltip>
+ <template #title>可以通过iframe打开指定地址</template>
+ <QuestionCircleFilled />
+ </ATooltip>
+ </template>
+ <ARadioGroup v-model:value="model.isFrame">
+ <ARadio value="0">{{ $t('common.yesOrNo.yes') }}</ARadio>
+ <ARadio value="1">{{ $t('common.yesOrNo.no') }}</ARadio>
+ </ARadioGroup>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="12" :xs="24" v-if="model.menuType == 'F' || model.menuType == 'C'" >
+ <AFormItem name="component">
+ <template #label>
+ <span class="marginRight5">权限标识</span>
+ <ATooltip>
+ <template #title>前端权限控制按钮是否显示</template>
+ <QuestionCircleFilled />
+ </ATooltip>
+ </template>
+ <AInput v-model:value="model.permission" placeholder="请输入权限标识" />
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :lg="24" :xs="24" v-if="model.menuType == 'F' || model.menuType == 'C'">
+ <AFormItem name="component" :label-col="{ style: { width: '120px' } }">
+ <template #label >
+ <span class="marginRight5">api权限</span>
+ <ATooltip>
+ <template #title>配置在这个才做上需要使用到的接口,否则在设置用户角色时,接口将无权访问。</template>
+ <QuestionCircleFilled />
+ </ATooltip>
+ </template>
+ <ATransfer
+ v-model:target-keys="model.apis"
+ :data-source="sysapiList"
+ :rowKey="record => record.id"
+ show-search
+ :titles="['未授权','已授权']"
+ :list-style="{
+ width: '250px',
+ height: '300px',
+ }"
+ :operations="['授权 ','收回' ]"
+ :render="item => `${item.title}`"
+ >
+ <template #notFoundContent>
+ <span>没数据</span>
+ </template>
+ </ATransfer>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <!-- <ACol :span="24">
+ <AFormItem :label-col="{ span: 4 }" :label="$t('page.manage.menu.query')" name="query">
+ <AButton v-if="model.query.length === 0" type="dashed" block @click="addQuery(-1)">
+ <template #icon>
+ <icon-carbon-add class="align-sub text-icon" />
+ </template>
+ <span class="ml-8px">{{ $t('common.add') }}</span>
+ </AButton>
+ <template v-else>
+ <div v-for="(item, index) in model.query" :key="index" class="flex gap-3">
+ <ACol :span="9">
+ <AFormItem :name="['query', index, 'key']">
+ <AInput
+ v-model:value="item.key"
+ :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.queryKey')"
+ class="flex-1"
+ />
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :span="9">
+ <AFormItem :name="['query', index, 'value']">
+ <AInput
+ v-model:value="item.value"
+ :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.queryValue')"
+ class="flex-1"
+ />
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :span="5">
+ <ASpace class="ml-12px">
+ <AButton size="middle" @click="addQuery(index)">
+ <template #icon>
+ <icon-ic:round-plus class="align-sub text-icon" />
+ </template>
+ </AButton>
+ <AButton size="middle" @click="removeQuery(index)">
+ <template #icon>
+ <icon-ic-round-remove class="align-sub text-icon" />
+ </template>
+ </AButton>
+ </ASpace>
+ </ACol>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol> -->
+ <!-- <ACol :span="24">
+ <AFormItem :label-col="{ span: 4 }" :label="$t('page.manage.menu.button')" name="buttons">
+ <AButton v-if="model.buttons.length === 0" type="dashed" block @click="addButton(-1)">
+ <template #icon>
+ <icon-carbon-add class="align-sub text-icon" />
+ </template>
+ <span class="ml-8px">{{ $t('common.add') }}</span>
+ </AButton>
+ <template v-else>
+ <div v-for="(item, index) in model.buttons" :key="index" class="flex gap-3">
+ <ACol :span="9">
+ <AFormItem :name="['buttons', index, 'code']">
+ <AInput
+ v-model:value="item.code"
+ :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.buttonCode')"
+ class="flex-1"
+ ></AInput>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :span="9">
+ <AFormItem :name="['buttons', index, 'desc']">
+ <AInput
+ v-model:value="item.desc"
+ :placeholder="$t('page.manage.menu.form.buttonDesc')"
+ class="flex-1"
+ ></AInput>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol>
+ <ACol :span="5">
+ <ASpace class="ml-12px">
+ <AButton size="middle" @click="addButton(index)">
+ <template #icon>
+ <icon-ic:round-plus class="align-sub text-icon" />
+ </template>
+ </AButton>
+ <AButton size="middle" @click="removeButton(index)">
+ <template #icon>
+ <icon-ic-round-remove class="align-sub text-icon" />
+ </template>
+ </AButton>
+ </ASpace>
+ </ACol>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </AFormItem>
+ </ACol> -->
+ </ARow>
+ </AForm>
+ </SimpleScrollbar>
+ </div>
+ <template #footer>
+ <ASpace justify="end" :size="16">
+ <AButton @click="closeDrawer">{{ $t('common.cancel') }}</AButton>
+ <AButton type="primary" @click="handleSubmit">{{ $t('common.confirm') }}</AButton>
+ </ASpace>
+ </template>
+ </AModal>
+<style scoped>
+ margin-right: 5px;
+::v-deep .ant-transfer-operation .ant-btn{
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;