expected_disabled.yaml 3.1 KB

  1. resourceMetrics:
  2. - resource:
  3. attributes:
  4. - key: riak.node.name
  5. value:
  6. stringValue: riak@
  7. scopeMetrics:
  8. - metrics:
  9. - description: The mean time between request and response for operations performed by the node over the last minute.
  10. gauge:
  11. dataPoints:
  12. - asInt: "4"
  13. attributes:
  14. - key: request
  15. value:
  16. stringValue: get
  17. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  18. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  19. - asInt: "5"
  20. attributes:
  21. - key: request
  22. value:
  23. stringValue: put
  24. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  25. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  26. name: riak.node.operation.time.mean
  27. unit: us
  28. - description: The number of read repairs performed by the node.
  29. name: riak.node.read_repair.count
  30. sum:
  31. aggregationTemporality: 2
  32. dataPoints:
  33. - asInt: "0"
  34. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  35. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  36. isMonotonic: true
  37. unit: '{read_repair}'
  38. - description: The number of index operations performed by vnodes on the node.
  39. name: riak.vnode.index.operation.count
  40. sum:
  41. aggregationTemporality: 2
  42. dataPoints:
  43. - asInt: "9"
  44. attributes:
  45. - key: operation
  46. value:
  47. stringValue: delete
  48. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  49. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  50. - asInt: "10"
  51. attributes:
  52. - key: operation
  53. value:
  54. stringValue: read
  55. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  56. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  57. - asInt: "11"
  58. attributes:
  59. - key: operation
  60. value:
  61. stringValue: write
  62. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  63. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  64. unit: '{operation}'
  65. - description: The number of operations performed by vnodes on the node.
  66. name: riak.vnode.operation.count
  67. sum:
  68. aggregationTemporality: 2
  69. dataPoints:
  70. - asInt: "7"
  71. attributes:
  72. - key: request
  73. value:
  74. stringValue: get
  75. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  76. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  77. - asInt: "8"
  78. attributes:
  79. - key: request
  80. value:
  81. stringValue: put
  82. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  83. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  84. isMonotonic: true
  85. unit: '{operation}'
  86. scope:
  87. name: otelcol/riakreceiver
  88. version: latest