123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734 |
- // Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- package prometheusreceiver
- import (
- "bytes"
- "context"
- "encoding/binary"
- "fmt"
- "log"
- "math"
- "net/http"
- "net/http/httptest"
- "net/url"
- "sync"
- "sync/atomic"
- "testing"
- "time"
- gokitlog "github.com/go-kit/log"
- "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
- promcfg "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/config"
- "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/model/labels"
- "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/model/value"
- dto "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/prompb/io/prometheus/client"
- "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/scrape"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- "go.opentelemetry.io/collector/component/componenttest"
- "go.opentelemetry.io/collector/consumer/consumertest"
- "go.opentelemetry.io/collector/pdata/pcommon"
- "go.opentelemetry.io/collector/pdata/pmetric"
- "go.opentelemetry.io/collector/receiver/receivertest"
- "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
- "github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/receiver/prometheusreceiver/internal"
- )
- type mockPrometheusResponse struct {
- code int
- data string
- useOpenMetrics bool
- useProtoBuf bool // This overrides data and useOpenMetrics above
- buf []byte
- }
- type mockPrometheus struct {
- mu sync.Mutex // mu protects the fields below.
- endpoints map[string][]mockPrometheusResponse
- accessIndex map[string]*atomic.Int32
- wg *sync.WaitGroup
- srv *httptest.Server
- }
- func newMockPrometheus(endpoints map[string][]mockPrometheusResponse) *mockPrometheus {
- accessIndex := make(map[string]*atomic.Int32)
- wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
- wg.Add(len(endpoints))
- for k := range endpoints {
- accessIndex[k] = &atomic.Int32{}
- }
- mp := &mockPrometheus{
- wg: wg,
- accessIndex: accessIndex,
- endpoints: endpoints,
- }
- srv := httptest.NewServer(mp)
- mp.srv = srv
- return mp
- }
- func (mp *mockPrometheus) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
- mp.mu.Lock()
- defer mp.mu.Unlock()
- iptr, ok := mp.accessIndex[req.URL.Path]
- if !ok {
- rw.WriteHeader(404)
- return
- }
- index := int(iptr.Load())
- iptr.Add(1)
- pages := mp.endpoints[req.URL.Path]
- if index >= len(pages) {
- if index == len(pages) {
- mp.wg.Done()
- }
- rw.WriteHeader(404)
- return
- }
- switch {
- case pages[index].useProtoBuf:
- rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/vnd.google.protobuf; proto=io.prometheus.client.MetricFamily; encoding=delimited")
- case pages[index].useOpenMetrics:
- rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/openmetrics-text")
- }
- rw.WriteHeader(pages[index].code)
- if pages[index].useProtoBuf {
- _, _ = rw.Write(pages[index].buf)
- } else {
- _, _ = rw.Write([]byte(pages[index].data))
- }
- }
- func (mp *mockPrometheus) Close() {
- mp.srv.Close()
- }
- // -------------------------
- // EndToEnd Test and related
- // -------------------------
- var (
- expectedScrapeMetricCount = 5
- expectedExtraScrapeMetricCount = 8
- )
- type testData struct {
- name string
- relabeledJob string // Used when relabeling or honor_labels changes the target to something other than 'name'.
- pages []mockPrometheusResponse
- attributes pcommon.Map
- validateScrapes bool
- normalizedName bool
- validateFunc func(t *testing.T, td *testData, result []pmetric.ResourceMetrics)
- }
- // setupMockPrometheus to create a mocked prometheus based on targets, returning the server and a prometheus exporting
- // config
- func setupMockPrometheus(tds ...*testData) (*mockPrometheus, *promcfg.Config, error) {
- jobs := make([]map[string]any, 0, len(tds))
- endpoints := make(map[string][]mockPrometheusResponse)
- metricPaths := make([]string, len(tds))
- for i, t := range tds {
- metricPath := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/metrics", t.name)
- endpoints[metricPath] = t.pages
- metricPaths[i] = metricPath
- }
- mp := newMockPrometheus(endpoints)
- u, _ := url.Parse(mp.srv.URL)
- for i := 0; i < len(tds); i++ {
- job := make(map[string]any)
- job["job_name"] = tds[i].name
- job["metrics_path"] = metricPaths[i]
- job["scrape_interval"] = "1s"
- job["scrape_timeout"] = "500ms"
- job["static_configs"] = []map[string]any{{"targets": []string{u.Host}}}
- jobs = append(jobs, job)
- }
- if len(jobs) != len(tds) {
- log.Fatal("len(jobs) != len(targets), make sure job names are unique")
- }
- configP := make(map[string]any)
- configP["scrape_configs"] = jobs
- cfg, err := yaml.Marshal(&configP)
- if err != nil {
- return mp, nil, err
- }
- // update attributes value (will use for validation)
- l := []labels.Label{{Name: "__scheme__", Value: "http"}}
- for _, t := range tds {
- t.attributes = internal.CreateResource(t.name, u.Host, l).Attributes()
- }
- pCfg, err := promcfg.Load(string(cfg), false, gokitlog.NewNopLogger())
- return mp, pCfg, err
- }
- func waitForScrapeResults(t *testing.T, targets []*testData, cms *consumertest.MetricsSink) {
- assert.Eventually(t, func() bool {
- // This is the receiver's pov as to what should have been collected from the server
- metrics := cms.AllMetrics()
- pResults := splitMetricsByTarget(metrics)
- for _, target := range targets {
- want := 0
- name := target.name
- if target.relabeledJob != "" {
- name = target.relabeledJob
- }
- scrapes := pResults[name]
- // count the number of pages we expect for a target endpoint
- for _, p := range target.pages {
- if p.code != 404 {
- // only count target pages that are not 404, matching mock ServerHTTP func response logic
- want++
- }
- }
- if len(scrapes) < want {
- // If we don't have enough scrapes yet lets return false and wait for another tick
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- }, 30*time.Second, 500*time.Millisecond)
- }
- func verifyNumValidScrapeResults(t *testing.T, td *testData, resourceMetrics []pmetric.ResourceMetrics) {
- want := 0
- for _, p := range td.pages {
- if p.code == 200 {
- want++
- }
- }
- require.LessOrEqual(t, want, len(resourceMetrics), "want at least %d valid scrapes, but got %d", want, len(resourceMetrics))
- }
- func verifyNumTotalScrapeResults(t *testing.T, td *testData, resourceMetrics []pmetric.ResourceMetrics) {
- want := 0
- for _, p := range td.pages {
- if p.code == 200 || p.code == 500 {
- want++
- }
- }
- require.LessOrEqual(t, want, len(resourceMetrics), "want at least %d total scrapes, but got %d", want, len(resourceMetrics))
- }
- func getMetrics(rm pmetric.ResourceMetrics) []pmetric.Metric {
- var metrics []pmetric.Metric
- ilms := rm.ScopeMetrics()
- for j := 0; j < ilms.Len(); j++ {
- metricSlice := ilms.At(j).Metrics()
- for i := 0; i < metricSlice.Len(); i++ {
- metrics = append(metrics, metricSlice.At(i))
- }
- }
- return metrics
- }
- func metricsCount(resourceMetric pmetric.ResourceMetrics) int {
- metricsCount := 0
- ilms := resourceMetric.ScopeMetrics()
- for j := 0; j < ilms.Len(); j++ {
- ilm := ilms.At(j)
- metricsCount += ilm.Metrics().Len()
- }
- return metricsCount
- }
- func getValidScrapes(t *testing.T, rms []pmetric.ResourceMetrics, normalizedNames bool) []pmetric.ResourceMetrics {
- var out []pmetric.ResourceMetrics
- // rms will include failed scrapes and scrapes that received no metrics but have internal scrape metrics, filter those out
- for i := 0; i < len(rms); i++ {
- allMetrics := getMetrics(rms[i])
- if expectedScrapeMetricCount < len(allMetrics) && countScrapeMetrics(allMetrics, normalizedNames) == expectedScrapeMetricCount ||
- expectedExtraScrapeMetricCount < len(allMetrics) && countScrapeMetrics(allMetrics, normalizedNames) == expectedExtraScrapeMetricCount {
- if isFirstFailedScrape(allMetrics, normalizedNames) {
- continue
- }
- assertUp(t, 1, allMetrics)
- out = append(out, rms[i])
- } else {
- assertUp(t, 0, allMetrics)
- }
- }
- return out
- }
- func isFirstFailedScrape(metrics []pmetric.Metric, normalizedNames bool) bool {
- for _, m := range metrics {
- if m.Name() == "up" {
- if m.Gauge().DataPoints().At(0).DoubleValue() == 1 { // assumed up will not have multiple datapoints
- return false
- }
- }
- }
- for _, m := range metrics {
- if isDefaultMetrics(m, normalizedNames) || isExtraScrapeMetrics(m) {
- continue
- }
- switch m.Type() {
- case pmetric.MetricTypeGauge:
- for i := 0; i < m.Gauge().DataPoints().Len(); i++ {
- if !m.Gauge().DataPoints().At(i).Flags().NoRecordedValue() {
- return false
- }
- }
- case pmetric.MetricTypeSum:
- for i := 0; i < m.Sum().DataPoints().Len(); i++ {
- if !m.Sum().DataPoints().At(i).Flags().NoRecordedValue() {
- return false
- }
- }
- case pmetric.MetricTypeHistogram:
- for i := 0; i < m.Histogram().DataPoints().Len(); i++ {
- if !m.Histogram().DataPoints().At(i).Flags().NoRecordedValue() {
- return false
- }
- }
- case pmetric.MetricTypeSummary:
- for i := 0; i < m.Summary().DataPoints().Len(); i++ {
- if !m.Summary().DataPoints().At(i).Flags().NoRecordedValue() {
- return false
- }
- }
- case pmetric.MetricTypeEmpty, pmetric.MetricTypeExponentialHistogram:
- }
- }
- return true
- }
- func assertUp(t *testing.T, expected float64, metrics []pmetric.Metric) {
- for _, m := range metrics {
- if m.Name() == "up" {
- assert.Equal(t, expected, m.Gauge().DataPoints().At(0).DoubleValue()) // (assumed up will not have multiple datapoints)
- return
- }
- }
- t.Error("No 'up' metric found")
- }
- func countScrapeMetricsRM(got pmetric.ResourceMetrics, normalizedNames bool) int {
- n := 0
- ilms := got.ScopeMetrics()
- for j := 0; j < ilms.Len(); j++ {
- ilm := ilms.At(j)
- for i := 0; i < ilm.Metrics().Len(); i++ {
- if isDefaultMetrics(ilm.Metrics().At(i), normalizedNames) {
- n++
- }
- }
- }
- return n
- }
- func countScrapeMetrics(metrics []pmetric.Metric, normalizedNames bool) int {
- n := 0
- for _, m := range metrics {
- if isDefaultMetrics(m, normalizedNames) || isExtraScrapeMetrics(m) {
- n++
- }
- }
- return n
- }
- func isDefaultMetrics(m pmetric.Metric, normalizedNames bool) bool {
- switch m.Name() {
- case "up", "scrape_samples_scraped", "scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling", "scrape_series_added":
- return true
- // if normalizedNames is true, we expect unit `_seconds` to be trimmed.
- case "scrape_duration_seconds":
- return !normalizedNames
- case "scrape_duration":
- return normalizedNames
- default:
- }
- return false
- }
- func isExtraScrapeMetrics(m pmetric.Metric) bool {
- switch m.Name() {
- case "scrape_body_size_bytes", "scrape_sample_limit", "scrape_timeout_seconds":
- return true
- default:
- return false
- }
- }
- type metricTypeComparator func(*testing.T, pmetric.Metric)
- type numberPointComparator func(*testing.T, pmetric.NumberDataPoint)
- type histogramPointComparator func(*testing.T, pmetric.HistogramDataPoint)
- type summaryPointComparator func(*testing.T, pmetric.SummaryDataPoint)
- type dataPointExpectation struct {
- numberPointComparator []numberPointComparator
- histogramPointComparator []histogramPointComparator
- summaryPointComparator []summaryPointComparator
- }
- type testExpectation func(*testing.T, pmetric.ResourceMetrics)
- func doCompare(t *testing.T, name string, want pcommon.Map, got pmetric.ResourceMetrics, expectations []testExpectation) {
- doCompareNormalized(t, name, want, got, expectations, false)
- }
- func doCompareNormalized(t *testing.T, name string, want pcommon.Map, got pmetric.ResourceMetrics, expectations []testExpectation, normalizedNames bool) {
- t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
- assert.Equal(t, expectedScrapeMetricCount, countScrapeMetricsRM(got, normalizedNames))
- assert.Equal(t, want.Len(), got.Resource().Attributes().Len())
- for k, v := range want.AsRaw() {
- val, ok := got.Resource().Attributes().Get(k)
- assert.True(t, ok, "%q attribute is missing", k)
- if ok {
- assert.EqualValues(t, v, val.AsString())
- }
- }
- for _, e := range expectations {
- e(t, got)
- }
- })
- }
- func assertMetricPresent(name string, metricTypeExpectations metricTypeComparator, metricUnitExpectations metricTypeComparator, dataPointExpectations []dataPointExpectation) testExpectation {
- return func(t *testing.T, rm pmetric.ResourceMetrics) {
- allMetrics := getMetrics(rm)
- var present bool
- for _, m := range allMetrics {
- if name != m.Name() {
- continue
- }
- present = true
- metricTypeExpectations(t, m)
- metricUnitExpectations(t, m)
- for i, de := range dataPointExpectations {
- switch m.Type() {
- case pmetric.MetricTypeGauge:
- for _, npc := range de.numberPointComparator {
- require.Equal(t, m.Gauge().DataPoints().Len(), len(dataPointExpectations), "Expected number of data-points in Gauge metric '%s' does not match to testdata", name)
- npc(t, m.Gauge().DataPoints().At(i))
- }
- case pmetric.MetricTypeSum:
- for _, npc := range de.numberPointComparator {
- require.Equal(t, m.Sum().DataPoints().Len(), len(dataPointExpectations), "Expected number of data-points in Sum metric '%s' does not match to testdata", name)
- npc(t, m.Sum().DataPoints().At(i))
- }
- case pmetric.MetricTypeHistogram:
- for _, hpc := range de.histogramPointComparator {
- require.Equal(t, m.Histogram().DataPoints().Len(), len(dataPointExpectations), "Expected number of data-points in Histogram metric '%s' does not match to testdata", name)
- hpc(t, m.Histogram().DataPoints().At(i))
- }
- case pmetric.MetricTypeSummary:
- for _, spc := range de.summaryPointComparator {
- require.Equal(t, m.Summary().DataPoints().Len(), len(dataPointExpectations), "Expected number of data-points in Summary metric '%s' does not match to testdata", name)
- spc(t, m.Summary().DataPoints().At(i))
- }
- case pmetric.MetricTypeEmpty, pmetric.MetricTypeExponentialHistogram:
- }
- }
- }
- require.True(t, present, "expected metric '%s' is not present", name)
- }
- }
- func assertMetricAbsent(name string) testExpectation {
- return func(t *testing.T, rm pmetric.ResourceMetrics) {
- allMetrics := getMetrics(rm)
- for _, m := range allMetrics {
- assert.NotEqual(t, name, m.Name(), "Metric is present, but was expected absent")
- }
- }
- }
- func compareMetricType(typ pmetric.MetricType) metricTypeComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, metric pmetric.Metric) {
- assert.Equal(t, typ.String(), metric.Type().String(), "Metric type does not match")
- }
- }
- func compareMetricUnit(unit string) metricTypeComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, metric pmetric.Metric) {
- assert.Equal(t, unit, metric.Unit(), "Metric unit does not match")
- }
- }
- func compareMetricIsMonotonic(isMonotonic bool) metricTypeComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, metric pmetric.Metric) {
- assert.Equal(t, pmetric.MetricTypeSum.String(), metric.Type().String(), "IsMonotonic only exists for sums")
- assert.Equal(t, isMonotonic, metric.Sum().IsMonotonic(), "IsMonotonic does not match")
- }
- }
- func compareAttributes(attributes map[string]string) numberPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, numberDataPoint pmetric.NumberDataPoint) {
- req := assert.Equal(t, len(attributes), numberDataPoint.Attributes().Len(), "Attributes length do not match")
- if req {
- for k, v := range attributes {
- val, ok := numberDataPoint.Attributes().Get(k)
- require.True(t, ok)
- assert.Equal(t, v, val.AsString(), "Attributes do not match")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- func compareSummaryAttributes(attributes map[string]string) summaryPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, summaryDataPoint pmetric.SummaryDataPoint) {
- req := assert.Equal(t, len(attributes), summaryDataPoint.Attributes().Len(), "Summary attributes length do not match")
- if req {
- for k, v := range attributes {
- val, ok := summaryDataPoint.Attributes().Get(k)
- require.True(t, ok)
- assert.Equal(t, v, val.AsString(), "Summary attributes value do not match")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- func assertAttributesAbsent() numberPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, numberDataPoint pmetric.NumberDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, 0, numberDataPoint.Attributes().Len(), "Attributes length should be 0")
- }
- }
- func compareHistogramAttributes(attributes map[string]string) histogramPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, histogramDataPoint pmetric.HistogramDataPoint) {
- req := assert.Equal(t, len(attributes), histogramDataPoint.Attributes().Len(), "Histogram attributes length do not match")
- if req {
- for k, v := range attributes {
- val, ok := histogramDataPoint.Attributes().Get(k)
- require.True(t, ok)
- assert.Equal(t, v, val.AsString(), "Histogram attributes value do not match")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- func assertNumberPointFlagNoRecordedValue() numberPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, numberDataPoint pmetric.NumberDataPoint) {
- assert.True(t, numberDataPoint.Flags().NoRecordedValue(),
- "Datapoint flag for staleness marker not found as expected")
- }
- }
- func assertHistogramPointFlagNoRecordedValue() histogramPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, histogramDataPoint pmetric.HistogramDataPoint) {
- assert.True(t, histogramDataPoint.Flags().NoRecordedValue(),
- "Datapoint flag for staleness marker not found as expected")
- }
- }
- func assertSummaryPointFlagNoRecordedValue() summaryPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, summaryDataPoint pmetric.SummaryDataPoint) {
- assert.True(t, summaryDataPoint.Flags().NoRecordedValue(),
- "Datapoint flag for staleness marker not found as expected")
- }
- }
- func compareStartTimestamp(startTimeStamp pcommon.Timestamp) numberPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, numberDataPoint pmetric.NumberDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, startTimeStamp.String(), numberDataPoint.StartTimestamp().String(), "Start-Timestamp does not match")
- }
- }
- func compareTimestamp(timeStamp pcommon.Timestamp) numberPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, numberDataPoint pmetric.NumberDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, timeStamp.String(), numberDataPoint.Timestamp().String(), "Timestamp does not match")
- }
- }
- func compareHistogramTimestamp(timeStamp pcommon.Timestamp) histogramPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, histogramDataPoint pmetric.HistogramDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, timeStamp.String(), histogramDataPoint.Timestamp().String(), "Histogram Timestamp does not match")
- }
- }
- func compareHistogramStartTimestamp(timeStamp pcommon.Timestamp) histogramPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, histogramDataPoint pmetric.HistogramDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, timeStamp.String(), histogramDataPoint.StartTimestamp().String(), "Histogram Start-Timestamp does not match")
- }
- }
- func compareSummaryTimestamp(timeStamp pcommon.Timestamp) summaryPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, summaryDataPoint pmetric.SummaryDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, timeStamp.String(), summaryDataPoint.Timestamp().String(), "Summary Timestamp does not match")
- }
- }
- func compareSummaryStartTimestamp(timeStamp pcommon.Timestamp) summaryPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, summaryDataPoint pmetric.SummaryDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, timeStamp.String(), summaryDataPoint.StartTimestamp().String(), "Summary Start-Timestamp does not match")
- }
- }
- func compareDoubleValue(doubleVal float64) numberPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, numberDataPoint pmetric.NumberDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, doubleVal, numberDataPoint.DoubleValue(), "Metric double value does not match")
- }
- }
- func assertNormalNan() numberPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, numberDataPoint pmetric.NumberDataPoint) {
- assert.True(t, math.Float64bits(numberDataPoint.DoubleValue()) == value.NormalNaN,
- "Metric double value is not normalNaN as expected")
- }
- }
- func compareHistogram(count uint64, sum float64, upperBounds []float64, buckets []uint64) histogramPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, histogramDataPoint pmetric.HistogramDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, count, histogramDataPoint.Count(), "Histogram count value does not match")
- assert.Equal(t, sum, histogramDataPoint.Sum(), "Histogram sum value does not match")
- assert.Equal(t, upperBounds, histogramDataPoint.ExplicitBounds().AsRaw(), "Histogram upper bounds values do not match")
- assert.Equal(t, buckets, histogramDataPoint.BucketCounts().AsRaw(), "Histogram bucket count values do not match")
- }
- }
- func compareSummary(count uint64, sum float64, quantiles [][]float64) summaryPointComparator {
- return func(t *testing.T, summaryDataPoint pmetric.SummaryDataPoint) {
- assert.Equal(t, count, summaryDataPoint.Count(), "Summary count value does not match")
- assert.Equal(t, sum, summaryDataPoint.Sum(), "Summary sum value does not match")
- req := assert.Equal(t, len(quantiles), summaryDataPoint.QuantileValues().Len())
- if req {
- for i := 0; i < summaryDataPoint.QuantileValues().Len(); i++ {
- assert.Equal(t, quantiles[i][0], summaryDataPoint.QuantileValues().At(i).Quantile(),
- "Summary quantile do not match")
- if math.IsNaN(quantiles[i][1]) {
- assert.True(t, math.Float64bits(summaryDataPoint.QuantileValues().At(i).Value()) == value.NormalNaN,
- "Summary quantile value is not normalNaN as expected")
- } else {
- assert.Equal(t, quantiles[i][1], summaryDataPoint.QuantileValues().At(i).Value(),
- "Summary quantile values do not match")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // starts prometheus receiver with custom config, retrieves metrics from MetricsSink
- func testComponent(t *testing.T, targets []*testData, alterConfig func(*Config), cfgMuts ...func(*promcfg.Config)) {
- ctx := context.Background()
- mp, cfg, err := setupMockPrometheus(targets...)
- for _, cfgMut := range cfgMuts {
- cfgMut(cfg)
- }
- require.Nilf(t, err, "Failed to create Prometheus config: %v", err)
- defer mp.Close()
- config := &Config{
- PrometheusConfig: cfg,
- StartTimeMetricRegex: "",
- }
- if alterConfig != nil {
- alterConfig(config)
- }
- cms := new(consumertest.MetricsSink)
- receiver := newPrometheusReceiver(receivertest.NewNopCreateSettings(), config, cms)
- require.NoError(t, receiver.Start(ctx, componenttest.NewNopHost()))
- // verify state after shutdown is called
- t.Cleanup(func() {
- // verify state after shutdown is called
- assert.Lenf(t, flattenTargets(receiver.scrapeManager.TargetsAll()), len(targets), "expected %v targets to be running", len(targets))
- require.NoError(t, receiver.Shutdown(context.Background()))
- assert.Len(t, flattenTargets(receiver.scrapeManager.TargetsAll()), 0, "expected scrape manager to have no targets")
- })
- // waitgroup Wait() is strictly from a server POV indicating the sufficient number and type of requests have been seen
- mp.wg.Wait()
- // Note:waitForScrapeResult is an attempt to address a possible race between waitgroup Done() being called in the ServerHTTP function
- // and when the receiver actually processes the http request responses into metrics.
- // this is a eventually timeout,tick that just waits for some condition.
- // however the condition to wait for may be suboptimal and may need to be adjusted.
- waitForScrapeResults(t, targets, cms)
- // This begins the processing of the scrapes collected by the receiver
- metrics := cms.AllMetrics()
- // split and store results by target name
- pResults := splitMetricsByTarget(metrics)
- lres, lep := len(pResults), len(mp.endpoints)
- // There may be an additional scrape entry between when the mock server provided
- // all responses and when we capture the metrics. It will be ignored later.
- assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, lep, lres, "want at least %d targets, but got %v\n", lep, lres)
- // loop to validate outputs for each targets
- // Stop once we have evaluated all expected results, any others are superfluous.
- for _, target := range targets[:lep] {
- t.Run(target.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- name := target.name
- if target.relabeledJob != "" {
- name = target.relabeledJob
- }
- scrapes := pResults[name]
- if !target.validateScrapes {
- scrapes = getValidScrapes(t, pResults[name], target.normalizedName)
- }
- target.validateFunc(t, target, scrapes)
- })
- }
- }
- // flattenTargets takes a map of jobs to target and flattens to a list of targets
- func flattenTargets(targets map[string][]*scrape.Target) []*scrape.Target {
- var flatTargets []*scrape.Target
- for _, target := range targets {
- flatTargets = append(flatTargets, target...)
- }
- return flatTargets
- }
- func splitMetricsByTarget(metrics []pmetric.Metrics) map[string][]pmetric.ResourceMetrics {
- pResults := make(map[string][]pmetric.ResourceMetrics)
- for _, md := range metrics {
- rms := md.ResourceMetrics()
- for i := 0; i < rms.Len(); i++ {
- name, _ := rms.At(i).Resource().Attributes().Get("service.name")
- pResults[name.AsString()] = append(pResults[name.AsString()], rms.At(i))
- }
- }
- return pResults
- }
- func getTS(ms pmetric.MetricSlice) pcommon.Timestamp {
- if ms.Len() == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- m := ms.At(0)
- switch m.Type() {
- case pmetric.MetricTypeGauge:
- return m.Gauge().DataPoints().At(0).Timestamp()
- case pmetric.MetricTypeSum:
- return m.Sum().DataPoints().At(0).Timestamp()
- case pmetric.MetricTypeHistogram:
- return m.Histogram().DataPoints().At(0).Timestamp()
- case pmetric.MetricTypeSummary:
- return m.Summary().DataPoints().At(0).Timestamp()
- case pmetric.MetricTypeExponentialHistogram:
- return m.ExponentialHistogram().DataPoints().At(0).Timestamp()
- case pmetric.MetricTypeEmpty:
- }
- return 0
- }
- func prometheusMetricFamilyToProtoBuf(t *testing.T, buffer *bytes.Buffer, metricFamily *dto.MetricFamily) *bytes.Buffer {
- if buffer == nil {
- buffer = &bytes.Buffer{}
- }
- data, err := proto.Marshal(metricFamily)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- varintBuf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen32)
- varintLength := binary.PutUvarint(varintBuf, uint64(len(data)))
- _, err = buffer.Write(varintBuf[:varintLength])
- require.NoError(t, err)
- _, err = buffer.Write(data)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- return buffer
- }