metadata.yaml 9.3 KB

  1. type: aerospike
  2. status:
  3. class: receiver
  4. stability:
  5. alpha: [metrics]
  6. distributions: [contrib, observiq, sumo]
  7. codeowners:
  8. active: [djaglowski, antonblock]
  9. resource_attributes:
  11. description: Name of the Aerospike node collected from
  12. enabled: true
  13. type: string
  14. aerospike.namespace:
  15. description: Name of the Aerospike namespace
  16. enabled: true
  17. type: string
  18. attributes:
  19. namespace_component:
  20. name_override: component
  21. description: Individual component of a namespace
  22. type: string
  23. enum:
  24. - data
  25. - index
  26. - set_index
  27. - secondary_index
  28. scan_type:
  29. name_override: type
  30. description: Type of scan operation performed on a namespace
  31. type: string
  32. enum:
  33. - aggregation
  34. - basic
  35. - ops_background
  36. - udf_background
  37. scan_result:
  38. name_override: result
  39. description: Result of a scan operation performed on a namespace
  40. type: string
  41. enum:
  42. - abort
  43. - complete
  44. - error
  45. index_type:
  46. name_override: index
  47. description: Type of index the operation was performed on
  48. type: string
  49. enum:
  50. - primary
  51. - secondary
  52. query_type:
  53. name_override: type
  54. description: Type of query operation performed on a namespace
  55. type: string
  56. enum:
  57. - aggregation
  58. - basic
  59. - short
  60. - long_basic
  61. - short_basic
  62. - ops_background
  63. - udf_background
  64. query_result:
  65. name_override: result
  66. description: Result of a query operation performed on a namespace
  67. type: string
  68. enum:
  69. - abort
  70. - complete
  71. - error
  72. - timeout # short_basic queries only
  73. transaction_type:
  74. name_override: type
  75. description: Type of transaction performed on a namespace
  76. type: string
  77. enum:
  78. - delete
  79. - read
  80. - udf
  81. - write
  82. transaction_result:
  83. name_override: result
  84. description: Result of a transaction performed on a namespace
  85. type: string
  86. enum:
  87. - error
  88. - filtered_out
  89. - not_found
  90. - success
  91. - timeout
  92. connection_type:
  93. name_override: type
  94. description: Type of connection to an Aerospike node
  95. type: string
  96. enum:
  97. - client
  98. - fabric
  99. - heartbeat
  100. connection_op:
  101. name_override: operation
  102. description: Operation performed with a connection (open or close)
  103. type: string
  104. enum:
  105. - close
  106. - open
  107. metrics:
  109. enabled: true
  110. description: Percentage of the node's memory which is still free
  111. extended_documentation: Aerospike Metric system_free_mem_pct
  112. unit: '%'
  113. gauge:
  114. value_type: int
  115. input_type: string
  116. aerospike.node.connection.count:
  117. enabled: true
  118. description: Number of connections opened and closed to the node
  119. extended_documentation: Aggregate of Aerospike Metrics client_connections_closed, client_connections_opened, fabric_connections_closed, fabric_connections_opened, heartbeat_connections_closed, heartbeat_connections_opened
  120. unit: '{connections}'
  121. attributes: [connection_type, connection_op]
  122. sum:
  123. value_type: int
  124. input_type: string
  125. monotonic: true
  126. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  128. enabled: true
  129. description: Current number of open connections to the node
  130. extended_documentation: Aggregate of Aerospike Metrics client_connections, fabric_connections, heartbeat_connections
  131. unit: '{connections}'
  132. attributes: [connection_type]
  133. sum:
  134. value_type: int
  135. input_type: string
  136. monotonic: false
  137. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  138. aerospike.node.query.tracked:
  139. enabled: true
  140. description: Number of queries tracked by the system.
  141. extended_documentation: Number of queries which ran more than query untracked_time (default 1 sec), Aerospike metric query_tracked
  142. unit: '{queries}'
  143. sum:
  144. value_type: int
  145. input_type: string
  146. monotonic: true
  147. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  148. aerospike.namespace.memory.usage:
  149. enabled: true
  150. description: Memory currently used by each component of the namespace
  151. extended_documentation: Aggregate of Aerospike Metrics memory_used_data_bytes, memory_used_index_bytes, memory_used_set_index_bytes, memory_used_sindex_bytes
  152. unit: By
  153. attributes: [namespace_component]
  154. sum:
  155. value_type: int
  156. input_type: string
  157. monotonic: false
  158. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  160. enabled: true
  161. description: Percentage of the namespace's memory which is still free
  162. extended_documentation: Aerospike metric memory_free_pct
  163. unit: '%'
  164. gauge:
  165. value_type: int
  166. input_type: string
  167. aerospike.namespace.disk.available:
  168. enabled: true
  169. description: Minimum percentage of contiguous disk space free to the namespace across all devices
  170. unit: '%'
  171. gauge:
  172. value_type: int
  173. input_type: string
  174. aerospike.namespace.scan.count:
  175. enabled: true
  176. description: Number of scan operations performed on the namespace
  177. unit: '{scans}'
  178. extended_documentation: Aggregate of Aerospike Metrics scan_aggr_abort, scan_aggr_complete, scan_aggr_error, scan_basic_abort, scan_basic_complete, scan_basic_error, scan_ops_bg_abort, scan_ops_bg_complete, scan_ops_bg_error, scan_udf_bg_abort, scan_udf_bg_complete, scan_udf_bg_error
  179. attributes: [scan_type, scan_result]
  180. sum:
  181. value_type: int
  182. input_type: string
  183. monotonic: true
  184. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  185. aerospike.namespace.query.count:
  186. enabled: true
  187. description: Number of query operations performed on the namespace
  188. unit: '{queries}'
  189. extended_documentation: Aggregate of Aerospike Metrics query_aggr_abort, query_aggr_complete, query_aggr_error, query_basic_abort, query_basic_complete, query_basic_error, query_ops_bg_abort, query_ops_bg_complete, query_ops_bg_error, query_udf_bg_abort, query_udf_bg_complete, query_udf_bg_error, pi_query_aggr_abort, pi_query_aggr_complete, pi_query_aggr_error, pi_query_long_basic_abort, pi_query_long_basic_complete, pi_query_long_basic_error, pi_query_ops_bg_abort, pi_query_ops_bg_basic_complete, pi_query_ops_bg_basic_error, pi_query_short_basic_timeout, pi_query_short_basic_complete, pi_query_short_basic_error, pi_query_udf_bg_abort, pi_query_udf_bg_complete, pi_query_udf_bg_error, si_query_aggr_abort, si_query_aggr_complete, si_query_aggr_error, si_query_long_basic_abort, si_query_long_basic_complete, si_query_long_basic_error, si_query_ops_bg_abort, si_query_ops_bg_basic_complete, si_query_ops_bg_basic_error, si_query_short_basic_timeout, si_query_short_basic_complete, si_query_short_basic_error, si_query_udf_bg_abort, si_query_udf_bg_complete, si_query_udf_bg_error
  190. attributes: [query_type, index_type, query_result]
  191. sum:
  192. value_type: int
  193. input_type: string
  194. monotonic: true
  195. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  196. aerospike.namespace.geojson.region_query_cells:
  197. enabled: true
  198. description: Number of cell coverings for query region queried
  199. unit: '{cells}'
  200. extended_documentation: Number of cell coverings for query region queried. Aerospike metric geo_region_query_cells.
  201. sum:
  202. value_type: int
  203. input_type: string
  204. monotonic: true
  205. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  206. aerospike.namespace.geojson.region_query_false_positive:
  207. enabled: true
  208. description: Number of points outside the region.
  209. unit: '{points}'
  210. extended_documentation: Total query result points is geo_region_query_points + geo_region_query_falsepos. Aerospike metric geo_regio_query_falspos.
  211. sum:
  212. value_type: int
  213. input_type: string
  214. monotonic: true
  215. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  216. aerospike.namespace.geojson.region_query_points:
  217. enabled: true
  218. description: Number of points within the region.
  219. unit: '{points}'
  220. extended_documentation: Total query result points is geo_region_query_points + geo_region_query_falsepos. Aerospike metric geo_region_query_points.
  221. sum:
  222. value_type: int
  223. input_type: string
  224. monotonic: true
  225. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  226. aerospike.namespace.geojson.region_query_requests:
  227. enabled: true
  228. description: Number of geojson queries on the system since the uptime of the node.
  229. unit: '{queries}'
  230. extended_documentation: Number of geojson queries on the system since the uptime of the node. Aerospike metric geo_region_query_reqs.
  231. sum:
  232. value_type: int
  233. input_type: string
  234. monotonic: true
  235. aggregation_temporality: cumulative
  236. aerospike.namespace.transaction.count:
  237. enabled: true
  238. description: Number of transactions performed on the namespace
  239. unit: '{transactions}'
  240. extended_documentation: Aggregate of Aerospike Metrics client_delete_error, client_delete_filtered_out, client_delete_not_found, client_delete_success, client_delete_timeout, client_read_error, client_read_filtered_out, client_read_not_found, client_read_success, client_read_timeout, client_udf_error, client_udf_filtered_out, client_udf_not_found, client_udf_success, client_udf_timeout, client_write_error, client_write_filtered_out, client_write_not_found, client_write_success, client_write_timeout
  241. attributes: [transaction_type, transaction_result]
  242. sum:
  243. value_type: int
  244. input_type: string
  245. monotonic: true
  246. aggregation_temporality: cumulative