auto_assign.yml 777 B

  1. # Set to true to add reviewers to pull requests
  2. addReviewers: false
  3. # Set to true to add assignees to pull requests
  4. addAssignees: true
  5. # Set to true to add assignees from different groups to pull requests
  6. useAssigneeGroups: true
  7. # A list of assignees, split into different groups, to be added to pull requests (GitHub user name)
  8. assigneeGroups:
  9. approvers_maintainers:
  10. # Approvers
  11. - Aneurysm9
  12. - astencel-sumo
  13. - atoulme
  14. - dashpole
  15. - songy23
  16. - fatsheep9146
  17. # Maintainers
  18. - bogdandrutu
  19. - codeboten
  20. - djaglowski
  21. - dmitryax
  22. - evan-bradley
  23. - jpkrohling
  24. - MovieStoreGuy
  25. - mx-psi
  26. - TylerHelmuth
  27. # A number of assignees added to the pull request
  28. # Set 0 to add all the assignees (default: 0)
  29. numberOfAssignees: 1