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- # Set to true to add reviewers to pull requests
- addReviewers: false
- # Set to true to add assignees to pull requests
- addAssignees: true
- # Set to true to add assignees from different groups to pull requests
- useAssigneeGroups: true
- # A list of assignees, split into different groups, to be added to pull requests (GitHub user name)
- assigneeGroups:
- approvers_maintainers:
- # Approvers
- - Aneurysm9
- - astencel-sumo
- - atoulme
- - dashpole
- - songy23
- - fatsheep9146
- # Maintainers
- - bogdandrutu
- - codeboten
- - djaglowski
- - dmitryax
- - evan-bradley
- - jpkrohling
- - MovieStoreGuy
- - mx-psi
- - TylerHelmuth
- # A number of assignees added to the pull request
- # Set 0 to add all the assignees (default: 0)
- numberOfAssignees: 1