invalid_endpoint.yaml 777 B

  1. resourceMetrics:
  2. - resource: {}
  3. scopeMetrics:
  4. - metrics:
  5. - description: Measures the duration of SSH connection.
  6. gauge:
  7. dataPoints:
  8. - asInt: "33"
  9. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  10. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  11. name: sshcheck.duration
  12. unit: ms
  13. - description: 1 if the SSH client successfully connected, otherwise 0.
  14. name: sshcheck.status
  15. sum:
  16. aggregationTemporality: 2
  17. dataPoints:
  18. - asInt: "1"
  19. startTimeUnixNano: "1000000"
  20. timeUnixNano: "2000000"
  21. unit: "1"
  22. scope:
  23. name: otelcol/sshcheckreceiver
  24. version: latest