# Kafka Metrics Receiver | Status | | | ------------- |-----------| | Stability | [beta]: metrics | | Distributions | [contrib], [splunk], [sumo] | | Issues | [![Open issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-search/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib?query=is%3Aissue%20is%3Aopen%20label%3Areceiver%2Fkafkametrics%20&label=open&color=orange&logo=opentelemetry)](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Areceiver%2Fkafkametrics) [![Closed issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-search/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib?query=is%3Aissue%20is%3Aclosed%20label%3Areceiver%2Fkafkametrics%20&label=closed&color=blue&logo=opentelemetry)](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/issues?q=is%3Aclosed+is%3Aissue+label%3Areceiver%2Fkafkametrics) | | [Code Owners](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#becoming-a-code-owner) | [@dmitryax](https://www.github.com/dmitryax) | [beta]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector#beta [contrib]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-releases/tree/main/distributions/otelcol-contrib [splunk]: https://github.com/signalfx/splunk-otel-collector [sumo]: https://github.com/SumoLogic/sumologic-otel-collector Kafka metrics receiver collects kafka metrics (brokers, topics, partitions, consumer groups) from kafka server, converting into otlp. ## Getting Started Required settings (no defaults): - `protocol_version`: Kafka protocol version - `scrapers`: any combination of the following scrapers can be enabled. - `topics` - `consumers` - `brokers` Metrics collected by the associated scraper are listed [here](metadata.yaml) Optional Settings (with defaults): - `brokers` (default = localhost:9092): the list of brokers to read from. - `resolve_canonical_bootstrap_servers_only` (default = false): whether to resolve then reverse-lookup broker IPs during startup. - `topic_match` (default = ^[^_].*$): regex pattern of topics to filter on metrics collection. The default filter excludes internal topics (starting with `_`). - `group_match` (default = .*): regex pattern of consumer groups to filter on for metrics. - `client_id` (default = otel-metrics-receiver): consumer client id - `collection_interval` (default = 1m): frequency of metric collection/scraping. - `initial_delay` (default = `1s`): defines how long this receiver waits before starting. - `auth` (default none) - `plain_text` - `username`: The username to use. - `password`: The password to use - `tls` - `ca_file`: path to the CA cert. For a client this verifies the server certificate. Should only be used if `insecure` is set to true. - `cert_file`: path to the TLS cert to use for TLS required connections. Should only be used if `insecure` is set to true. - `key_file`: path to the TLS key to use for TLS required connections. Should only be used if `insecure` is set to true. - `insecure` (default = false): Disable verifying the server's certificate chain and host name (`InsecureSkipVerify` in the tls config) - `server_name_override`: ServerName indicates the name of the server requested by the client in order to support virtual hosting. - `kerberos` - `service_name`: Kerberos service name - `realm`: Kerberos realm - `use_keytab`: Use of keytab instead of password, if this is true, keytab file will be used instead of password - `username`: The Kerberos username used for authenticate with KDC - `password`: The Kerberos password used for authenticate with KDC - `config_file`: Path to Kerberos configuration. i.e /etc/krb5.conf - `keytab_file`: Path to keytab file. i.e /etc/security/kafka.keytab ## Examples: 1) Basic configuration with all scrapers: ```yaml receivers: kafkametrics: protocol_version: 2.0.0 scrapers: - brokers - topics - consumers ``` 2) Configuration with more optional settings: For this example: - collection interval is 5 secs. ```yaml receivers: kafkametrics: brokers: protocol_version: 2.0.0 scrapers: - brokers - topics - consumers auth: tls: ca_file: ca.pem cert_file: cert.pem key_file: key.pem collection_interval: 5s ```