123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- set -xeuo pipefail
- CONFFILE="stretch-overlap.yaml"
- NAMESPACE="stretch-overlap"
- OUTFILE="overlap-test.log"
- kubectl create namespace "$NAMESPACE"
- sed \
- -e "s|namespace:.*|namespace: $NAMESPACE|" \
- -e 's|publicNetwork:.*|publicNetwork: "default/public-net"|' \
- -e 's|clusterNetwork:.*|clusterNetwork: "default/cluster-net"|' \
- tests/scripts/multus/stretch.yaml >"$CONFFILE"
- cat "$CONFFILE"
- # Nodes do not yet have taints, which means worker and storage node type pods should overlap
- # this is an important error condition to check because it ensures the test is valid
- if ./rook --log-level DEBUG multus validation run --config "$CONFFILE" 2>&1 | tee "$OUTFILE"; then
- echo "Test was supposed to fail"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Check that node overlap error is present
- grep 'RESULT: multus validation test failed: multus validation test failed: node types must not overlap: node type "worker-nodes" has overlap with node type "storage-nodes"' "$OUTFILE"
- # should be resources left running for debugging
- [[ -n "$(kubectl --namespace "$NAMESPACE" get pods --no-headers 2>/dev/null | grep -v Terminating)" ]]