123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224 |
- # Copyright 2016 The Rook Authors. All rights reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- all: build
- include ../makelib/common.mk
- include ../makelib/helm.mk
- # ====================================================================================
- # Options
- CHANNEL ?= master
- ifeq ($(filter master release,$(CHANNEL)),)
- $(error invalid channel $(CHANNEL))
- endif
- # When running the tag pipeline or release build we always want to add the alpha, beta, or rc suffix
- # if provided. Otherwise, it's a master build where we don't want to apply the suffix.
- ifneq ($(TAG_WITH_SUFFIX),true)
- override VERSION := $(shell echo "$(VERSION)" | sed -e 's/-alpha.0//' -e 's/-beta.0//' -e 's/-rc.0//')
- endif
- DOCS_PREFIX ?= docs/rook
- ifeq ($(shell echo $(BRANCH_NAME)),master)
- DOCS_VERSION := latest
- else
- DOCS_VERSION := $(shell echo $(BRANCH_NAME) | sed -E "s/^release\-([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$$/v\1.\2/g")
- endif
- ifeq ($(shell echo $(BRANCH_NAME)),$(shell $(ROOT_DIR)/build/release/latest_release_branch.sh))
- DOCS_VERSION_ALIAS := latest-release
- else
- endif
- DOCS_GIT_REPO ?= git@github.com:rook/rook.github.io.git
- ifeq ($(origin BRANCH_NAME), undefined)
- BRANCH_NAME := $(shell git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2)
- endif
- ifeq ($(COMMIT_HASH),)
- override COMMIT_HASH := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
- endif
- REMOTE_NAME ?= origin
- ifneq ($(filter master release-%,$(BRANCH_NAME)),)
- FLAVORS ?= output images docs helm
- else
- FLAVORS ?= output
- override BRANCH_NAME := pr/$(BRANCH_NAME)
- endif
- IMAGE_ARCHS := $(subst linux_,,$(filter linux_%,$(PLATFORMS)))
- IMAGE_PLATFORMS := $(subst _,/,$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(filter linux_%,$(PLATFORMS))))
- S3_BUCKET ?= rook.releases
- S3_CP := aws s3 cp --only-show-errors
- S3_SYNC := aws s3 sync --only-show-errors
- S3_SYNC_DEL := aws s3 sync --only-show-errors --delete
- # ====================================================================================
- # tools
- @echo === installing manifest-tool
- mkdir -p $(TOOLS_HOST_DIR)
- curl -sL https://github.com/estesp/manifest-tool/releases/download/$(MANIFEST_TOOL_VERSION)/manifest-tool-$(shell go env GOHOSTOS)-$(GOHOSTARCH) > $@
- chmod +x $@
- # ====================================================================================
- # Targets
- build: $(addprefix build.,$(FLAVORS)) ;
- publish: $(addprefix publish.,$(FLAVORS)) ;
- promote: $(addprefix promote.,$(FLAVORS)) ;
- clean: $(addprefix clean.,$(FLAVORS)) ;
- # catch all for unimplemented targets / flavors
- %: ; @:
- # ====================================================================================
- # tagging a release
- VERSION_REGEX := ^v\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)[-]*\([alpha|beta|rc]\)*[\.]*\([0-9]*\)$$
- VERSION_VALID := $(shell echo "$(VERSION)" | grep -q '$(VERSION_REGEX)' && echo 1 || echo 0)
- VERSION_MAJOR := $(shell echo "$(VERSION)" | sed -e 's/$(VERSION_REGEX)/\1/')
- VERSION_MINOR := $(shell echo "$(VERSION)" | sed -e 's/$(VERSION_REGEX)/\2/')
- VERSION_PATCH := $(shell echo "$(VERSION)" | sed -e 's/$(VERSION_REGEX)/\3/')
- tag:
- ifneq ($(VERSION_VALID),1)
- $(error invalid version $(VERSION), must be a semantic version with v[Major].[Minor].[Patch] and an optional suffix such as -alpha.0, -beta.1, or -rc.2)
- endif
- @echo === tagging commit hash $(COMMIT_HASH) with $(VERSION) and parsed v$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR).$(VERSION_PATCH)
- git tag -f -m "release $(VERSION)" $(VERSION) $(COMMIT_HASH)
- git push $(REMOTE_NAME) $(VERSION)
- set -e; if ! git ls-remote --heads $(REMOTE_NAME) | grep -q refs/heads/release-$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR); then \
- echo === creating new release branch release-$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR) ;\
- git branch -f release-$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR) $(COMMIT_HASH) ;\
- git push $(REMOTE_NAME) release-$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR) ;\
- fi
- # ====================================================================================
- # docs
- deps.docs:
- pip3 install -r requirements_docs.txt
- build.docs: deps.docs
- # Build the docs once before they are published to ensure they are correctly building
- cd $(ROOT_DIR) && mkdocs build --strict
- publish.docs:
- if ! git remote show docs > /dev/null 2>&1; then git remote add docs $(DOCS_GIT_REPO); fi
- # If we are running in GitHub actions, remove the extraheader so our custom GitHub API token is used
- if test "$$GITHUB_ACTIONS" = "true"; then git config --unset 'http.https://github.com/.extraheader'; fi
- git fetch -u docs gh-pages
- # Switch to root of repo and then run the build and deploy of the documentation
- cd $(ROOT_DIR) && mike deploy --remote docs --push --branch gh-pages --update-aliases --deploy-prefix $(DOCS_PREFIX) $(DOCS_VERSION) $(DOCS_VERSION_ALIAS)
- # ====================================================================================
- # helm
- HELM_TEMP := $(shell mktemp -d)
- promote.helm: $(HELM)
- # copy existing charts to a temp dir, then combine with new charts, reindex, and upload
- $(S3_SYNC) s3://$(S3_BUCKET)/build/$(BRANCH_NAME)/$(VERSION)/charts $(HELM_TEMP)
- $(HELM) repo index --url $(HELM_URL) $(HELM_TEMP)
- rm -fr $(HELM_TEMP)
- # ====================================================================================
- # output
- publish.output:
- promote.output:
- $(S3_SYNC_DEL) s3://$(S3_BUCKET)/build/$(BRANCH_NAME)/$(VERSION) s3://$(S3_BUCKET)/$(CHANNEL)/$(VERSION)
- $(S3_SYNC_DEL) s3://$(S3_BUCKET)/build/$(BRANCH_NAME)/$(VERSION) s3://$(S3_BUCKET)/$(CHANNEL)/current
- # ====================================================================================
- # images
- # 1: registry 2: image, 3: arch
- define repo.targets
- build.image.$(1).$(2).$(3):
- $(DOCKERCMD) tag $(BUILD_REGISTRY)/$(2)-$(3) $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(VERSION)
- @# Save image as _output/images/linux_<arch>/<image>.tar.gz (no builds for darwin or windows)
- mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR)/images/linux_$(3)
- $(DOCKERCMD) save $(BUILD_REGISTRY)/$(2)-$(3) | gzip -c > $(OUTPUT_DIR)/images/linux_$(3)/$(2).tar.gz
- build.all.images: build.image.$(1).$(2).$(3)
- publish.image.$(1).$(2).$(3): ; @$(DOCKERCMD) push $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(VERSION)
- publish.all.images: publish.image.$(1).$(2).$(3)
- # tag the master image, but do not tag the release image with a generic channel tag
- promote.image.$(1).$(2).$(3):
- $(DOCKERCMD) pull $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(VERSION)
- $(DOCKERCMD) tag $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(VERSION) $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(CHANNEL)
- [ "$(CHANNEL)" = "release" ] || $(DOCKERCMD) push $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(CHANNEL)
- promote.all.images: promote.image.$(1).$(2).$(3)
- clean.image.$(1).$(2).$(3):
- [ -z "$$$$($(DOCKERCMD) images -q $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(VERSION))" ] || $(DOCKERCMD) rmi $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(VERSION)
- [ -z "$$$$($(DOCKERCMD) images -q $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(CHANNEL))" ] || $(DOCKERCMD) rmi $(1)/$(2)-$(3):$(CHANNEL)
- clean.all.images: clean.image.$(1).$(2).$(3)
- endef
- $(foreach r,$(REGISTRIES), $(foreach i,$(IMAGES), $(foreach a,$(IMAGE_ARCHS),$(eval $(call repo.targets,$(r),$(i),$(a))))))
- publish.manifest.image.%: publish.all.images $(MANIFEST_TOOL)
- $(MANIFEST_TOOL) push from-args --platforms $(IMAGE_PLATFORMS) --template $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/$*-ARCH:$(VERSION) --target $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/$*:$(VERSION)
- # add the "master" tag to the master image, but do not add the "release" tag for the release channel
- promote.manifest.image.%: promote.all.images $(MANIFEST_TOOL)
- [ "$(CHANNEL)" = "release" ] || $(MANIFEST_TOOL) push from-args --platforms $(IMAGE_PLATFORMS) --template $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/$*-ARCH:$(VERSION) --target $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/$*:$(CHANNEL)
- build.images: build.all.images
- publish.images: $(addprefix publish.manifest.image.,$(IMAGES))
- promote.images: $(addprefix promote.manifest.image.,$(IMAGES))
- clean.images: clean.all.images
- # ====================================================================================
- # Help
- .PHONY: help
- help:
- @echo 'Usage: make <OPTIONS> ... <TARGETS>'
- @echo ''
- @echo 'Targets:'
- @echo ' build Build all release artifacts.'
- @echo ' clean Remove all release artifacts.'
- @echo ' publish Publish all release artifacts.'
- @echo ' promote Promote a build to a channel.'
- @echo ' tag Tag a build for release.'
- @echo ''
- @echo 'Options:'
- @echo ' VERSION Sets the release version.'
- @echo ' BRANCH_NAME Name of the branch we're releasing from.'
- @echo ' CHANNEL Sets the release channel. Can be set to master,'
- @echo ' or release. Default is not set.'
- @echo ' PLATFORMS The supported platforms to build when running.'
- @echo ' the build.all target. The default is'
- @echo ' all supported platforms'