.snyk 2.5 KB

  1. # Snyk (https://snyk.io) policy file, patches or ignores known vulnerabilities.
  2. ignore:
  3. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:vault:sdk:MPL-2.0":
  4. - "*":
  5. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  6. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:vault:api:MPL-2.0":
  7. - "*":
  8. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  9. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:vault:api:auth:kubernetes:MPL-2.0":
  10. - "*":
  11. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  12. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:vault:api:auth:approle:MPL-2.0":
  13. - "*":
  14. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  15. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:hcl:MPL-2.0":
  16. - "*":
  17. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  18. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:golang-lru:MPL-2.0":
  19. - "*":
  20. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  21. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-sockaddr:MPL-2.0":
  22. - "*":
  23. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  24. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-secure-stdlib:strutil:MPL-2.0":
  25. - "*":
  26. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  27. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-secure-stdlib:parseutil:MPL-2.0":
  28. - "*":
  29. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  30. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-rootcerts:MPL-2.0":
  31. - "*":
  32. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  33. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-retryablehttp:MPL-2.0":
  34. - "*":
  35. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  36. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-multierror:MPL-2.0":
  37. - "*":
  38. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  39. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-immutable-radix:MPL-2.0":
  40. - "*":
  41. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  42. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:go-cleanhttp:MPL-2.0":
  43. - "*":
  44. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license
  45. "snyk:lic:golang:github.com:hashicorp:errwrap:MPL-2.0":
  46. - "*":
  47. reason: Mozilla Public License 2.0 is compatible with Rook's Apache 2.0 license