values.yaml 42 KB

  1. global:
  2. # -- Overrides the Docker registry globally for all images
  3. imageRegistry: null
  4. # To help compatibility with other charts which use global.imagePullSecrets.
  5. # Allow either an array of {name: pullSecret} maps (k8s-style), or an array of strings (more common helm-style).
  6. # Can be tempalted.
  7. # global:
  8. # imagePullSecrets:
  9. # - name: pullSecret1
  10. # - name: pullSecret2
  11. # or
  12. # global:
  13. # imagePullSecrets:
  14. # - pullSecret1
  15. # - pullSecret2
  16. imagePullSecrets: []
  17. rbac:
  18. create: true
  19. ## Use an existing ClusterRole/Role (depending on rbac.namespaced false/true)
  20. # useExistingRole: name-of-some-role
  21. # useExistingClusterRole: name-of-some-clusterRole
  22. pspEnabled: false
  23. pspUseAppArmor: false
  24. namespaced: false
  25. extraRoleRules: []
  26. # - apiGroups: []
  27. # resources: []
  28. # verbs: []
  29. extraClusterRoleRules: []
  30. # - apiGroups: []
  31. # resources: []
  32. # verbs: []
  33. serviceAccount:
  34. create: true
  35. name:
  36. nameTest:
  37. ## ServiceAccount labels.
  38. labels: {}
  39. ## Service account annotations. Can be templated.
  40. # annotations:
  41. # arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/iam-role-name-here
  42. autoMount: true
  43. replicas: 1
  44. ## Create a headless service for the deployment
  45. headlessService: false
  46. ## Create HorizontalPodAutoscaler object for deployment type
  47. #
  48. autoscaling:
  49. enabled: false
  50. minReplicas: 1
  51. maxReplicas: 5
  52. targetCPU: "60"
  53. targetMemory: ""
  54. behavior: {}
  55. ## See `kubectl explain poddisruptionbudget.spec` for more
  56. ## ref:
  57. podDisruptionBudget: {}
  58. # apiVersion: ""
  59. # minAvailable: 1
  60. # maxUnavailable: 1
  61. ## See `kubectl explain deployment.spec.strategy` for more
  62. ## ref:
  63. deploymentStrategy:
  64. type: RollingUpdate
  65. readinessProbe:
  66. httpGet:
  67. path: /api/health
  68. port: 3000
  69. livenessProbe:
  70. httpGet:
  71. path: /api/health
  72. port: 3000
  73. initialDelaySeconds: 60
  74. timeoutSeconds: 30
  75. failureThreshold: 10
  76. ## Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. "stork".
  77. ## ref:
  78. ##
  79. # schedulerName: "default-scheduler"
  80. image:
  81. # -- The Docker registry
  82. registry:
  83. # -- Docker image repository
  84. repository: grafana/grafana
  85. # Overrides the Grafana image tag whose default is the chart appVersion
  86. tag: ""
  87. sha: ""
  88. pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  89. ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
  90. ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
  91. ## ref:
  92. ## Can be templated.
  93. ##
  94. pullSecrets: []
  95. # - myRegistrKeySecretName
  96. testFramework:
  97. enabled: true
  98. image:
  99. # -- The Docker registry
  100. registry:
  101. repository: bats/bats
  102. tag: "v1.4.1"
  103. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  104. securityContext: {}
  105. securityContext:
  106. runAsNonRoot: true
  107. runAsUser: 472
  108. runAsGroup: 472
  109. fsGroup: 472
  110. containerSecurityContext:
  111. allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  112. capabilities:
  113. drop:
  114. - ALL
  115. seccompProfile:
  116. type: RuntimeDefault
  117. # Enable creating the grafana configmap
  118. createConfigmap: true
  119. # Extra configmaps to mount in grafana pods
  120. # Values are templated.
  121. extraConfigmapMounts: []
  122. # - name: certs-configmap
  123. # mountPath: /etc/grafana/ssl/
  124. # subPath: certificates.crt # (optional)
  125. # configMap: certs-configmap
  126. # readOnly: true
  127. extraEmptyDirMounts: []
  128. # - name: provisioning-notifiers
  129. # mountPath: /etc/grafana/provisioning/notifiers
  130. # Apply extra labels to common labels.
  131. extraLabels: {}
  132. ## Assign a PriorityClassName to pods if set
  133. # priorityClassName:
  134. downloadDashboardsImage:
  135. # -- The Docker registry
  136. registry:
  137. repository: curlimages/curl
  138. tag: 7.85.0
  139. sha: ""
  140. pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  141. downloadDashboards:
  142. env: {}
  143. envFromSecret: ""
  144. resources: {}
  145. securityContext:
  146. allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  147. capabilities:
  148. drop:
  149. - ALL
  150. seccompProfile:
  151. type: RuntimeDefault
  152. envValueFrom: {}
  153. # ENV_NAME:
  154. # configMapKeyRef:
  155. # name: configmap-name
  156. # key: value_key
  157. ## Pod Annotations
  158. # podAnnotations: {}
  159. ## Pod Labels
  160. # podLabels: {}
  161. podPortName: grafana
  162. gossipPortName: gossip
  163. ## Deployment annotations
  164. # annotations: {}
  165. ## Expose the grafana service to be accessed from outside the cluster (LoadBalancer service).
  166. ## or access it from within the cluster (ClusterIP service). Set the service type and the port to serve it.
  167. ## ref:
  168. ##
  169. service:
  170. enabled: true
  171. type: ClusterIP
  172. port: 80
  173. targetPort: 3000
  174. # targetPort: 4181 To be used with a proxy extraContainer
  175. ## Service annotations. Can be templated.
  176. annotations: {}
  177. labels: {}
  178. portName: service
  179. # Adds the appProtocol field to the service. This allows to work with istio protocol selection. Ex: "http" or "tcp"
  180. appProtocol: ""
  181. serviceMonitor:
  182. ## If true, a ServiceMonitor CRD is created for a prometheus operator
  183. ##
  184. ##
  185. enabled: false
  186. path: /metrics
  187. # namespace: monitoring (defaults to use the namespace this chart is deployed to)
  188. labels: {}
  189. interval: 30s
  190. scheme: http
  191. tlsConfig: {}
  192. scrapeTimeout: 30s
  193. relabelings: []
  194. metricRelabelings: []
  195. targetLabels: []
  196. extraExposePorts: []
  197. # - name: keycloak
  198. # port: 8080
  199. # targetPort: 8080
  200. # overrides pod.spec.hostAliases in the grafana deployment's pods
  201. hostAliases: []
  202. # - ip: ""
  203. # hostnames:
  204. # - ""
  205. ingress:
  206. enabled: false
  207. # For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the ingress-controller via the field ingressClassName
  208. # See
  209. # ingressClassName: nginx
  210. # Values can be templated
  211. annotations: {}
  212. # nginx
  213. # "true"
  214. labels: {}
  215. path: /
  216. # pathType is only for k8s >= 1.1=
  217. pathType: Prefix
  218. hosts:
  219. - chart-example.local
  220. ## Extra paths to prepend to every host configuration. This is useful when working with annotation based services.
  221. extraPaths: []
  222. # - path: /*
  223. # backend:
  224. # serviceName: ssl-redirect
  225. # servicePort: use-annotation
  226. ## Or for k8s > 1.19
  227. # - path: /*
  228. # pathType: Prefix
  229. # backend:
  230. # service:
  231. # name: ssl-redirect
  232. # port:
  233. # name: use-annotation
  234. tls: []
  235. # - secretName: chart-example-tls
  236. # hosts:
  237. # - chart-example.local
  238. resources: {}
  239. # limits:
  240. # cpu: 100m
  241. # memory: 128Mi
  242. # requests:
  243. # cpu: 100m
  244. # memory: 128Mi
  245. ## Node labels for pod assignment
  246. ## ref:
  247. #
  248. nodeSelector: {}
  249. ## Tolerations for pod assignment
  250. ## ref:
  251. ##
  252. tolerations: []
  253. ## Affinity for pod assignment (evaluated as template)
  254. ## ref:
  255. ##
  256. affinity: {}
  257. ## Topology Spread Constraints
  258. ## ref:
  259. ##
  260. topologySpreadConstraints: []
  261. ## Additional init containers (evaluated as template)
  262. ## ref:
  263. ##
  264. extraInitContainers: []
  265. ## Enable an Specify container in extraContainers. This is meant to allow adding an authentication proxy to a grafana pod
  266. extraContainers: ""
  267. # extraContainers: |
  268. # - name: proxy
  269. # image:
  270. # args:
  271. # - -provider=github
  272. # - -client-id=
  273. # - -client-secret=
  274. # - -github-org=<ORG_NAME>
  275. # - -email-domain=*
  276. # - -cookie-secret=
  277. # - -http-address=
  278. # - -upstream-url=
  279. # ports:
  280. # - name: proxy-web
  281. # containerPort: 4181
  282. ## Volumes that can be used in init containers that will not be mounted to deployment pods
  283. extraContainerVolumes: []
  284. # - name: volume-from-secret
  285. # secret:
  286. # secretName: secret-to-mount
  287. # - name: empty-dir-volume
  288. # emptyDir: {}
  289. ## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims
  290. ## ref:
  291. ##
  292. persistence:
  293. type: pvc
  294. enabled: false
  295. # storageClassName: default
  296. accessModes:
  297. - ReadWriteOnce
  298. size: 10Gi
  299. # annotations: {}
  300. finalizers:
  301. -
  302. # selectorLabels: {}
  303. ## Sub-directory of the PV to mount. Can be templated.
  304. # subPath: ""
  305. ## Name of an existing PVC. Can be templated.
  306. # existingClaim:
  307. ## Extra labels to apply to a PVC.
  308. extraPvcLabels: {}
  309. ## If persistence is not enabled, this allows to mount the
  310. ## local storage in-memory to improve performance
  311. ##
  312. inMemory:
  313. enabled: false
  314. ## The maximum usage on memory medium EmptyDir would be
  315. ## the minimum value between the SizeLimit specified
  316. ## here and the sum of memory limits of all containers in a pod
  317. ##
  318. # sizeLimit: 300Mi
  319. initChownData:
  320. ## If false, data ownership will not be reset at startup
  321. ## This allows the grafana-server to be run with an arbitrary user
  322. ##
  323. enabled: true
  324. ## initChownData container image
  325. ##
  326. image:
  327. # -- The Docker registry
  328. registry:
  329. repository: library/busybox
  330. tag: "1.31.1"
  331. sha: ""
  332. pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  333. ## initChownData resource requests and limits
  334. ## Ref:
  335. ##
  336. resources: {}
  337. # limits:
  338. # cpu: 100m
  339. # memory: 128Mi
  340. # requests:
  341. # cpu: 100m
  342. # memory: 128Mi
  343. securityContext:
  344. runAsNonRoot: false
  345. runAsUser: 0
  346. seccompProfile:
  347. type: RuntimeDefault
  348. capabilities:
  349. add:
  350. - CHOWN
  351. # Administrator credentials when not using an existing secret (see below)
  352. adminUser: admin
  353. # adminPassword: strongpassword
  354. # Use an existing secret for the admin user.
  355. admin:
  356. ## Name of the secret. Can be templated.
  357. existingSecret: ""
  358. userKey: admin-user
  359. passwordKey: admin-password
  360. ## Define command to be executed at startup by grafana container
  361. ## Needed if using `vault-env` to manage secrets (ref:
  362. ## Default is "" as defined in grafana's Dockerfile
  363. # command:
  364. # - "sh"
  365. # - "/"
  366. ## Optionally define args if command is used
  367. ## Needed if using `hashicorp/envconsul` to manage secrets
  368. ## By default no arguments are set
  369. # args:
  370. # - "-secret"
  371. # - "secret/grafana"
  372. # - "./grafana"
  373. ## Extra environment variables that will be pass onto deployment pods
  374. ##
  375. ## to provide grafana with access to CloudWatch on AWS EKS:
  376. ## 1. create an iam role of type "Web identity" with provider oidc.eks.* (note the provider for later)
  377. ## 2. edit the "Trust relationships" of the role, add a line inside the StringEquals clause using the
  378. ## same oidc eks provider as noted before (same as the existing line)
  379. ## also, replace NAMESPACE and prometheus-operator-grafana with the service account namespace and name
  380. ##
  381. ## "": "system:serviceaccount:NAMESPACE:prometheus-operator-grafana",
  382. ##
  383. ## 3. attach a policy to the role, you can use a built in policy called CloudWatchReadOnlyAccess
  384. ## 4. use the following env: (replace 123456789000 and iam-role-name-here with your aws account number and role name)
  385. ##
  386. ## env:
  387. ## AWS_ROLE_ARN: arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/iam-role-name-here
  388. ## AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE: /var/run/secrets/
  389. ## AWS_REGION: us-east-1
  390. ##
  391. ## 5. uncomment the EKS section in extraSecretMounts: below
  392. ## 6. uncomment the annotation section in the serviceAccount: above
  393. ## make sure to replace arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/iam-role-name-here with your role arn
  394. env: {}
  395. ## "valueFrom" environment variable references that will be added to deployment pods. Name is templated.
  396. ## ref:
  397. ## Renders in container spec as:
  398. ## env:
  399. ## ...
  400. ## - name: <key>
  401. ## valueFrom:
  402. ## <value rendered as YAML>
  403. envValueFrom: {}
  404. # ENV_NAME:
  405. # configMapKeyRef:
  406. # name: configmap-name
  407. # key: value_key
  408. ## The name of a secret in the same kubernetes namespace which contain values to be added to the environment
  409. ## This can be useful for auth tokens, etc. Value is templated.
  410. envFromSecret: ""
  411. ## Sensible environment variables that will be rendered as new secret object
  412. ## This can be useful for auth tokens, etc.
  413. ## If the secret values contains "{{", they'll need to be properly escaped so that they are not interpreted by Helm
  414. ## ref:
  415. envRenderSecret: {}
  416. ## The names of secrets in the same kubernetes namespace which contain values to be added to the environment
  417. ## Each entry should contain a name key, and can optionally specify whether the secret must be defined with an optional key.
  418. ## Name is templated.
  419. envFromSecrets: []
  420. ## - name: secret-name
  421. ## optional: true
  422. ## The names of conifgmaps in the same kubernetes namespace which contain values to be added to the environment
  423. ## Each entry should contain a name key, and can optionally specify whether the configmap must be defined with an optional key.
  424. ## Name is templated.
  425. ## ref:
  426. envFromConfigMaps: []
  427. ## - name: configmap-name
  428. ## optional: true
  429. # Inject Kubernetes services as environment variables.
  430. # See
  431. enableServiceLinks: true
  432. ## Additional grafana server secret mounts
  433. # Defines additional mounts with secrets. Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
  434. extraSecretMounts: []
  435. # - name: secret-files
  436. # mountPath: /etc/secrets
  437. # secretName: grafana-secret-files
  438. # readOnly: true
  439. # subPath: ""
  440. #
  441. # for AWS EKS (cloudwatch) use the following (see also instruction in env: above)
  442. # - name: aws-iam-token
  443. # mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
  444. # readOnly: true
  445. # projected:
  446. # defaultMode: 420
  447. # sources:
  448. # - serviceAccountToken:
  449. # audience:
  450. # expirationSeconds: 86400
  451. # path: token
  452. #
  453. # for CSI e.g. Azure Key Vault use the following
  454. # - name: secrets-store-inline
  455. # mountPath: /run/secrets
  456. # readOnly: true
  457. # csi:
  458. # driver:
  459. # readOnly: true
  460. # volumeAttributes:
  461. # secretProviderClass: "akv-grafana-spc"
  462. # nodePublishSecretRef: # Only required when using service principal mode
  463. # name: grafana-akv-creds # Only required when using service principal mode
  464. ## Additional grafana server volume mounts
  465. # Defines additional volume mounts.
  466. extraVolumeMounts: []
  467. # - name: extra-volume-0
  468. # mountPath: /mnt/volume0
  469. # readOnly: true
  470. # existingClaim: volume-claim
  471. # - name: extra-volume-1
  472. # mountPath: /mnt/volume1
  473. # readOnly: true
  474. # hostPath: /usr/shared/
  475. # - name: grafana-secrets
  476. # mountPath: /mnt/volume2
  477. # csi: true
  478. # data:
  479. # driver:
  480. # readOnly: true
  481. # volumeAttributes:
  482. # secretProviderClass: "grafana-env-spc"
  483. ## Container Lifecycle Hooks. Execute a specific bash command or make an HTTP request
  484. lifecycleHooks: {}
  485. # postStart:
  486. # exec:
  487. # command: []
  488. ## Pass the plugins you want installed as a list.
  489. ##
  490. plugins: []
  491. # - digrich-bubblechart-panel
  492. # - grafana-clock-panel
  493. ## You can also use other plugin download URL, as long as they are valid zip files,
  494. ## and specify the name of the plugin after the semicolon. Like this:
  495. # -;marcusolsson-json-datasource
  496. ## Configure grafana datasources
  497. ## ref:
  498. ##
  499. datasources: {}
  500. # datasources.yaml:
  501. # apiVersion: 1
  502. # datasources:
  503. # - name: Prometheus
  504. # type: prometheus
  505. # url: http://prometheus-prometheus-server
  506. # access: proxy
  507. # isDefault: true
  508. # - name: CloudWatch
  509. # type: cloudwatch
  510. # access: proxy
  511. # uid: cloudwatch
  512. # editable: false
  513. # jsonData:
  514. # authType: default
  515. # defaultRegion: us-east-1
  516. # deleteDatasources: []
  517. # - name: Prometheus
  518. ## Configure grafana alerting (can be templated)
  519. ## ref:
  520. ##
  521. alerting: {}
  522. # rules.yaml:
  523. # apiVersion: 1
  524. # groups:
  525. # - orgId: 1
  526. # name: '{{ .Chart.Name }}_my_rule_group'
  527. # folder: my_first_folder
  528. # interval: 60s
  529. # rules:
  530. # - uid: my_id_1
  531. # title: my_first_rule
  532. # condition: A
  533. # data:
  534. # - refId: A
  535. # datasourceUid: '-100'
  536. # model:
  537. # conditions:
  538. # - evaluator:
  539. # params:
  540. # - 3
  541. # type: gt
  542. # operator:
  543. # type: and
  544. # query:
  545. # params:
  546. # - A
  547. # reducer:
  548. # type: last
  549. # type: query
  550. # datasource:
  551. # type: __expr__
  552. # uid: '-100'
  553. # expression: 1==0
  554. # intervalMs: 1000
  555. # maxDataPoints: 43200
  556. # refId: A
  557. # type: math
  558. # dashboardUid: my_dashboard
  559. # panelId: 123
  560. # noDataState: Alerting
  561. # for: 60s
  562. # annotations:
  563. # some_key: some_value
  564. # labels:
  565. # team: sre_team_1
  566. # contactpoints.yaml:
  567. # secret:
  568. # apiVersion: 1
  569. # contactPoints:
  570. # - orgId: 1
  571. # name: cp_1
  572. # receivers:
  573. # - uid: first_uid
  574. # type: pagerduty
  575. # settings:
  576. # integrationKey: XXX
  577. # severity: critical
  578. # class: ping failure
  579. # component: Grafana
  580. # group: app-stack
  581. # summary: |
  582. # {{ `{{ include "default.message" . }}` }}
  583. ## Configure notifiers
  584. ## ref:
  585. ##
  586. notifiers: {}
  587. # notifiers.yaml:
  588. # notifiers:
  589. # - name: email-notifier
  590. # type: email
  591. # uid: email1
  592. # # either:
  593. # org_id: 1
  594. # # or
  595. # org_name: Main Org.
  596. # is_default: true
  597. # settings:
  598. # addresses:
  599. # delete_notifiers:
  600. ## Configure grafana dashboard providers
  601. ## ref:
  602. ##
  603. ## `path` must be /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/<provider_name>
  604. ##
  605. dashboardProviders: {}
  606. # dashboardproviders.yaml:
  607. # apiVersion: 1
  608. # providers:
  609. # - name: 'default'
  610. # orgId: 1
  611. # folder: ''
  612. # type: file
  613. # disableDeletion: false
  614. # editable: true
  615. # options:
  616. # path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/default
  617. ## Configure grafana dashboard to import
  618. ## NOTE: To use dashboards you must also enable/configure dashboardProviders
  619. ## ref:
  620. ##
  621. ## dashboards per provider, use provider name as key.
  622. ##
  623. dashboards: {}
  624. # default:
  625. # some-dashboard:
  626. # json: |
  627. # $RAW_JSON
  628. # custom-dashboard:
  629. # file: dashboards/custom-dashboard.json
  630. # prometheus-stats:
  631. # gnetId: 2
  632. # revision: 2
  633. # datasource: Prometheus
  634. # local-dashboard:
  635. # url:
  636. # token: ''
  637. # local-dashboard-base64:
  638. # url:
  639. # token: ''
  640. # b64content: true
  641. # local-dashboard-gitlab:
  642. # url:
  643. # gitlabToken: ''
  644. # local-dashboard-bitbucket:
  645. # url:
  646. # bearerToken: ''
  647. # local-dashboard-azure:
  648. # url:
  649. # basic: ''
  650. # acceptHeader: '*/*'
  651. ## Reference to external ConfigMap per provider. Use provider name as key and ConfigMap name as value.
  652. ## A provider dashboards must be defined either by external ConfigMaps or in values.yaml, not in both.
  653. ## ConfigMap data example:
  654. ##
  655. ## data:
  656. ## example-dashboard.json: |
  657. ## RAW_JSON
  658. ##
  659. dashboardsConfigMaps: {}
  660. # default: ""
  661. ## Grafana's primary configuration
  662. ## NOTE: values in map will be converted to ini format
  663. ## ref:
  664. ##
  665. grafana.ini:
  666. paths:
  667. data: /var/lib/grafana/
  668. logs: /var/log/grafana
  669. plugins: /var/lib/grafana/plugins
  670. provisioning: /etc/grafana/provisioning
  671. analytics:
  672. check_for_updates: true
  673. log:
  674. mode: console
  675. grafana_net:
  676. url:
  677. server:
  678. domain: "{{ if (and .Values.ingress.enabled .Values.ingress.hosts) }}{{ .Values.ingress.hosts | first }}{{ else }}''{{ end }}"
  679. ## grafana Authentication can be enabled with the following values on grafana.ini
  680. # server:
  681. # The full public facing url you use in browser, used for redirects and emails
  682. # root_url:
  683. #
  684. # auth.github:
  685. # enabled: false
  686. # allow_sign_up: false
  687. # scopes: user:email,read:org
  688. # auth_url:
  689. # token_url:
  690. # api_url:
  691. # team_ids:
  692. # allowed_organizations:
  693. # client_id:
  694. # client_secret:
  695. ## LDAP Authentication can be enabled with the following values on grafana.ini
  696. ## NOTE: Grafana will fail to start if the value for ldap.toml is invalid
  697. # auth.ldap:
  698. # enabled: true
  699. # allow_sign_up: true
  700. # config_file: /etc/grafana/ldap.toml
  701. ## Grafana's LDAP configuration
  702. ## Templated by the template in _helpers.tpl
  703. ## NOTE: To enable the grafana.ini must be configured with auth.ldap.enabled
  704. ## ref:
  705. ## ref:
  706. ldap:
  707. enabled: false
  708. # `existingSecret` is a reference to an existing secret containing the ldap configuration
  709. # for Grafana in a key `ldap-toml`.
  710. existingSecret: ""
  711. # `config` is the content of `ldap.toml` that will be stored in the created secret
  712. config: ""
  713. # config: |-
  714. # verbose_logging = true
  715. # [[servers]]
  716. # host = "my-ldap-server"
  717. # port = 636
  718. # use_ssl = true
  719. # start_tls = false
  720. # ssl_skip_verify = false
  721. # bind_dn = "uid=%s,ou=users,dc=myorg,dc=com"
  722. ## Grafana's SMTP configuration
  723. ## NOTE: To enable, grafana.ini must be configured with smtp.enabled
  724. ## ref:
  725. smtp:
  726. # `existingSecret` is a reference to an existing secret containing the smtp configuration
  727. # for Grafana.
  728. existingSecret: ""
  729. userKey: "user"
  730. passwordKey: "password"
  731. ## Sidecars that collect the configmaps with specified label and stores the included files them into the respective folders
  732. ## Requires at least Grafana 5 to work and can't be used together with parameters dashboardProviders, datasources and dashboards
  733. sidecar:
  734. image:
  735. # -- The Docker registry
  736. registry:
  737. repository: kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar
  738. tag: 1.25.1
  739. sha: ""
  740. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  741. resources: {}
  742. # limits:
  743. # cpu: 100m
  744. # memory: 100Mi
  745. # requests:
  746. # cpu: 50m
  747. # memory: 50Mi
  748. securityContext:
  749. allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  750. capabilities:
  751. drop:
  752. - ALL
  753. seccompProfile:
  754. type: RuntimeDefault
  755. # skipTlsVerify Set to true to skip tls verification for kube api calls
  756. # skipTlsVerify: true
  757. enableUniqueFilenames: false
  758. readinessProbe: {}
  759. livenessProbe: {}
  760. # Log level default for all sidecars. Can be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL. Defaults to INFO
  761. # logLevel: INFO
  762. alerts:
  763. enabled: false
  764. # Additional environment variables for the alerts sidecar
  765. env: {}
  766. # Do not reprocess already processed unchanged resources on k8s API reconnect.
  767. # ignoreAlreadyProcessed: true
  768. # label that the configmaps with alert are marked with
  769. label: grafana_alert
  770. # value of label that the configmaps with alert are set to
  771. labelValue: ""
  772. # Log level. Can be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL.
  773. # logLevel: INFO
  774. # If specified, the sidecar will search for alert config-maps inside this namespace.
  775. # Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used.
  776. # It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces
  777. searchNamespace: null
  778. # Method to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.
  779. watchMethod: WATCH
  780. # search in configmap, secret or both
  781. resource: both
  782. # watchServerTimeout: request to the server, asking it to cleanly close the connection after that.
  783. # defaults to 60sec; much higher values like 3600 seconds (1h) are feasible for non-Azure K8S
  784. # watchServerTimeout: 3600
  785. #
  786. # watchClientTimeout: is a client-side timeout, configuring your local socket.
  787. # If you have a network outage dropping all packets with no RST/FIN,
  788. # this is how long your client waits before realizing & dropping the connection.
  789. # defaults to 66sec (sic!)
  790. # watchClientTimeout: 60
  791. #
  792. # Endpoint to send request to reload alerts
  793. reloadURL: "http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/alerting/reload"
  794. # Absolute path to shell script to execute after a alert got reloaded
  795. script: null
  796. skipReload: false
  797. # Deploy the alert sidecar as an initContainer in addition to a container.
  798. # Additional alert sidecar volume mounts
  799. extraMounts: []
  800. # Sets the size limit of the alert sidecar emptyDir volume
  801. sizeLimit: {}
  802. dashboards:
  803. enabled: false
  804. # Additional environment variables for the dashboards sidecar
  805. env: {}
  806. # Do not reprocess already processed unchanged resources on k8s API reconnect.
  807. # ignoreAlreadyProcessed: true
  808. SCProvider: true
  809. # label that the configmaps with dashboards are marked with
  810. label: grafana_dashboard
  811. # value of label that the configmaps with dashboards are set to
  812. labelValue: ""
  813. # Log level. Can be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL.
  814. # logLevel: INFO
  815. # folder in the pod that should hold the collected dashboards (unless `defaultFolderName` is set)
  816. folder: /tmp/dashboards
  817. # The default folder name, it will create a subfolder under the `folder` and put dashboards in there instead
  818. defaultFolderName: null
  819. # Namespaces list. If specified, the sidecar will search for config-maps/secrets inside these namespaces.
  820. # Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used.
  821. # It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces.
  822. searchNamespace: null
  823. # Method to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.
  824. watchMethod: WATCH
  825. # search in configmap, secret or both
  826. resource: both
  827. # If specified, the sidecar will look for annotation with this name to create folder and put graph here.
  828. # You can use this parameter together with `provider.foldersFromFilesStructure`to annotate configmaps and create folder structure.
  829. folderAnnotation: null
  830. # Endpoint to send request to reload alerts
  831. reloadURL: "http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/dashboards/reload"
  832. # Absolute path to shell script to execute after a configmap got reloaded
  833. script: null
  834. skipReload: false
  835. # watchServerTimeout: request to the server, asking it to cleanly close the connection after that.
  836. # defaults to 60sec; much higher values like 3600 seconds (1h) are feasible for non-Azure K8S
  837. # watchServerTimeout: 3600
  838. #
  839. # watchClientTimeout: is a client-side timeout, configuring your local socket.
  840. # If you have a network outage dropping all packets with no RST/FIN,
  841. # this is how long your client waits before realizing & dropping the connection.
  842. # defaults to 66sec (sic!)
  843. # watchClientTimeout: 60
  844. #
  845. # provider configuration that lets grafana manage the dashboards
  846. provider:
  847. # name of the provider, should be unique
  848. name: sidecarProvider
  849. # orgid as configured in grafana
  850. orgid: 1
  851. # folder in which the dashboards should be imported in grafana
  852. folder: ''
  853. # type of the provider
  854. type: file
  855. # disableDelete to activate a import-only behaviour
  856. disableDelete: false
  857. # allow updating provisioned dashboards from the UI
  858. allowUiUpdates: false
  859. # allow Grafana to replicate dashboard structure from filesystem
  860. foldersFromFilesStructure: false
  861. # Additional dashboard sidecar volume mounts
  862. extraMounts: []
  863. # Sets the size limit of the dashboard sidecar emptyDir volume
  864. sizeLimit: {}
  865. datasources:
  866. enabled: false
  867. # Additional environment variables for the datasourcessidecar
  868. env: {}
  869. # Do not reprocess already processed unchanged resources on k8s API reconnect.
  870. # ignoreAlreadyProcessed: true
  871. # label that the configmaps with datasources are marked with
  872. label: grafana_datasource
  873. # value of label that the configmaps with datasources are set to
  874. labelValue: ""
  875. # Log level. Can be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL.
  876. # logLevel: INFO
  877. # If specified, the sidecar will search for datasource config-maps inside this namespace.
  878. # Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used.
  879. # It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces
  880. searchNamespace: null
  881. # Method to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.
  882. watchMethod: WATCH
  883. # search in configmap, secret or both
  884. resource: both
  885. # watchServerTimeout: request to the server, asking it to cleanly close the connection after that.
  886. # defaults to 60sec; much higher values like 3600 seconds (1h) are feasible for non-Azure K8S
  887. # watchServerTimeout: 3600
  888. #
  889. # watchClientTimeout: is a client-side timeout, configuring your local socket.
  890. # If you have a network outage dropping all packets with no RST/FIN,
  891. # this is how long your client waits before realizing & dropping the connection.
  892. # defaults to 66sec (sic!)
  893. # watchClientTimeout: 60
  894. #
  895. # Endpoint to send request to reload datasources
  896. reloadURL: "http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/datasources/reload"
  897. # Absolute path to shell script to execute after a datasource got reloaded
  898. script: null
  899. skipReload: false
  900. # Deploy the datasource sidecar as an initContainer in addition to a container.
  901. # This is needed if skipReload is true, to load any datasources defined at startup time.
  902. initDatasources: false
  903. # Sets the size limit of the datasource sidecar emptyDir volume
  904. sizeLimit: {}
  905. plugins:
  906. enabled: false
  907. # Additional environment variables for the plugins sidecar
  908. env: {}
  909. # Do not reprocess already processed unchanged resources on k8s API reconnect.
  910. # ignoreAlreadyProcessed: true
  911. # label that the configmaps with plugins are marked with
  912. label: grafana_plugin
  913. # value of label that the configmaps with plugins are set to
  914. labelValue: ""
  915. # Log level. Can be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL.
  916. # logLevel: INFO
  917. # If specified, the sidecar will search for plugin config-maps inside this namespace.
  918. # Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used.
  919. # It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces
  920. searchNamespace: null
  921. # Method to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.
  922. watchMethod: WATCH
  923. # search in configmap, secret or both
  924. resource: both
  925. # watchServerTimeout: request to the server, asking it to cleanly close the connection after that.
  926. # defaults to 60sec; much higher values like 3600 seconds (1h) are feasible for non-Azure K8S
  927. # watchServerTimeout: 3600
  928. #
  929. # watchClientTimeout: is a client-side timeout, configuring your local socket.
  930. # If you have a network outage dropping all packets with no RST/FIN,
  931. # this is how long your client waits before realizing & dropping the connection.
  932. # defaults to 66sec (sic!)
  933. # watchClientTimeout: 60
  934. #
  935. # Endpoint to send request to reload plugins
  936. reloadURL: "http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/plugins/reload"
  937. # Absolute path to shell script to execute after a plugin got reloaded
  938. script: null
  939. skipReload: false
  940. # Deploy the datasource sidecar as an initContainer in addition to a container.
  941. # This is needed if skipReload is true, to load any plugins defined at startup time.
  942. initPlugins: false
  943. # Sets the size limit of the plugin sidecar emptyDir volume
  944. sizeLimit: {}
  945. notifiers:
  946. enabled: false
  947. # Additional environment variables for the notifierssidecar
  948. env: {}
  949. # Do not reprocess already processed unchanged resources on k8s API reconnect.
  950. # ignoreAlreadyProcessed: true
  951. # label that the configmaps with notifiers are marked with
  952. label: grafana_notifier
  953. # value of label that the configmaps with notifiers are set to
  954. labelValue: ""
  955. # Log level. Can be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL.
  956. # logLevel: INFO
  957. # If specified, the sidecar will search for notifier config-maps inside this namespace.
  958. # Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used.
  959. # It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces
  960. searchNamespace: null
  961. # Method to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.
  962. watchMethod: WATCH
  963. # search in configmap, secret or both
  964. resource: both
  965. # watchServerTimeout: request to the server, asking it to cleanly close the connection after that.
  966. # defaults to 60sec; much higher values like 3600 seconds (1h) are feasible for non-Azure K8S
  967. # watchServerTimeout: 3600
  968. #
  969. # watchClientTimeout: is a client-side timeout, configuring your local socket.
  970. # If you have a network outage dropping all packets with no RST/FIN,
  971. # this is how long your client waits before realizing & dropping the connection.
  972. # defaults to 66sec (sic!)
  973. # watchClientTimeout: 60
  974. #
  975. # Endpoint to send request to reload notifiers
  976. reloadURL: "http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/notifications/reload"
  977. # Absolute path to shell script to execute after a notifier got reloaded
  978. script: null
  979. skipReload: false
  980. # Deploy the notifier sidecar as an initContainer in addition to a container.
  981. # This is needed if skipReload is true, to load any notifiers defined at startup time.
  982. initNotifiers: false
  983. # Sets the size limit of the notifier sidecar emptyDir volume
  984. sizeLimit: {}
  985. ## Override the deployment namespace
  986. ##
  987. namespaceOverride: ""
  988. ## Number of old ReplicaSets to retain
  989. ##
  990. revisionHistoryLimit: 10
  991. ## Add a seperate remote image renderer deployment/service
  992. imageRenderer:
  993. deploymentStrategy: {}
  994. # Enable the image-renderer deployment & service
  995. enabled: false
  996. replicas: 1
  997. autoscaling:
  998. enabled: false
  999. minReplicas: 1
  1000. maxReplicas: 5
  1001. targetCPU: "60"
  1002. targetMemory: ""
  1003. behavior: {}
  1004. image:
  1005. # -- The Docker registry
  1006. registry:
  1007. # image-renderer Image repository
  1008. repository: grafana/grafana-image-renderer
  1009. # image-renderer Image tag
  1010. tag: latest
  1011. # image-renderer Image sha (optional)
  1012. sha: ""
  1013. # image-renderer ImagePullPolicy
  1014. pullPolicy: Always
  1015. # extra environment variables
  1016. env:
  1017. HTTP_HOST: ""
  1018. # RENDERING_ARGS: --no-sandbox,--disable-gpu,--window-size=1280x758
  1019. # RENDERING_MODE: clustered
  1020. # IGNORE_HTTPS_ERRORS: true
  1021. ## "valueFrom" environment variable references that will be added to deployment pods. Name is templated.
  1022. ## ref:
  1023. ## Renders in container spec as:
  1024. ## env:
  1025. ## ...
  1026. ## - name: <key>
  1027. ## valueFrom:
  1028. ## <value rendered as YAML>
  1029. envValueFrom: {}
  1030. # ENV_NAME:
  1031. # configMapKeyRef:
  1032. # name: configmap-name
  1033. # key: value_key
  1034. # image-renderer deployment serviceAccount
  1035. serviceAccountName: ""
  1036. # image-renderer deployment securityContext
  1037. securityContext: {}
  1038. # image-renderer deployment container securityContext
  1039. containerSecurityContext:
  1040. seccompProfile:
  1041. type: RuntimeDefault
  1042. capabilities:
  1043. drop: ['ALL']
  1044. allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  1045. readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
  1046. ## image-renderer pod annotation
  1047. podAnnotations: {}
  1048. # image-renderer deployment Host Aliases
  1049. hostAliases: []
  1050. # image-renderer deployment priority class
  1051. priorityClassName: ''
  1052. service:
  1053. # Enable the image-renderer service
  1054. enabled: true
  1055. # image-renderer service port name
  1056. portName: 'http'
  1057. # image-renderer service port used by both service and deployment
  1058. port: 8081
  1059. targetPort: 8081
  1060. # Adds the appProtocol field to the image-renderer service. This allows to work with istio protocol selection. Ex: "http" or "tcp"
  1061. appProtocol: ""
  1062. serviceMonitor:
  1063. ## If true, a ServiceMonitor CRD is created for a prometheus operator
  1064. ##
  1065. ##
  1066. enabled: false
  1067. path: /metrics
  1068. # namespace: monitoring (defaults to use the namespace this chart is deployed to)
  1069. labels: {}
  1070. interval: 1m
  1071. scheme: http
  1072. tlsConfig: {}
  1073. scrapeTimeout: 30s
  1074. relabelings: []
  1075. # See:
  1076. targetLabels: []
  1077. # - targetLabel1
  1078. # - targetLabel2
  1079. # If https is enabled in Grafana, this needs to be set as 'https' to correctly configure the callback used in Grafana
  1080. grafanaProtocol: http
  1081. # In case a sub_path is used this needs to be added to the image renderer callback
  1082. grafanaSubPath: ""
  1083. # name of the image-renderer port on the pod
  1084. podPortName: http
  1085. # number of image-renderer replica sets to keep
  1086. revisionHistoryLimit: 10
  1087. networkPolicy:
  1088. # Enable a NetworkPolicy to limit inbound traffic to only the created grafana pods
  1089. limitIngress: true
  1090. # Enable a NetworkPolicy to limit outbound traffic to only the created grafana pods
  1091. limitEgress: false
  1092. # Allow additional services to access image-renderer (eg. Prometheus operator when ServiceMonitor is enabled)
  1093. extraIngressSelectors: []
  1094. resources: {}
  1095. # limits:
  1096. # cpu: 100m
  1097. # memory: 100Mi
  1098. # requests:
  1099. # cpu: 50m
  1100. # memory: 50Mi
  1101. ## Node labels for pod assignment
  1102. ## ref:
  1103. #
  1104. nodeSelector: {}
  1105. ## Tolerations for pod assignment
  1106. ## ref:
  1107. ##
  1108. tolerations: []
  1109. ## Affinity for pod assignment (evaluated as template)
  1110. ## ref:
  1111. ##
  1112. affinity: {}
  1113. ## Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. "stork".
  1114. ## ref:
  1115. ##
  1116. # schedulerName: "default-scheduler"
  1117. networkPolicy:
  1118. ## @param networkPolicy.enabled Enable creation of NetworkPolicy resources. Only Ingress traffic is filtered for now.
  1119. ##
  1120. enabled: false
  1121. ## @param networkPolicy.allowExternal Don't require client label for connections
  1122. ## The Policy model to apply. When set to false, only pods with the correct
  1123. ## client label will have network access to grafana port defined.
  1124. ## When true, grafana will accept connections from any source
  1125. ## (with the correct destination port).
  1126. ##
  1127. ingress: true
  1128. ## @param networkPolicy.ingress When true enables the creation
  1129. ## an ingress network policy
  1130. ##
  1131. allowExternal: true
  1132. ## @param networkPolicy.explicitNamespacesSelector A Kubernetes LabelSelector to explicitly select namespaces from which traffic could be allowed
  1133. ## If explicitNamespacesSelector is missing or set to {}, only client Pods that are in the networkPolicy's namespace
  1134. ## and that match other criteria, the ones that have the good label, can reach the grafana.
  1135. ## But sometimes, we want the grafana to be accessible to clients from other namespaces, in this case, we can use this
  1136. ## LabelSelector to select these namespaces, note that the networkPolicy's namespace should also be explicitly added.
  1137. ##
  1138. ## Example:
  1139. ## explicitNamespacesSelector:
  1140. ## matchLabels:
  1141. ## role: frontend
  1142. ## matchExpressions:
  1143. ## - {key: role, operator: In, values: [frontend]}
  1144. ##
  1145. explicitNamespacesSelector: {}
  1146. ##
  1147. ##
  1148. ##
  1149. ##
  1150. ##
  1151. ##
  1152. egress:
  1153. ## @param networkPolicy.egress.enabled When enabled, an egress network policy will be
  1154. ## created allowing grafana to connect to external data sources from kubernetes cluster.
  1155. enabled: false
  1156. ##
  1157. ## @param networkPolicy.egress.ports Add individual ports to be allowed by the egress
  1158. ports: []
  1159. ## Add ports to the egress by specifying - port: <port number>
  1160. ## E.X.
  1161. ## ports:
  1162. ## - port: 80
  1163. ## - port: 443
  1164. ##
  1165. ##
  1166. ##
  1167. ##
  1168. ##
  1169. ##
  1170. # Enable backward compatibility of kubernetes where version below 1.13 doesn't have the enableServiceLinks option
  1171. enableKubeBackwardCompatibility: false
  1172. useStatefulSet: false
  1173. # Create a dynamic manifests via values:
  1174. extraObjects: []
  1175. # - apiVersion: ""
  1176. # kind: ExternalSecret
  1177. # metadata:
  1178. # name: grafana-secrets
  1179. # spec:
  1180. # backendType: gcpSecretsManager
  1181. # data:
  1182. # - key: grafana-admin-password
  1183. # name: adminPassword