NOTES.txt 2.0 KB

  1. {{- if not (eq (toString .Values.extraConfigMapMounts) "<nil>") }}
  2. [WARNING] "extraConfigMapMounts" parameter is deprecated, please use "extraVolumes" or "extraVolumesMounts" instead.
  3. {{ end }}
  4. {{- if not (eq (toString .Values.extraHostPathMounts) "<nil>") }}
  5. [WARNING] "extraHostPathMounts" parameter is deprecated, please use "extraVolumes" or "extraVolumesMounts" instead.
  6. {{ end }}
  7. {{- if not (eq (toString .Values.secretMounts) "<nil>") }}
  8. [WARNING] "secretMounts" parameter is deprecated, please use "extraVolumes" or "extraVolumeMounts" instead.
  9. {{ end }}
  10. {{- if and (not (eq .Values.mode "daemonset")) (not (eq .Values.mode "deployment")) (not (eq .Values.mode "statefulset")) }}
  11. {{ fail "[ERROR] 'mode' must be set. See for instructions." }}
  12. {{ end }}
  13. {{- if not .Values.configMap.create }}
  14. [WARNING] "configMap" wil not be created and "config" will not take effect.
  15. {{ end }}
  16. {{- if not (eq (toString .Values.containerLogs) "<nil>") }}
  17. [WARNING] 'containerLogs' is deprecated. Use 'presets.logsCollection' instead. See for instructions on how to migrate.
  18. {{ end }}
  19. [INFO] as of chart version 0.47.0 the default collector configuration has been updated to use pod IP instead of for its endpoints. See for details.
  20. {{- if .Values.presets.clusterMetrics.enabled }}
  21. {{- if eq .Values.mode "daemonset"}}
  22. {{- fail "Cluster Metrics preset is not suitable for daemonset mode. Please use statefulset or deployment mode with replicaCount: 1"}}
  23. {{ end }}
  24. {{- if gt (int .Values.replicaCount) 1 }}
  25. {{- fail "Cluster Metrics preset is not suitable for replicaCount greater than one. Please change replica count to one." }}
  26. {{ end }}
  27. {{ end }}