123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175 |
- ---
- elasticsearchHosts: "https://elasticsearch-master:9200"
- elasticsearchCertificateSecret: elasticsearch-master-certs
- elasticsearchCertificateAuthoritiesFile: ca.crt
- elasticsearchCredentialSecret: elasticsearch-master-credentials
- replicas: 1
- # Extra environment variables to append to this nodeGroup
- # This will be appended to the current 'env:' key. You can use any of the kubernetes env
- # syntax here
- extraEnvs:
- - name: "NODE_OPTIONS"
- value: "--max-old-space-size=1800"
- # value: the_value_goes_here
- # Allows you to load environment variables from kubernetes secret or config map
- envFrom: []
- # - secretRef:
- # name: env-secret
- # - configMapRef:
- # name: config-map
- # A list of secrets and their paths to mount inside the pod
- # This is useful for mounting certificates for security and for mounting
- # the X-Pack license
- secretMounts: []
- # - name: kibana-keystore
- # secretName: kibana-keystore
- # path: /usr/share/kibana/data/kibana.keystore
- # subPath: kibana.keystore # optional
- hostAliases: []
- #- ip: ""
- # hostnames:
- # - "foo.local"
- # - "bar.local"
- image: "docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana"
- imageTag: "8.5.1"
- imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
- # additionals labels
- labels: {}
- annotations: {}
- podAnnotations: {}
- # iam.amazonaws.com/role: es-cluster
- resources:
- requests:
- cpu: "1000m"
- memory: "2Gi"
- limits:
- cpu: "1000m"
- memory: "2Gi"
- protocol: http
- serverHost: ""
- healthCheckPath: "/app/kibana"
- # Allows you to add any config files in /usr/share/kibana/config/
- # such as kibana.yml
- kibanaConfig: {}
- # kibana.yml: |
- # key:
- # nestedkey: value
- # If Pod Security Policy in use it may be required to specify security context as well as service account
- podSecurityContext:
- fsGroup: 1000
- securityContext:
- capabilities:
- drop:
- - ALL
- # readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
- runAsNonRoot: true
- runAsUser: 1000
- serviceAccount: ""
- # Whether or not to automount the service account token in the pod. Normally, Kibana does not need this
- automountToken: true
- # This is the PriorityClass settings as defined in
- # https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/#priorityclass
- priorityClassName: ""
- httpPort: 5601
- extraVolumes:
- []
- # - name: extras
- # emptyDir: {}
- extraVolumeMounts:
- []
- # - name: extras
- # mountPath: /usr/share/extras
- # readOnly: true
- #
- extraContainers: []
- # - name: dummy-init
- # image: busybox
- # command: ['echo', 'hey']
- extraInitContainers: []
- # - name: dummy-init
- # image: busybox
- # command: ['echo', 'hey']
- updateStrategy:
- type: "Recreate"
- service:
- type: ClusterIP
- loadBalancerIP: ""
- port: 5601
- nodePort: ""
- labels: {}
- annotations: {}
- # cloud.google.com/load-balancer-type: "Internal"
- # service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-internal:
- # service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal: "true"
- # service.beta.kubernetes.io/openstack-internal-load-balancer: "true"
- # service.beta.kubernetes.io/cce-load-balancer-internal-vpc: "true"
- loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
- #
- httpPortName: http
- ingress:
- enabled: true
- className: "nginx"
- pathtype: ImplementationSpecific
- annotations: {}
- # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
- # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
- hosts:
- - host: kibana.cecf.base
- paths:
- - path: /
- #tls: []
- # - secretName: chart-example-tls
- # hosts:
- # - chart-example.local
- readinessProbe:
- failureThreshold: 3
- initialDelaySeconds: 10
- periodSeconds: 10
- successThreshold: 3
- timeoutSeconds: 5
- imagePullSecrets: []
- nodeSelector: {}
- tolerations: []
- affinity: {}
- nameOverride: ""
- fullnameOverride: ""
- lifecycle: {}
- # preStop:
- # exec:
- # command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo Hello from the postStart handler > /usr/share/message"]
- # postStart:
- # exec:
- # command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo Hello from the postStart handler > /usr/share/message"]