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The following tables list the configurable parameters of the Jenkins chart and their default values.

Jenkins Controller

Parameter Description Default
checkDeprecation Checks for deprecated values used true
clusterZone Override the cluster name for FQDN resolving cluster.local
kubernetesURL Override the Kubernetes API server URL https://kubernetes.default
nameOverride Override the resource name prefix jenkins
renderHelmLabels Enables rendering of the label to the annotations true
fullnameOverride Override the full resource names jenkins-{release-name} (or jenkins if release-name is jenkins)
namespaceOverride Override the deployment namespace Not set (Release.Namespace)
controller.componentName Jenkins controller name jenkins-controller
controller.testEnabled Can be used to disable rendering test resources when using helm template true
controller.cloudName Name of default cloud configuration kubernetes
controller.legacyRemotingSecurityEnabled Is remoting security enabled? Not set (i.e. not enabled)

Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC)

Parameter Description Default
controller.JCasC.defaultConfig Enables default Jenkins configuration via configuration as code plugin true
controller.JCasC.configScripts List of Jenkins Config as Code scripts {} Jenkins Config as Code for Security section legacy
controller.JCasC.securityRealm Jenkins Config as Code for Security Realm legacy
controller.JCasC.authorizationStrategy Jenkins Config as Code for Authorization Strategy loggedInUsersCanDoAnything
controller.sidecars.configAutoReload Jenkins Config as Code auto-reload settings
controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.enabled Jenkins Config as Code auto-reload settings (Attention: rbac needs to be enabled otherwise the sidecar can't read the config map) true
controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.image Image which triggers the reload kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar:1.24.4
controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.reqRetryConnect How many connection-related errors to retry on 10
controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.sleepTime How many seconds to wait before updating config-maps/secrets (sets METHOD=SLEEP on the sidecar) Not set
controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.envFrom Environment variable sources for the Jenkins Config as Code auto-reload container Not set
controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.env Environment variables for the Jenkins Config as Code auto-reload container Not set
controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.containerSecurityContext Enable container security context {readOnlyRootFilesystem: true, allowPrivilegeEscalation: false}

Jenkins Configuration Files & Scripts

Parameter Description Default
controller.initScripts List of Jenkins init scripts []
controller.initConfigMap Pre-existing init scripts Not set

Jenkins Global Security

Parameter Description Default
controller.adminSecret Create secret for admin user true
controller.disableRememberMe Disable use of remember me false
controller.enableRawHtmlMarkupFormatter Enable HTML parsing using false
controller.markupFormatter Yaml of the markup formatter to use plainText
controller.disabledAgentProtocols Disabled agent protocols JNLP-connect JNLP2-connect
controller.csrf.defaultCrumbIssuer.enabled Enable the default CSRF Crumb issuer true
controller.csrf.defaultCrumbIssuer.proxyCompatability Enable proxy compatibility true

Jenkins Global Settings

Parameter Description Default
controller.numExecutors Set Number of executors 0
controller.executorMode Set executor mode of the Jenkins node. Possible values are: NORMAL or EXCLUSIVE NORMAL
controller.customJenkinsLabels Append Jenkins labels to the controller []
controller.jenkinsHome Custom Jenkins home path /var/jenkins_home
controller.jenkinsRef Custom Jenkins reference path /usr/share/jenkins/ref
controller.jenkinsAdminEmail Email address for the administrator of the Jenkins instance Not set
controller.jenkinsUrl Set Jenkins URL if you are not using the ingress definitions provided by the chart Not set
controller.jenkinsUrlProtocol Set protocol for Jenkins URL Set to https if controller.ingress.tls, http otherwise
controller.jenkinsUriPrefix Root Uri Jenkins will be served on Not set
controller.jenkinsOpts Append to JENKINS_OPTS env var Not set
controller.javaOpts Append to JAVA_OPTS env var Not set

Jenkins In-Process Script Approval

Parameter Description Default
controller.scriptApproval List of groovy functions to approve []

Jenkins Plugins

Parameter Description Default
controller.installPlugins List of Jenkins plugins to install. If you don't want to install plugins set it to false kubernetes:1.31.3 workflow-aggregator:2.6 git:4.10.2 configuration-as-code:1414.v878271fc496f
controller.additionalPlugins List of Jenkins plugins to install in addition to those listed in controller.installPlugins []
controller.initializeOnce Initialize only on first install. Ensures plugins do not get updated inadvertently. Requires persistence.enabled to be set to true. false
controller.overwritePlugins Overwrite installed plugins on start. false
controller.overwritePluginsFromImage Keep plugins that are already installed in the controller image. true
controller.installLatestPlugins Set to false to download the minimum required version of all dependencies. true
controller.installLatestSpecifiedPlugins Set to true to download latest dependencies of any plugin that is requested to have the latest version. false

Jenkins Agent Listener

Parameter Description Default
controller.agentListenerEnabled Create Agent listener service true
controller.agentListenerPort Listening port for agents 50000
controller.agentListenerHostPort Host port to listen for agents Not set
controller.agentListenerNodePort Node port to listen for agents Not set
controller.agentListenerServiceType Defines how to expose the agentListener service ClusterIP
controller.agentListenerServiceAnnotations Annotations for the agentListener service {}
controller.agentListenerLoadBalancerIP Static IP for the agentListener LoadBalancer Not set
controller.agentListenerExternalTrafficPolicy Traffic Policy of for the agentListener service Not set
controller.agentListenerLoadBalancerSourceRanges Allowed inbound IP for the agentListener service

Kubernetes StatefulSet & Service

Parameter Description Default
controller.image Controller image name jenkins/jenkins
controller.tagLabel Controller image tag label jdk11
controller.tag Controller image tag override Not set
controller.imagePullPolicy Controller image pull policy Always
controller.imagePullSecretName Controller image pull secret Not set
controller.resources Resources allocation (Requests and Limits) {requests: {cpu: 50m, memory: 256Mi}, limits: {cpu: 2000m, memory: 4096Mi}}
controller.initContainerResources Resources allocation (Requests and Limits) for Init Container Not set
controller.initContainerEnvFrom Environment variable sources for Init Container Not set
controller.initContainerEnv Environment variables for Init Container Not set
controller.containerEnvFrom Environment variable sources for Jenkins Container Not set
controller.containerEnv Environment variables for Jenkins Container Not set
controller.usePodSecurityContext Enable pod security context (must be true if runAsUser, fsGroup, or podSecurityContextOverride are set) true
controller.runAsUser Deprecated in favor of controller.podSecurityContextOverride. uid that jenkins runs with. 1000
controller.fsGroup Deprecated in favor of controller.podSecurityContextOverride. uid that will be used for persistent volume. 1000
controller.podSecurityContextOverride Completely overwrites the contents of the pod security context, ignoring the values provided for runAsUser, and fsGroup. Not set
controller.containerSecurityContext Allow to control securityContext for the jenkins container. {runAsUser: 1000, runAsGroup: 1000, readOnlyRootFilesystem: true, allowPrivilegeEscalation: false}
controller.hostAliases Aliases for IPs in /etc/hosts []
controller.serviceAnnotations Service annotations {}
controller.serviceType k8s service type ClusterIP
controller.clusterIP k8s service clusterIP Not set
controller.servicePort k8s service port 8080
controller.targetPort k8s target port 8080
controller.nodePort k8s node port Not set
controller.jmxPort Open a port, for JMX stats Not set
controller.extraPorts Open extra ports, for other uses []
controller.loadBalancerSourceRanges Allowed inbound IP addresses
controller.loadBalancerIP Optional fixed external IP Not set
controller.statefulSetLabels Custom StatefulSet labels Not set
controller.serviceLabels Custom Service labels Not set
controller.podLabels Custom Pod labels (an object with label-key: label-value pairs) Not set
controller.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
controller.affinity Affinity settings {}
controller.schedulerName Kubernetes scheduler name Not set
controller.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Set TerminationGracePeriodSeconds Not set
controller.terminationMessagePath Set the termination message path Not set
controller.terminationMessagePolicy Set the termination message policy Not set
controller.tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
controller.podAnnotations Annotations for controller pod {}
controller.statefulSetAnnotations Annotations for controller StatefulSet {}
controller.updateStrategy Update strategy for StatefulSet {}
controller.lifecycle Lifecycle specification for controller-container Not set
controller.priorityClassName The name of a priorityClass to apply to the controller pod Not set
controller.admin.existingSecret The name of an existing secret containing the admin credentials. ""
controller.admin.userKey The key in the existing admin secret containing the username. jenkins-admin-user
controller.admin.passwordKey The key in the existing admin secret containing the password. jenkins-admin-password
controller.customInitContainers Custom init-container specification in raw-yaml format Not set
controller.sidecars.other Configures additional sidecar container(s) for Jenkins controller []

Kubernetes Pod Disruption Budget

Parameter Description Default
controller.podDisruptionBudget.enabled Enable Kubernetes Pod Disruption Budget configuration from controller.podDisruptionBudget (see below) false
controller.podDisruptionBudget.apiVersion Policy API version policy/v1beta1
controller.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Number of pods that can be unavailable. Either an absolute number or a percentage. Not set

Kubernetes Health Probes

Parameter Description Default
controller.healthProbes Enable Kubernetes Probes configuration from controller.probes (see below) true
controller.probes.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Set the timeout for the liveness probe in seconds 5
controller.probes.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Set the time interval (in seconds) between two liveness probes executions 10
controller.probes.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Set the failure threshold for the liveness probe 5
controller.probes.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Set the initial delay for the liveness probe Not set
controller.probes.livenessProbe.httpGet.port Set the Pod's HTTP port to use for the liveness probe http
controller.probes.livenessProbe.httpGet.path Set the HTTP's path for the liveness probe /login' (or ${controller.jenkinsUriPrefix}/login if controller.jenkinsUriPrefix is defined)
controller.probes.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Set the timeout for the readiness probe in seconds 5
controller.probes.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Set the time interval (in seconds) between two readiness probes executions 10
controller.probes.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Set the failure threshold for the readiness probe 3
controller.probes.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Set the initial delay for the readiness probe Not set
controller.probes.readinessProbe.httpGet.port Set the Pod's HTTP port to use for the readiness probe http
controller.probes.readinessProbe.httpGet.path Set the HTTP's path for the readiness probe /login' (or ${controller.jenkinsUriPrefix}/login if controller.jenkinsUriPrefix is defined)
controller.probes.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds Set the timeout for the startup probe in seconds 5
controller.probes.startupProbe.periodSeconds Set the time interval (in seconds) between two startup probes executions 10
controller.probes.startupProbe.failureThreshold Set the failure threshold for the startup probe 12
controller.probes.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds Set the initial delay for the startup probe Not set
controller.probes.startupProbe.httpGet.port Set the Pod's HTTP port to use for the startup probe http
controller.probes.startupProbe.httpGet.path Set the HTTP's path for the startup probe /login' (or ${controller.jenkinsUriPrefix}/login if controller.jenkinsUriPrefix is defined)

Kubernetes Ingress

Parameter Description Default
controller.ingress.enabled Enables ingress false
controller.ingress.apiVersion Ingress API version extensions/v1beta1
controller.ingress.hostName Ingress hostname Not set
controller.ingress.resourceRootUrl Hostname to serve assets from Not set
controller.ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
controller.ingress.labels Ingress labels {}
controller.ingress.path Ingress path Not set
controller.ingress.paths Override for the default Ingress paths []
controller.ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []

GKE BackendConfig

Parameter Description Default
controller.backendconfig.enabled Enables backendconfig false
controller.backendconfig.apiVersion backendconfig API version extensions/v1beta1 backendconfig name Not set
controller.backendconfig.annotations backendconfig annotations {}
controller.backendconfig.labels backendconfig labels {}
controller.backendconfig.spec backendconfig spec {}

OpenShift Route

Parameter Description Default
controller.route.enabled Enables openshift route false
controller.route.annotations Route annotations {}
controller.route.labels Route labels {}
controller.route.path Route path Not set


Parameter Description Default
controller.prometheus.enabled Enables prometheus service monitor false
controller.prometheus.serviceMonitorAdditionalLabels Additional labels to add to the service monitor object {}
controller.prometheus.serviceMonitorNamespace Custom namespace for serviceMonitor Not set (same ns where is Jenkins being deployed)
controller.prometheus.scrapeInterval How often prometheus should scrape metrics 60s
controller.prometheus.scrapeEndpoint The endpoint prometheus should get metrics from /prometheus
controller.prometheus.alertingrules Array of prometheus alerting rules []
controller.prometheus.alertingRulesAdditionalLabels Additional labels to add to the prometheus rule object {}
controller.prometheus.prometheusRuleNamespace Custom namespace for PrometheusRule "" (same ns where Jenkins being deployed)

HTTPS Keystore

Parameter Description Default
controller.httpsKeyStore.enable Enables HTTPS keystore on jenkins controller false
controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsHttpsJksSecretName Name of the secret that already has ssl keystore ``
controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsHttpsJksSecretKey Name of the key in the secret that already has ssl keystore jenkins-jks-file
controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsHttpsJksPasswordSecretName Name of the secret that contains the JKS password, if it is not in the same secret as the JKS file ``
controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsHttpsJksPasswordSecretKey Name of the key in the secret that contains the JKS password https-jks-password
controller.httpsKeyStore.httpPort HTTP Port that Jenkins should listen on along with HTTPS, it also serves liveness and readiness probs port. When HTTPS keystore is enabled servicePort and targetPort will be used as HTTPS port 8081
controller.httpsKeyStore.path Path of HTTPS keystore file /var/jenkins_keystore
controller.httpsKeyStore.fileName Jenkins keystore filename which will appear under controller.httpsKeyStore.path keystore.jks
controller.httpsKeyStore.password Jenkins keystore password password
controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsKeyStoreBase64Encoded Base64 encoded Keystore content. Keystore must be converted to base64 then being pasted here a self signed cert

Kubernetes Secret

Parameter Description Default
controller.adminUser Admin username (and password) created as a secret if adminSecret is true admin
controller.adminPassword Admin password (and user) created as a secret if adminSecret is true Random value
controller.existingSecret The name of an existing secret containing keys credentials. ""
controller.additionalSecrets List of additional secrets to create and mount according to JCasC docs []
controller.additionalExistingSecrets List of additional existing secrets to mount according to JCasC docs []
controller.secretClaims List of SecretClaim resources to create []

Kubernetes NetworkPolicy

Parameter Description Default
networkPolicy.enabled Enable creation of NetworkPolicy resources. false
networkPolicy.apiVersion NetworkPolicy ApiVersion
networkPolicy.internalAgents.allowed Allow internal agents (from the same cluster) to connect to controller. Agent pods would be filtered based on PodLabels. false
networkPolicy.internalAgents.podLabels A map of labels (keys/values) that agents pods must have to be able to connect to controller. {}
networkPolicy.internalAgents.namespaceLabels A map of labels (keys/values) that agents namespaces must have to be able to connect to controller. {}
networkPolicy.externalAgents.ipCIDR The IP range from which external agents are allowed to connect to controller. ``
networkPolicy.externalAgents.except A list of IP sub-ranges to be excluded from the whitelisted IP range. []

Kubernetes RBAC

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create Whether RBAC resources are created true
rbac.readSecrets Whether the Jenkins service account should be able to read Kubernetes secrets false

Kubernetes ServiceAccount - Controller

Parameter Description Default name of the ServiceAccount to be used by access-controlled resources autogenerated
serviceAccount.create Configures if a ServiceAccount with this name should be created true
serviceAccount.annotations Configures annotation for the ServiceAccount {}
serviceAccount.extraLabels Configures extra labels for the ServiceAccount {}
serviceAccount.imagePullSecretName Controller ServiceAccount image pull secret Not set

Kubernetes ServiceAccount - Agent

Parameter Description Default name of the agent ServiceAccount to be used by access-controlled resources autogenerated
serviceAccountAgent.create Configures if an agent ServiceAccount with this name should be created false
serviceAccountAgent.annotations Configures annotation for the agent ServiceAccount {}
serviceAccountAgent.extraLabels Configures extra labels for the agent ServiceAccount {}
serviceAccountAgent.imagePullSecretName Agent ServiceAccount image pull secret Not set

Jenkins Agent(s)

Parameter Description Default
agent.enabled Enable Kubernetes plugin jnlp-agent podTemplate true
agent.namespace Namespace in which the Kubernetes agents should be launched Not set
agent.containerCap Maximum number of agent 10
agent.defaultsProviderTemplate The name of the pod template to use for providing default values Not set
agent.jenkinsUrl Overrides the Kubernetes Jenkins URL Not set
agent.jenkinsTunnel Overrides the Kubernetes Jenkins tunnel Not set
agent.kubernetesConnectTimeout The connection timeout in seconds for connections to Kubernetes API. Minimum value is 5. 5
agent.kubernetesReadTimeout The read timeout in seconds for connections to Kubernetes API. Minimum value is 15. 15
agent.maxRequestsPerHostStr The maximum concurrent connections to Kubernetes API 32
agent.retentionTimeout Time in minutes after which the Kubernetes cloud plugin will clean up an idle worker that has not already terminated 5
agent.waitForPodSec Seconds to wait for pod to be running 600
agent.podLabels Custom Pod labels (an object with label-key: label-value pairs) Not set
agent.jnlpregistry Custom docker registry used for to get agent jnlp image Not set

Pod Configuration

Parameter Description Default
agent.websocket Enables agent communication via websockets false
agent.podName Agent Pod base name Not set
agent.customJenkinsLabels Append Jenkins labels to the agent []
agent.envVars Environment variables for the agent Pod []
agent.idleMinutes Allows the Pod to remain active for reuse 0
agent.imagePullSecretName Agent image pull secret Not set
agent.hostNetworking Enabled agent to use hostnetwork false
agent.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
agent.connectTimeout Timeout in seconds for an agent to be online 100
agent.volumes Additional volumes []
agent.workspaceVolume Workspace volume (defaults to EmptyDir) {}
agent.yamlTemplate The raw yaml of a Pod API Object to merge into the agent spec Not set
agent.yamlMergeStrategy Defines how the raw yaml field gets merged with yaml definitions from inherited pod templates override
agent.annotations Annotations to apply to the pod {}
agent.additionalContainers Add additional containers to the agents. []

Side Container Configuration

Parameter Description Default
agent.sideContainerName Side container name in agent jnlp
agent.image Agent image name jenkins/inbound-agent
agent.tag Agent image tag 3107.v665000b_51092-5
agent.alwaysPullImage Always pull agent container image before build false
agent.privileged Agent privileged container false
agent.resources Resources allocation (Requests and Limits) {requests: {cpu: 512m, memory: 512Mi}, limits: {cpu: 512m, memory: 512Mi}}
agent.runAsUser Configure container user Not set
agent.runAsGroup Configure container group Not set
agent.command Executed command when side container starts Not set
agent.args Arguments passed to executed command ${computer.jnlpmac} ${}
agent.TTYEnabled Allocate pseudo tty to the side container false
agent.workingDir Configure working directory for default agent /home/jenkins/agent


Parameter Description Default
agent.disableDefaultAgent Ignore the default Jenkins Agent configuration false
agent.podTemplates Configures extra pod templates for the default kubernetes cloud {}
additionalAgents Configure additional agents which inherit values from agent {}


Parameter Description Default
persistence.enabled Enable the use of a Jenkins PVC true
persistence.existingClaim Provide the name of a PVC nil
persistence.storageClass Storage class for the PVC nil
persistence.annotations Annotations for the PVC {}
persistence.labels Labels for the PVC {}
persistence.accessMode The PVC access mode ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size The size of the PVC 8Gi
persistence.dataSource Existing data source to clone PVC from nil
persistence.subPath SubPath for jenkins-home mount nil
persistence.volumes Additional volumes nil
persistence.mounts Additional mounts nil


Parameter Description Default
backup.enabled Enable the use of a backup CronJob false
backup.schedule Schedule to run jobs 0 2 * * *
backup.labels Backup pod labels {}
backup.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created true name of the backup ServiceAccount autogenerated
backup.serviceAccount.annotations Backup pod annotations {}
backup.image.repo Backup image repository maorfr/kube-tasks
backup.image.tag Backup image tag 0.2.0
backup.image.imagePullSecretName Backup image pull secret Not set
backup.extraArgs Additional arguments for kube-tasks []
backup.existingSecret Environment variables to add to the cronjob container {}
backup.existingSecret.* Specify the secret name containing the AWS or GCP credentials jenkinsaws
backup.existingSecret.*.awsaccesskey secretKeyRef.key used for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID jenkins_aws_access_key
backup.existingSecret.*.awssecretkey secretKeyRef.key used for AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY jenkins_aws_secret_key
backup.existingSecret.*.azstorageaccount secretKeyRef.key used for AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT ""
backup.existingSecret.*.azstoragekey secretKeyRef.key used for AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY ""
backup.existingSecret.*.gcpcredentials Mounts secret as volume and sets GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS credentials.json
backup.env Backup environment variables []
backup.resources Backup CPU/Memory resource requests/limits Memory: 1Gi, CPU: 1
backup.destination Destination to store backup artifacts s3://jenkins-data/backup
backup.onlyJobs Only backup the job folder false
backup.usePodSecurityContext Enable backup pod's security context (must be true if runAsUser, fsGroup, or podSecurityContextOverride are set) true
backup.runAsUser Deprecated in favor of backup.podSecurityContextOverride. uid that jenkins runs with. 1000
backup.fsGroup Deprecated in favor of backup.podSecurityContextOverride. uid that will be used for persistent volume. 1000
backup.podSecurityContextOverride Completely overwrites the contents of the backup pod's security context, ignoring the values provided for runAsUser, and fsGroup. Not set
cronJob.apiVersion CronJob API version 'batch/v1'
awsSecurityGroupPolicies.enabled Enable the creation of SecurityGroupPolicy resources false
awsSecurityGroupPolicies.policies Security Group Policy definitions. awsSecurityGroupPolicies.enabled must be true Not set

Helm Tests

Parameter Description Default
helmtest.bats.image Image used to test the framework bats/bats
helmtest.bats.tag Test framework image tag override 1.2.1