123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236 |
- {{- if or (eq .Values.controller.kind "Deployment") (eq .Values.controller.kind "Both") -}}
- {{- include "isControllerTagValid" . -}}
- apiVersion: apps/v1
- kind: Deployment
- metadata:
- labels:
- {{- include "ingress-nginx.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
- app.kubernetes.io/component: controller
- {{- with .Values.controller.labels }}
- {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
- {{- end }}
- name: {{ include "ingress-nginx.controller.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.annotations }}
- annotations: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.annotations | nindent 4 }}
- {{- end }}
- spec:
- selector:
- matchLabels:
- {{- include "ingress-nginx.selectorLabels" . | nindent 6 }}
- app.kubernetes.io/component: controller
- {{- if not .Values.controller.autoscaling.enabled }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.controller.replicaCount }}
- {{- end }}
- revisionHistoryLimit: {{ .Values.revisionHistoryLimit }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.updateStrategy }}
- strategy:
- {{ toYaml .Values.controller.updateStrategy | nindent 4 }}
- {{- end }}
- minReadySeconds: {{ .Values.controller.minReadySeconds }}
- template:
- metadata:
- {{- if .Values.controller.podAnnotations }}
- annotations:
- {{- range $key, $value := .Values.controller.podAnnotations }}
- {{ $key }}: {{ $value | quote }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- labels:
- {{- include "ingress-nginx.selectorLabels" . | nindent 8 }}
- app.kubernetes.io/component: controller
- {{- with .Values.controller.labels }}
- {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.podLabels }}
- {{- toYaml .Values.controller.podLabels | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- spec:
- {{- if .Values.controller.dnsConfig }}
- dnsConfig: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.dnsConfig | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.hostname }}
- hostname: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.hostname | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- dnsPolicy: {{ .Values.controller.dnsPolicy }}
- {{- if .Values.imagePullSecrets }}
- imagePullSecrets: {{ toYaml .Values.imagePullSecrets | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.priorityClassName }}
- priorityClassName: {{ .Values.controller.priorityClassName | quote }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if or .Values.controller.podSecurityContext .Values.controller.sysctls }}
- securityContext:
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.podSecurityContext }}
- {{- toYaml .Values.controller.podSecurityContext | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.sysctls }}
- sysctls:
- {{- range $sysctl, $value := .Values.controller.sysctls }}
- - name: {{ $sysctl | quote }}
- value: {{ $value | quote }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.shareProcessNamespace }}
- shareProcessNamespace: {{ .Values.controller.shareProcessNamespace }}
- {{- end }}
- containers:
- - name: {{ .Values.controller.containerName }}
- {{- with .Values.controller.image }}
- image: "{{- if .repository -}}{{ .repository }}{{ else }}{{ .registry }}/{{ include "ingress-nginx.image" . }}{{- end -}}:{{ .tag }}{{ include "ingress-nginx.imageDigest" . }}"
- {{- end }}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.controller.image.pullPolicy }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.lifecycle }}
- lifecycle: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.lifecycle | nindent 12 }}
- {{- end }}
- args:
- {{- include "ingress-nginx.params" . | nindent 12 }}
- securityContext: {{ include "controller.containerSecurityContext" . | nindent 12 }}
- env:
- - name: POD_NAME
- valueFrom:
- fieldRef:
- fieldPath: metadata.name
- valueFrom:
- fieldRef:
- fieldPath: metadata.namespace
- {{- if .Values.controller.enableMimalloc }}
- - name: LD_PRELOAD
- value: /usr/local/lib/libmimalloc.so
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.extraEnvs }}
- {{- toYaml .Values.controller.extraEnvs | nindent 12 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.startupProbe }}
- startupProbe: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.startupProbe | nindent 12 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.livenessProbe }}
- livenessProbe: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.livenessProbe | nindent 12 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.readinessProbe }}
- readinessProbe: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.readinessProbe | nindent 12 }}
- {{- end }}
- ports:
- {{- range $key, $value := .Values.controller.containerPort }}
- - name: {{ $key }}
- containerPort: {{ $value }}
- protocol: TCP
- {{- if $.Values.controller.hostPort.enabled }}
- hostPort: {{ index $.Values.controller.hostPort.ports $key | default $value }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.metrics.enabled }}
- - name: {{ .Values.controller.metrics.portName }}
- containerPort: {{ .Values.controller.metrics.port }}
- protocol: TCP
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.admissionWebhooks.enabled }}
- - name: webhook
- containerPort: {{ .Values.controller.admissionWebhooks.port }}
- protocol: TCP
- {{- end }}
- {{- range $key, $value := .Values.tcp }}
- - name: {{ if $.Values.portNamePrefix }}{{ $.Values.portNamePrefix }}-{{ end }}{{ $key }}-tcp
- containerPort: {{ $key }}
- protocol: TCP
- {{- if $.Values.controller.hostPort.enabled }}
- hostPort: {{ $key }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- range $key, $value := .Values.udp }}
- - name: {{ if $.Values.portNamePrefix }}{{ $.Values.portNamePrefix }}-{{ end }}{{ $key }}-udp
- containerPort: {{ $key }}
- protocol: UDP
- {{- if $.Values.controller.hostPort.enabled }}
- hostPort: {{ $key }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if (or .Values.controller.customTemplate.configMapName .Values.controller.extraVolumeMounts .Values.controller.admissionWebhooks.enabled .Values.controller.extraModules) }}
- volumeMounts:
- {{- if .Values.controller.extraModules }}
- - name: modules
- {{ if .Values.controller.image.chroot }}
- mountPath: /chroot/modules_mount
- {{ else }}
- mountPath: /modules_mount
- {{ end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.customTemplate.configMapName }}
- - mountPath: /etc/nginx/template
- name: nginx-template-volume
- readOnly: true
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.admissionWebhooks.enabled }}
- - name: webhook-cert
- mountPath: /usr/local/certificates/
- readOnly: true
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.extraVolumeMounts }}
- {{- toYaml .Values.controller.extraVolumeMounts | nindent 12 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.resources }}
- resources: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.resources | nindent 12 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.extraContainers }}
- {{ toYaml .Values.controller.extraContainers | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if (or .Values.controller.extraInitContainers .Values.controller.extraModules) }}
- initContainers:
- {{- if .Values.controller.extraInitContainers }}
- {{ toYaml .Values.controller.extraInitContainers | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.extraModules }}
- {{- range .Values.controller.extraModules }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- image: {{ .image }}
- command: ['sh', '-c', '/usr/local/bin/init_module.sh']
- volumeMounts:
- - name: modules
- mountPath: /modules_mount
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.hostNetwork }}
- hostNetwork: {{ .Values.controller.hostNetwork }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.nodeSelector | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.tolerations }}
- tolerations: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.tolerations | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.affinity }}
- affinity: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.affinity | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.topologySpreadConstraints }}
- topologySpreadConstraints: {{ toYaml .Values.controller.topologySpreadConstraints | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- serviceAccountName: {{ template "ingress-nginx.serviceAccountName" . }}
- terminationGracePeriodSeconds: {{ .Values.controller.terminationGracePeriodSeconds }}
- {{- if (or .Values.controller.customTemplate.configMapName .Values.controller.extraVolumeMounts .Values.controller.admissionWebhooks.enabled .Values.controller.extraVolumes .Values.controller.extraModules) }}
- volumes:
- {{- if .Values.controller.extraModules }}
- - name: modules
- emptyDir: {}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.customTemplate.configMapName }}
- - name: nginx-template-volume
- configMap:
- name: {{ .Values.controller.customTemplate.configMapName }}
- items:
- - key: {{ .Values.controller.customTemplate.configMapKey }}
- path: nginx.tmpl
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.admissionWebhooks.enabled }}
- - name: webhook-cert
- secret:
- secretName: {{ include "ingress-nginx.fullname" . }}-admission
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.controller.extraVolumes }}
- {{ toYaml .Values.controller.extraVolumes | nindent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}