values.yaml 27 KB

  1. # -- The container registry host (and port) where the images will be pulled from.
  2. containerRegistry:
  3. # -- Image pull policy used for images loaded by the Operator
  4. imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  5. # -- Section to configure Operator allowed namespaces that the operator is allowed to use. If empty all namespaces will be allowed (default).
  6. allowedNamespaces: []
  7. # Section to configure Operator Installation ServiceAccount
  8. serviceAccount:
  9. # -- If `true` the Operator Installation ServiceAccount will be created
  10. create: true
  11. # -- Section to configure Operator ServiceAccount annotations
  12. annotations: {}
  13. # -- Repositories credentials Secret names to attach to ServiceAccounts and Pods
  14. repoCredentials: []
  15. # Section to configure Operator Pod
  16. operator:
  17. # Section to configure Operator image
  18. image:
  19. # -- Operator image name
  20. name: "stackgres/operator"
  21. # -- Operator image tag
  22. tag: "1.14.0"
  23. # -- Operator image pull policy
  24. pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  25. # -- Operator Pod annotations
  26. annotations: {}
  27. # -- Operator Pod resources. See
  28. resources: {}
  29. # -- Operator Pod node selector
  30. nodeSelector: {}
  31. # -- Operator Pod tolerations. See
  32. tolerations: []
  33. # -- Operator Pod affinity. See
  34. affinity: {}
  35. # Section to configure Operator ServiceAccount
  36. serviceAccount:
  37. # -- Section to configure Operator ServiceAccount annotations
  38. annotations: {}
  39. # -- Repositories credentials Secret names to attach to ServiceAccounts and Pods
  40. repoCredentials: []
  41. # Section to configure Operator Service
  42. service:
  43. # -- Section to configure Operator Service annotations
  44. annotations: {}
  45. # Section to configure REST API Pod
  46. restapi:
  47. # -- REST API Deployment name
  48. name: stackgres-restapi
  49. # Section to configure REST API image
  50. image:
  51. # -- REST API image name
  52. name: "stackgres/restapi"
  53. # -- REST API image tag
  54. tag: "1.14.0"
  55. # -- REST API image pull policy
  56. pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  57. # -- REST API Pod annotations
  58. annotations: {}
  59. # -- REST API Pod resources. See
  60. resources: {}
  61. # -- REST API Pod node selector
  62. nodeSelector: {}
  63. # -- REST API Pod tolerations. See
  64. tolerations: []
  65. # -- REST API Pod affinity. See
  66. affinity: {}
  67. # Section to configure REST API ServiceAccount
  68. serviceAccount:
  69. # -- REST API ServiceAccount annotations
  70. annotations: {}
  71. # -- Repositories credentials Secret names to attach to ServiceAccounts and Pods
  72. repoCredentials: []
  73. # Section to configure REST API Service
  74. service:
  75. # -- REST API Service annotations
  76. annotations: {}
  77. # Section to configure Web Console container
  78. adminui:
  79. # Section to configure Web Console image
  80. image:
  81. # -- Web Console image name
  82. name: "stackgres/admin-ui"
  83. # -- Web Console image tag
  84. tag: "1.14.0"
  85. # -- Web Console image pull policy
  86. pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  87. # -- Web Console resources. See
  88. resources: {}
  89. # Section to configure Web Console service.
  90. service:
  91. # -- When set to `true` the HTTP port will be exposed in the Web Console Service
  92. exposeHTTP: False
  93. # -- The type used for the service of the UI:
  94. # * Set to LoadBalancer to create a load balancer (if supported by the kubernetes cluster)
  95. # to allow connect from Internet to the UI. Note that enabling this feature will probably incurr in
  96. # some fee that depend on the host of the kubernetes cluster (for example this is true for EKS, GKE
  97. # and AKS).
  98. # * Set to NodePort to expose admin UI from kubernetes nodes.
  99. type: NodePort
  100. # -- (string) LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in
  101. # this field. This feature depends on whether the underlying cloud-provider supports specifying
  102. # the loadBalancerIP when a load balancer is created. This field will be ignored if the
  103. # cloud-provider does not support the feature.
  104. loadBalancerIP:
  105. # -- (array) If specified and supported by the platform,
  106. # this will restrict traffic through the cloud-provider load-balancer will be restricted to the
  107. # specified client IPs. This field will be ignored if the cloud-provider does not support the
  108. # feature.
  109. # More info:
  110. loadBalancerSourceRanges:
  111. # -- (integer) The HTTPS port used to expose the Service on Kubernetes nodes
  112. nodePort:
  113. # -- (integer) The HTTP port used to expose the Service on Kubernetes nodes
  114. nodePortHTTP:
  115. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector
  116. collector:
  117. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector Deployment/DeamonSet base name
  118. name: stackgres-collector
  119. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector receivers
  120. #
  121. # By default a single instance of OpenTelemetry Collector will be created.
  122. # This section allow to have a variable number of OpenTelemetry Collector
  123. # exporters (by default equals to the number of Pod with metrics enabled)
  124. # that will scrape the metrics separately and send them to a defined number
  125. # of OpenTelemetry Collector receivers (by default 1).
  126. receivers:
  127. # -- When true the OpenTelemetry Collector receivers will be enabled
  128. enabled: false
  129. # -- Allow to increase the number of OpenTelemetry Collector exporters if receivers is enabled
  130. exporters: 1
  131. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Colelctor receivers Deployments.
  132. #
  133. # If receivers is enabled and this section is not defined
  134. # a number of Deployments equals to the number of SGClusters Pods that has `SGCluster.spec.configurations.observability.disableMetrics` set to `false`,
  135. # each with a pod affinity that match a different SGCluster's Pod and a configuration that will scrape from the same SGCluster's Pod.
  136. #
  137. # When deployments is defined, each Deployment will have a configuration that will scrape from a partition of the list of all the SGClusters Pods ordered by
  138. # the `Pod.metadata.creationTimestamp` (from older to newer), the `Pod.metadata.namespace` (alphabetically and ascending) and the ``
  139. # (alphabetically and ascending).
  140. deployments:
  141. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector receivers Deployment list of a specific SGCluster Pods to be included together with the Pod list partition as described above.
  142. # - sgClusters:
  143. # -- namespace of an SGCluster.
  144. # - namespace: my-cluster-namespace
  145. # -- name of an SGCluster.
  146. # name: my-cluster-name
  147. # -- Indexes of the Pods to include. If not set all the SGCluster Pods will be included.
  148. # indexes:
  149. # - 0
  150. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector receivers Deployment Pod resources
  151. # resources: {}
  152. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector receivers Deployment Pod affinity. See
  153. # affinity: {}
  154. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector receivers Deployment Pod annotations. See
  155. # annotations: {}
  156. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector receivers Deployment Pod node slector
  157. # nodeSelector: {}
  158. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector receivers Deployment Pod tolerations. See
  159. # tolerations: []
  160. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector Pod resources. See
  161. resources: {}
  162. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector Pod affinity
  163. affinity: {}
  164. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector Pod annotations. See
  165. annotations: {}
  166. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector Pod node slector
  167. nodeSelector: {}
  168. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector Pod tolerations. See
  169. tolerations: []
  170. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector ServiceAccount
  171. serviceAccount:
  172. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector ServiceAccount annotations
  173. annotations: {}
  174. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector Service
  175. service:
  176. # -- OpenTelemetry Collector Service annotations
  177. annotations: {}
  178. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector Service specs. See
  179. spec:
  180. type: ClusterIP
  181. ports:
  182. - name: prom-http
  183. protocol: TCP
  184. port: 9464
  185. targetPort: prom-http
  186. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector Ports. See
  187. ports:
  188. - name: prom-http
  189. protocol: TCP
  190. containerPort: 9464
  191. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector Volume Mounts. See
  192. volumeMounts: []
  193. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector Volumes. See
  194. volumes: []
  195. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector Configuration. See
  196. config:
  197. processors: {}
  198. receivers:
  199. otlp:
  200. protocols:
  201. grpc:
  202. endpoint: ""
  203. tls:
  204. ca_file: "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt"
  205. cert_file: "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt"
  206. key_file: "/etc/operator/certs/tls.key"
  207. exporters:
  208. prometheus:
  209. endpoint: ""
  210. tls:
  211. ca_file: "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt"
  212. cert_file: "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt"
  213. key_file: "/etc/operator/certs/tls.key"
  214. reload_interval: 10m
  215. send_timestamps: true
  216. metric_expiration: 180m
  217. enable_open_metrics: false
  218. resource_to_telemetry_conversion:
  219. enabled: false
  220. otlp:
  221. endpoint: stackgres-collector:4317
  222. tls:
  223. ca_file: "/etc/operator/certs/tls.crt"
  224. service:
  225. extensions: []
  226. pipelines:
  227. metrics:
  228. receivers:
  229. - prometheus
  230. processors: []
  231. exporters:
  232. - debug
  233. - prometheus
  234. # Section to configure OpenTelemetry Collector integration with Prometheus Operator.
  235. prometheusOperator:
  236. # -- If set to false or monitors is set automatic bind to Prometheus
  237. # created using the [Prometheus Operator]( will be disabled.
  238. # If disabled the cluster will not be binded to Prometheus automatically and will require manual configuration.
  239. # Will be ignored if monitors is set
  240. allowDiscovery: true
  241. # Optional section to configure PodMonitors for specific Prometheus instances
  242. # *WARNING*: resources created by this integration that does set
  243. # the metadata namespace to the same as the operator will not
  244. # be removed when removing the helm chart. Changing the namespace
  245. # may require configure the Prometheus CR properly in order to
  246. # discover PodMonitor in such namespace.
  247. monitors:
  248. # - name: # <Prometheus CR name reference> # Required. Will allow to create a PodMonitor in the Prometheus CR namespace that will scrape from the collector Pod pointing by default to the prometheus exporter
  249. # namespace: # <Prometheus CR namespace reference> # Required. Will allow to create a PodMonitor in the Prometheus CR namespace that will scrape from the collector Pod pointing by default to the prometheus exporter
  250. # metadata: # overwrite some PodMonitor metadata
  251. # name:
  252. # namespace: # changing the namespace may require configure the Prometheus CR properly in order to discover PodMonitor in such namespace.
  253. # labels:
  254. # annotations:
  255. # ownerReferences:
  256. # spec: {} # PodMonitor spec that will be overwritten by the operator
  257. # Section to configure Operator Installation Jobs
  258. jobs:
  259. # Section to configure Operator Installation Jobs image
  260. image:
  261. # -- Operator Installation Jobs image name
  262. name: "stackgres/jobs"
  263. # -- Operator Installation Jobs image tag
  264. tag: "1.14.0"
  265. # -- Operator Installation Jobs image pull policy
  266. pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  267. # -- Operator Installation Jobs annotations
  268. annotations: {}
  269. # -- Operator Installation Jobs resources. See
  270. resources: {}
  271. # -- Operator Installation Jobs node selector
  272. nodeSelector: {}
  273. # -- Operator Installation Jobs tolerations. See
  274. tolerations: []
  275. # -- Operator Installation Jobs affinity. See
  276. affinity: {}
  277. # Section to configure deployment aspects.
  278. deploy:
  279. # -- When set to `true` the Operator will be deployed.
  280. operator: true
  281. # -- When set to `true` the Web Console / REST API will be deployed.
  282. restapi: true
  283. # -- When set to `true` the OpenTelemetry Collector will be deployed.
  284. collector: false
  285. # Section to configure the Operator, REST API and Web Console certificates and JWT RSA key-pair.
  286. cert:
  287. # -- If set to `true` the CertificateSigningRequest used to generate the certificate used by
  288. # Webhooks will be approved by the Operator Installation Job.
  289. autoapprove: true
  290. # -- When set to `true` the Operator certificate will be created.
  291. createForOperator: true
  292. # -- When set to `true` the Web Console / REST API certificate will be created.
  293. createForWebApi: true
  294. # -- When set to `true` the OpenTelemetry Collector certificate will be created.
  295. createForCollector: true
  296. # -- (string) The Secret name with the Operator Webhooks certificate issued by the Kubernetes cluster CA
  297. # of type See
  298. secretName:
  299. # -- When set to `true` the Operator certificates will be regenerated if `createForOperator` is set to `true`, and the certificate is expired or invalid.
  300. regenerateCert: true
  301. # -- (integer) The duration in days of the generated certificate for the Operator after which it will expire and be regenerated.
  302. # If not specified it will be set to 730 (2 years) by default.
  303. certDuration: 730
  304. # -- (string) The Secret name with the Web Console / REST API certificate
  305. # of type See
  306. webSecretName:
  307. # -- When set to `true` the Web Console / REST API certificates will be regenerated if `createForWebApi` is set to `true`, and the certificate is expired or invalid.
  308. regenerateWebCert: true
  309. # -- When set to `true` the Web Console / REST API RSA key pair will be regenerated if `createForWebApi` is set to `true`, and the certificate is expired or invalid.
  310. regenerateWebRsa: true
  311. # -- (integer) The duration in days of the generated certificate for the Web Console / REST API after which it will expire and be regenerated.
  312. # If not specified it will be set to 730 (2 years) by default.
  313. webCertDuration:
  314. # -- (integer) The duration in days of the generated RSA key pair for the Web Console / REST API after which it will expire and be regenerated.
  315. # If not specified it will be set to 730 (2 years) by default.
  316. webRsaDuration:
  317. # -- (string) The private RSA key used to create the Operator Webhooks certificate issued by the
  318. # Kubernetes cluster CA.
  319. key:
  320. # -- (string) The Operator Webhooks certificate issued by Kubernetes cluster CA.
  321. crt:
  322. # -- (string) The private RSA key used to generate JWTs used in REST API authentication.
  323. jwtRsaKey:
  324. # -- (string) The public RSA key used to verify JWTs used in REST API authentication.
  325. jwtRsaPub:
  326. # -- (string) The private RSA key used to create the Web Console / REST API certificate
  327. webKey:
  328. # -- (string) The Web Console / REST API certificate
  329. webCrt:
  330. # Section to configure cert-manager integration to generate Operator certificates
  331. certManager:
  332. # -- When set to `true` then Issuer and Certificate for Operator and Web Console / REST API
  333. # Pods will be generated
  334. autoConfigure: false
  335. # -- The requested duration (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificates. See
  336. duration: "2160h"
  337. # -- How long before the currently issued certificate’s expiry cert-manager should renew the certificate. See
  338. renewBefore: "360h"
  339. # -- The private key cryptography standards (PKCS) encoding for this certificate’s private key to be encoded in. See
  340. encoding: PKCS1
  341. # -- Size is the key bit size of the corresponding private key for this certificate. See
  342. size: 2048
  343. # Section to configure RBAC for Web Console admin user
  344. rbac:
  345. # -- When set to `true` the admin user is assigned the `cluster-admin` ClusterRole by creating
  346. # ClusterRoleBinding.
  347. create: true
  348. # Section to configure Web Console authentication
  349. authentication:
  350. # -- Specify the authentication mechanism to use. By default is `jwt`, see
  351. # If set to `oidc` then see
  352. type: jwt
  353. # -- (boolean) When `true` will create the secret used to store the `admin` user credentials to access the UI.
  354. createAdminSecret: true
  355. # -- The admin username that will be required to access the UI
  356. user: admin
  357. # -- (string) The admin password that will be required to access the UI
  358. password:
  359. # Section to configure Web Console OIDC authentication
  360. oidc:
  361. # tlsVerification -- (string) Can be one of `required`, `certificate-validation` or `none`
  362. # tlsVerification:
  363. # authServerUrl -- (string)
  364. # authServerUrl:
  365. # clientId -- (string)
  366. # clientId:
  367. # credentialsSecret -- (string)
  368. # credentialsSecret:
  369. # clientIdSecretRef -- (object)
  370. # clientIdSecretRef:
  371. # name -- (string)
  372. # name:
  373. # key -- (string)
  374. # key:
  375. # credentialsSecretSecretRef -- (object)
  376. # credentialsSecretSecretRef:
  377. # name -- (string)
  378. # name:
  379. # key -- (string)
  380. # key:
  381. # Section to configure Grafana integration
  382. grafana:
  383. # -- When set to `true` embed automatically Grafana into the Web Console by creating the
  384. # StackGres dashboards and the read-only role used to read it from the Web Console
  385. autoEmbed: false
  386. # -- The schema to access Grafana. By default http. (used to embed manually and
  387. # automatically grafana)
  388. schema: http
  389. # -- (string) The service host name to access grafana (used to embed manually and
  390. # automatically Grafana).
  391. # The parameter value should point to the grafana service following the
  392. # [DNS reference]( `svc_name.namespace`
  393. webHost:
  394. # -- The datasource name used to create the StackGres Dashboards into Grafana
  395. datasourceName: Prometheus
  396. # -- The username to access Grafana. By default admin. (used to embed automatically
  397. # Grafana)
  398. user: admin
  399. # -- The password to access Grafana. By default prom-operator (the default in for
  400. # kube-prometheus-stack helm chart). (used to embed automatically Grafana)
  401. password: prom-operator
  402. # -- Use follwing fields to indicate a secret where the grafana admin credentials are stored (replace user/password)
  403. # -- (string) The namespace of secret with credentials to access Grafana. (used to
  404. # embed automatically Grafana, alternative to use `user` and `password`)
  405. secretNamespace:
  406. # -- (string) The name of secret with credentials to access Grafana. (used to embed
  407. # automatically Grafana, alternative to use `user` and `password`)
  408. secretName:
  409. # -- (string) The key of secret with username used to access Grafana. (used to embed
  410. # automatically Grafana, alternative to use `user` and `password`)
  411. secretUserKey:
  412. # -- (string) The key of secret with password used to access Grafana. (used to
  413. # embed automatically Grafana, alternative to use `user` and `password`)
  414. secretPasswordKey:
  415. # -- (string) The ConfigMap name with the dashboard JSONs
  416. # that will be created in Grafana. If not set the default
  417. # StackGres dashboards will be created. (used to embed automatically Grafana)
  418. dashboardConfigMap:
  419. # -- (array) The URLs of the PostgreSQL dashboards created in Grafana (used to embed manually
  420. # Grafana). It must contain an entry for each JSON file under `grafana-dashboards` folder: `archiving.json`,
  421. # `connection-pooling.json`, `current-activity.json`, `db-info.json`, `db-objects.json`, `db-os.json`, `queries.json`
  422. # and `replication.json`
  423. urls:
  424. # Create and copy/paste grafana API token:
  425. # - Grafana > Configuration > API Keys > Add API key (for viewer) > Copy key value
  426. # -- (string) The Grafana API token to access the PostgreSQL dashboards created
  427. # in Grafana (used to embed manually Grafana)
  428. token:
  429. # Section to configure extensions
  430. extensions:
  431. # -- A list of extensions repository URLs used to retrieve extensions
  432. #
  433. # To set a proxy for extensions repository add parameter proxyUrl to the URL:
  434. # `<proxy scheme>%3A%2F%2F<proxy host>[%3A<proxy port>]` (URL encoded)
  435. #
  436. # Other URL parameters are:
  437. #
  438. # * `skipHostnameVerification`: set it to `true` in order to use a server or a proxy with a self signed certificate
  439. # * `retry`: set it to `<max retriex>[:<sleep before next retry>]` in order to retry a request on failure
  440. # * `setHttpScheme`: set it to `true` in order to force using HTTP scheme
  441. repositoryUrls:
  442. -
  443. # Section to configure extensions cache (experimental).
  444. #
  445. # This feature is in beta and may cause failures, please use with caution and report any
  446. # error to
  447. cache:
  448. # -- When set to `true` enable the extensions cache.
  449. #
  450. # This feature is in beta and may cause failures, please use with caution and report any
  451. # error to
  452. enabled: false
  453. # -- An array of extensions pattern used to pre-loaded estensions into the extensions cache
  454. preloadedExtensions:
  455. - x86_64/linux/timescaledb-1\.7\.4-pg12
  456. # Section to configure the extensions cache PersistentVolume
  457. persistentVolume:
  458. # -- The PersistentVolume size for the extensions cache
  459. #
  460. # Only use whole numbers (e.g. not 1e6) and K/Ki/M/Mi/G/Gi as units
  461. size: 1Gi
  462. # -- (string) If defined set storage class
  463. # If set to "-" (equivalent to storageClass: "" in a PV spec) disables
  464. # dynamic provisioning
  465. # If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClass spec is
  466. # set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on
  467. # GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
  468. storageClass:
  469. # -- (string) If set, will use a host path volume with the specified path for the extensions cache
  470. # instead of a PersistentVolume
  471. hostPath:
  472. # Following options are for developers only, but can also be useful in some cases ;)
  473. # Section to configure developer options.
  474. developer:
  475. # -- (string) Set the operator version (used for testing)
  476. version:
  477. # -- (string) Set `quarkus.log.level`. See
  478. logLevel:
  479. # -- If set to `true` add extra debug to any script controlled by the reconciliation cycle of the operator configuration
  480. showDebug: false
  481. # -- Set `quarkus.log.console.format` to `%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c{4.}] (%t) %s%e%n`. See
  482. showStackTraces: false
  483. # -- Only work with JVM version and allow connect
  484. # on port 8000 of operator Pod with jdb or similar
  485. enableJvmDebug: false
  486. # -- Only work with JVM version and if `enableJvmDebug` is `true`
  487. # suspend the JVM until a debugger session is started
  488. enableJvmDebugSuspend: false
  489. # -- (string) Set the external Operator IP
  490. externalOperatorIp:
  491. # -- (integer) Set the external Operator port
  492. externalOperatorPort:
  493. # -- (string) Set the external REST API IP
  494. externalRestApiIp:
  495. # -- (integer) Set the external REST API port
  496. externalRestApiPort:
  497. # -- If set to `true` and `extensions.cache.enabled` is also `true`
  498. # it will try to download extensions from images (experimental)
  499. allowPullExtensionsFromImageRepository: false
  500. # -- It set to `true` disable arbitrary user that is set for OpenShift clusters
  501. disableArbitraryUser: false
  502. # Section to define patches for some StackGres Pods
  503. patches:
  504. # Section to define volumes to be used by the operator container
  505. operator:
  506. # -- Pod volumes. See
  507. volumes: []
  508. # -- Pod's container volume mounts. See
  509. volumeMounts: []
  510. # Section to define volumes to be used by the restapi container
  511. restapi:
  512. # -- Pod volumes. See
  513. volumes: []
  514. # -- Pod's container volume mounts. See
  515. volumeMounts: []
  516. # Section to define volumes to be used by the adminui container
  517. adminui:
  518. # -- Pod volumes. See
  519. volumes: []
  520. # -- Pod's container volume mounts. See
  521. volumeMounts: []
  522. # Section to define volumes to be used by the jobs container
  523. jobs:
  524. # -- Pod volumes. See
  525. volumes: []
  526. # -- Pod's container volume mounts. See
  527. volumeMounts: []
  528. # Section to define volumes to be used by the cluster controller container
  529. clusterController:
  530. # -- Pod volumes. See
  531. volumes: []
  532. # -- Pod's container volume mounts. See
  533. volumeMounts: []
  534. # Section to define volumes to be used by the distributedlogs controller container
  535. distributedlogsController:
  536. # -- Pod volumes. See
  537. volumes: []
  538. # -- Pod's container volume mounts. See
  539. volumeMounts: []