values.yaml 2.6 KB

  1. image:
  2. imageTag: 4.4.10
  3. podLabels: {}
  4. podAnnotations: {}
  5. neo4jaddr: holder-neo4j.default.svc.cluster.local:6362
  6. # In case of azure the bucket is used as the container where the backup is stored
  7. # bucket: azure-storage-container
  8. bucket: gs://test-neo4j
  9. database: neo4j,system
  10. # cloudProvider can be either gcp, aws, or azure
  11. cloudProvider: gcp
  12. # set secretName to NULL if using workload-identity in gcp
  13. secretName: "neo4j-gcp-credentials"
  14. pageCache: 2G
  15. heapSize: 2G
  16. fallbackToFull: "true"
  17. checkConsistency: "true"
  18. checkIndexes: "true"
  19. checkGraph: "true"
  20. checkLabelScanStore: "true"
  21. checkPropertyOwners: "false"
  22. removeExistingFiles: "true"
  23. removeBackupFiles: "true"
  24. jobSchedule: "0 */12 * * *"
  25. backoffLimit: 6
  26. # Set to name of an existing Service Account to use if desired
  27. serviceAccountName: ""
  28. # Volume to use as temporary storage for files before they are uploaded to cloud. For large databases local storage may not have sufficient space. In that case set an ephemeral or persistent volume with sufficient space here
  29. # The chart defaults to an emptyDir, use this to overwrite default behavior
  30. tempVolume:
  31. emptyDir: {}
  32. tempVolumeMount:
  33. # Subdirectory of temporary volume to mount. useful if volume is not empty
  34. # subPath: backups/
  35. # When running in mesh
  36. shareProcessNamespace: false # Needs to be true for the below example configuration to work
  37. sidecarContainers: []
  38. # This implementation was inspired by this comment:
  39. # And found in this post which describes the problem:
  40. # This sidecar monitors the backup process that runs the main job and kills the consul-proxy once backup is finished.
  41. # Note that it's necessary to set `shareProcessNamespace: true` in `spec.template.spec` for this to work.
  42. # - name: consul-terminator
  43. # image: ubuntu:19.04
  44. # command:
  45. # - sh
  46. # - "-c"
  47. # - |
  48. # /bin/bash <<'EOSCRIPT'
  49. # set -e
  50. # # Check for the java process and sleep 5 seconds until the java process exits.
  51. # while true; do pgrep || break; echo "backup still running. wait 5" && sleep 5; done
  52. # # After the backup process exits,
  53. # echo "backup finished. Kill consul if running"
  54. # kill $(pgrep envoy) || echo "Envoy not running"
  55. # kill $(pgrep consul-k8s) || echo "Lifecycle not running"
  56. # EOSCRIPT
  57. # resources:
  58. # limits:
  59. # cpu: 10m
  60. # memory: 20M
  61. # requests:
  62. # cpu: 10m
  63. # memory: 20M