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- [#externalexposure]
- # External Exposure of Neo4j Clusters when using client routing
- [abstract]
- This chapter describes how to route traffic from the outside world or Internet to a Neo4j cluster running in Kubernetes when using client routing.
- Generally these instructions are only required for versions of Neo4j before 4.3.0. If you are using Neo4j 4.3.0 or later look at xref::externalexposure.adoc[external exposure instructions]
- ## Overview / Problem
- As described in the user guide, by default when you install Neo4j, each
- node in your cluster gets a private internal DNS address, which it advertises to its clients.
- This works "out of the box" without any knowledge of your local addressing or DNS situation. The
- downside is that external clients cannot use the bolt+routing or neo4j protocols to connect to the cluster,
- because they cannot route traffic to strictly cluster internal DNS names. With the default helm install,
- connections from the outside fail even with proper exposure of the pods, because:
- 1. The client connects to Neo4j
- 2. Fetches a routing table, which contains entries like `graph-neo4j-core-0.graph-neo4j.default.svc.cluster.local`
- 3. External clients attempt and fail to connect to routing table entries
- 4. Overall connection fails or times out.
- https://medium.com/neo4j/neo4j-considerations-in-orchestration-environments-584db747dca5[This article discusses these background issues] in depth. These instructions are
- intended as a quick method of exposing Neo4j Clusters, but you may have to do additional work
- depending on your configuration.
- ## Solution Approach
- To fix external clients, we need two things:
- 1. The `dbms.connector.*_address` settings inside of each Neo4j node set to the externally routable address
- 2. An externally valid DNS name or IP address that clients can connect to, that routes traffic to the kubernetes pod
- Some visual diagrams about what's going on https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14ziuwTzB6O7cp7fq0mA1lxWwZpwnJ9G4pZiwuLxBK70/edit?usp=sharing[can be found in the architectural documentation here].
- We're going to address point 1 with some special configuration of the Neo4j pods themselves. I'll explain
- the Neo4j config bits first, and then we'll tie it together with the external. The most complex bit of this
- is ensuring each pod has the right config.
- We're going to address point 2 with Kubernetes Load Balancers. We will create one per pod in our Neo4j
- stateful set. We will associate static IP addresses to those load balancers. This enables packets to flow from
- outside of Kubernetes to the right pod / Neo4j cluster member.
- ## Proper Neo4j Pod Config
- In the helm chart within this repo, Neo4j core members are part of a stateful set, and get indexes.
- Given a deployment in a particular namespace, you end up with the following hostnames:
- * `<deployment>-neo4j-core-0.<deployment>-neo4j.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local`
- * `<deployment>-neo4j-core-1.<deployment>-neo4j.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local`
- * `<deployment>-neo4j-core-2.<deployment>-neo4j.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local`
- The helm chart in this repo can take a configurable ConfigMap for setting env vars on these pods. So
- we can define our own configuration and pass it to the StatefulSet on startup. The `custom-core-configmap.yml`
- file in this directory is an example of that.
- ### Create Static IP addresses for inbound cluster traffic
- I'm using GCP, so it is done like this. Important notes here, on GCP the region must match your GKE
- region, and the network tier must be premium. On other clouds, the conceptual step here is the same,
- but the details will differ: you need to allocate 3 static IP addresses, which we'll use in a later
- step.
- ```shell
- # Customize these next 2 for the region of your GKE cluster,
- # and your GCP project ID
- REGION=us-central1
- PROJECT=my-gcp-project-id
- for idx in 0 1 2 ; do
- gcloud compute addresses create \
- neo4j-static-ip-$idx --project=$PROJECT \
- --network-tier=PREMIUM --region=$REGION
- echo "IP$idx:"
- gcloud compute addresses describe neo4j-static-ip-$idx \
- --region=$REGION --project=$PROJECT --format=json | jq -r '.address'
- done
- ```
- **If you are doing this with Azure** please note that the static IP addresses must be in the same
- resource group as your kubernetes cluster, and can be created with
- link:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/network/public-ip?view=azure-cli-latest#az-network-public-ip-create[az network public-ip create] like this (just one single sample):
- `az network public-ip create -g resource_group_name -n core01 --sku standard --dns-name neo4jcore01 --allocation-method Static`. The Azure SKU used must be standard, and the resource group you need can be found in the kubernetes Load Balancer that [following the Azure Tutorial](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/kubernetes-walkthrough) sets up for you.
- For the remainder of this tutorial, let's assume that the core IP addresses I've allocated here are
- as follows; I'll refer to them as these environment variables:
- ```shell
- export IP0=
- export IP1=
- export IP2=
- ```
- We will also need 3 exposure addresses that we want to advertise to the clients. I'm going to set these
- to be the same as the IP addresses, but if you have mapped DNS, you could use DNS names instead here.
- It's important for later steps that we have *both* IPs *and* addresses, because they're used differently.
- ```shell
- export ADDR0=$IP0
- export ADDR1=$IP1
- export ADDR2=$IP2
- ```
- ### Per-Host Configuration
- Recall that the Helm chart will let us configure core nodes with a custom config map. That's good.
- But the problem with 1 configmap for all 3 cores is that each host needs *different config* for proper exposure.
- So in the helm chart, we've divided the neo4j settings into basic settings, and over-rideable settings. In
- the custom configmap example, you'll see lines like this:
- ```yaml
- $DEPLOYMENT_neo4j_core_0_NEO4J_dbms_default__advertised__address: $ADDR0
- $DEPLOYMENT_neo4j_core_1_NEO4J_dbms_default__advertised__address: $ADDR0
- ```
- In a minute, after expanding $DEPLOYMENT to be "graph",
- these variables have "host prefixes" - `graph_neo4j_core_0_*` settings will only apply to the host
- `graph-neo4j-core-0`. (The dashes are changed to _ because dashes aren't supported in env var naming).
- Very important to notice that these override settings have the pod name/hostname already "baked into them",
- so it's important to know how you're planning to deploy Neo4j prior to setting this up.
- These "address settings" need to be changed to match the 3 static IPs that we allocated in the previous
- step. There are four critical env vars, all of which need to be configured, for each host:
- * `NEO4J_dbms_default__advertised__address`
- * `NEO4J_dbms_connector_bolt_advertised__address`
- * `NEO4J_dbms_connector_http_advertised__address`
- * `NEO4J_dbms_connector_https_advertised__address`
- With overrides, that's 12 special overrides (4 vars each for 3 containers)
- So using this "override approach" we can have *1 ConfigMap* that specifies all the config for 3 members
- of a cluster, while still allowing per-host configuration settings to differ. The override approach in
- question is implemented in a small amount of bash that is in the `core-statefulset.yaml` file. It simply
- reads the environment and applies default values, permitting overrides if the override matches the host
- where the changes are being applied.
- In the next command, we'll apply the custom configmap. Here you use the IP addresses from the previous
- step as ADDR0, ADDR1, and ADDR2. Alternatively, if those IP addresses are associated with DNS entries,
- you can use those DNS names instead. We're calling them addresses because they can be any address you
- want to advertise, and don't have to be an IP. But these addresses must resolve to the static IPs we
- created in the earlier step.
- ```shell
- export DEPLOYMENT=graph
- export NAMESPACE=default
- export ADDR0=
- export ADDR1=
- export ADDR2=
- cat tools/external-exposure-legacy/custom-core-configmap.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
- ```
- Once customized, we now have a ConfigMap we can point our Neo4j deployment at, to advertise properly.
- ### Installing the Helm Chart
- From the root of this repo, navigate to stable/neo4j and issue this command to install the helm chart
- with a deployment name of "graph". The deployment name *must match what you did in previous steps*,
- because remember we gave pod-specific overrides in the previous step.
- ```shell
- export DEPLOYMENT=graph
- helm install $DEPLOYMENT . \
- --set core.numberOfServers=3 \
- --set readReplica.numberOfServers=0 \
- --set core.configMap=$DEPLOYMENT-neo4j-externally-addressable-config \
- --set acceptLicenseAgreement=yes \
- --set neo4jPassword=mySecretPassword
- ```
- Note the custom configmap that is passed.
- ## External Exposure
- After a few minutes you'll have a fully-formed cluster whose pods show ready, and which you can connect
- to, *but* it will be advertising values that Kubernetes isn't routing yet. So what we need to do next is to
- create a load balancer *per Neo4j core pod*, and set the `loadBalancerIP` to be the static IP address we
- reserved in the earlier step, and advertised with the custom ConfigMap.
- A `load-balancer.yaml` file has been provided as a template, here's how to make 3 of them for given static
- IP addresses:
- ```shell
- export DEPLOYMENT=graph
- # Reuse IP0, etc. from the earlier step here.
- # These *must be IP addresses* and not hostnames, because we're
- # assigning load balancer IP addresses to bind to.
- export CORE_ADDRESSES=($IP0 $IP1 $IP2)
- for x in 0 1 2 ; do
- export IDX=$x
- export IP=${CORE_ADDRESSES[$x]}
- echo $DEPLOYMENT with IDX $IDX and IP $IP ;
- cat tools/external-exposure-legacy/load-balancer.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
- done
- ```
- You'll notice we're using 3 load balancers for 3 pods. In a sense it's silly to "load balance" a single
- pod. But without a lot of extra software and configuration, this is the best option, because LBs will
- support TCP connections (ingresses won't), and LBs can get their own independent IP addresses which can be
- associated with DNS later on. Had we used NodePorts, we'd be at the mercy of more dynamic IP assignment,
- and also have to worry about a Kubernetes cluster member itself falling over. ClusterIPs aren't suitable
- at all, as they don't give you external addresses.
- Inside of these services, we use an `externalTrafficPolicy: Local`. Because we're routing to single pods and
- don't need any load spreading, local is fine. link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/[Refer to the kubernetes docs] for more information on this topic.
- There are other fancier options, such as the link:https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/[nginx-ingress controller]
- but in this config we're shooting for something as simple as possible that you can do with existing
- kubernetes primities without installing new packages you might not already have.
- [NOTE]
- **Potential Trip-up point**: On GKE, the only thing needed to associate the static IP to the
- load balancer is this `loadBalancerIP` field in the YAML. On other clouds, there may be additional steps
- to allocate the static IP to the Kubernetes cluster. Consult your local cloud documentation.
- ## Putting it All Together
- We can verify our services are running nicely like this:
- ```
- $ kubectl get service | grep neo4j-external
- zeke-neo4j-external-0 LoadBalancer 7687:30529/TCP,74.3.140843/TCP,7473:30325/TCP 115s
- zeke-neo4j-external-1 LoadBalancer 7687:31059/TCP,74.3.141288/TCP,7473:31009/TCP 115s
- zeke-neo4j-external-2 LoadBalancer 7687:30523/TCP,74.3.140844/TCP,7473:31732/TCP 114s
- ```
- After all of these steps, you should end up with a cluster properly exposed. We can recover our password
- like so, and connect to any of the 3 static IPs.
- ```shell
- export NEO4J_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secrets graph-neo4j-secrets -o yaml | grep password | sed 's/.*: //' | base64 -d)
- cypher-shell -a neo4j:// -u neo4j -p "$NEO4J_PASSWORD"
- ```
- Additionally, since we exposed port 7474, you can go to any of the static IPs on port 7474 and end up with
- Neo4j browser and be able to connect.
- ## Where to Go Next
- * If you have static IPs, you can of course associate DNS with them, and obtain signed
- certificates.
- * This in turn will let you expose signed cert HTTPS using standard Neo4j techniques, and
- will also permit advertising DNS instead of a bare IP if you wish.
- ## References
- * For background on general Kubernetes network exposure issues, I'd recommend this article:
- https://medium.com/google-cloud/kubernetes-$TYPE-vs-loadbalancer-vs-ingress-when-should-i-use-what-922f010849e0[Kubernetes $TYPE vs. LoadBalancer vs. Ingress? When should I use what?]