backup.adoc 9.7 KB

  1. [#backup]
  2. # Backing up Neo4j Containers
  3. [NOTE]
  4. **This approach supports Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure storage, and assumes you have credentials and wish
  5. to store your backups on those cloud storage systems**. If this is not the case, you will need to adjust the backup
  6. script for your desired cloud storage method, but the approach will work for any backup location.
  7. [NOTE]
  8. **This approach works only for Neo4j 4.0+**. The backup tool and the
  9. DBMS itself changed quite a lot between 3.5 and 4.0, and the approach
  10. here will likely not work for older databases without substantial
  11. modification.
  12. [NOTE]
  13. If you are upgrading to the helm chart 4.1.3-1 or later from an earlier version, double check
  14. this documentation; the syntax of using the backup chart has changed a bit to accomodate multiple
  15. clouds. This documentation applies only to 4.1.3-1 and forward.
  16. ## Background & Important Information
  17. ### Required Neo4j Config
  18. This is provided for you out of the box by the helm chart, but if you
  19. customize you should bear these requirements in mind:
  20. * `dbms.backup.enabled=true`
  21. * `dbms.backup.listen_address=`
  22. The default for Neo4j is to listen only on, which will not
  23. work as other containers would not be able to access the backup port.
  24. ### Backup Storage
  25. Backups are stored in a temporary local volume before they are uploaded to cloud. By default an ephemeral Kubernetes `emptyDir` Volume is used.
  26. If the database being backed up is large there might not be sufficient space in local storage. To use alternative storage set `tempVolume` in values.yaml to a different[Kubernetes Volume] object.
  27. ### Backup Pointers
  28. All backups will turn into .tar.gz files with date strings when they were taken, such as: `neo4j-2020-06-16-12:32:57.tar.gz`. They are named after the database
  29. they are a backup of.
  30. When you take a backup, you will get both the dated version, and a "latest" copy,
  31. e.g. the above file will also be copied to `neo4j/neo4j-latest.tar.gz` in the same bucket.
  32. [NOTE]
  33. **Reminder: Each time you take a backup, the latest file will be overwritten**.
  34. The purpose of doing this is to have a stable name in storage where the latest
  35. backup can always be found, without losing any of the previous backups.
  36. ### Neo4j Backs Up Databases, Not the DBMS
  37. In Neo4j 4.0, the system can be multidatabase; most systems have at least 2 DBs,
  38. "system" and "neo4j". *These need to be backed up and restored individually*.
  39. ## Steps to Take a Backup
  40. ### Use a Service Account to access cloud storage (Google Cloud only)
  41. **GCP**
  42. > Workload Identity is the recommended way to access Google Cloud services from applications running within GKE due to its improved security properties and manageability.
  43. Follow the[GCP instructions] to:
  44. - Enable Workload Identity on your GKE cluster
  45. - Create a Google Cloud IAMServiceAccount that has read and write permissions for your backup location
  46. - Bind the IAMServiceAccount to the Neo4j deployment's Kubernetes ServiceAccount*
  47. [*] you can configure the name of the Kubernetes ServiceAccount that a Neo4j deployment uses by setting `serviceAccountName` in values.yaml. To check the name of the Kubernetes ServiceAccount that a Neo4j deployment is using run `kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{.spec.serviceAccountName}{"\n"}' <your neo4j pod name>`
  48. If you are unable to use Workload Identity with GKE then you can create a service key secret instead as described in the next section.
  49. ### Create a service key secret to access cloud storage
  50. First you want to create a kubernetes secret that contains the content of your account service key. This key must have permissions to access the bucket and backup set that you're trying to restore.
  51. #### Azure
  52. - You must create the credential file and this file should look like this:
  53. ```
  56. ```
  57. If you're unsure what the account key secret should be, you can recover it with the following command:
  58. ```
  59. ACCOUNT_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group "$AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP" --account-name "$STORAGE_ACCOUNT" --query [0].value -o tsv)
  60. ```
  61. - You have to create a secret for this file
  62. ```shell
  63. kubectl create secret generic neo4j-azure-credentials \
  65. ```
  66. #### AWS
  67. - You must create the credential file and this file should look like this:
  68. ```aws-credentials
  69. [default]
  70. region=
  71. aws_access_key_id=
  72. aws_secret_access_key=
  73. ```
  74. - You have to create a secret for this file
  75. ```shell
  76. kubectl create secret generic neo4j-aws-credentials \
  77. --from-file=credentials=aws-credentials
  78. ```
  79. #### GCP
  80. You do NOT need to follow the steps in this section if you are using Workload Identity for GCP.
  81. Download a JSON formatted service key from Google Cloud that looks like this:
  82. ```gcp-credentials.json
  83. {
  84. "type": "",
  85. "project_id": "",
  86. "private_key_id": "",
  87. "private_key": "",
  88. "client_email": "",
  89. "client_id": "",
  90. "auth_uri": "",
  91. "token_uri": "",
  92. "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  93. "client_x509_cert_url": ""
  94. }
  95. ```
  96. - You have to create a secret for this file
  97. ```shell
  98. kubectl create secret generic neo4j-gcp-credentials \
  99. --from-file=credentials=gcp-credentials.json
  100. ```
  101. [NOTE]
  102. **'--from-file=credentials=<your-config-path>' here is important**; the credentials under the secret must be named `credentials`
  103. ### Running a Backup
  104. The backup method is itself a mini-helm chart, and so to run a backup, you just
  105. do this as a minimal required example:
  106. [NOTE]
  107. **This command must be run in ''**
  108. **AWS**
  109. ```shell
  110. helm install my-neo4j-backup . \
  111. --set neo4jaddr=my-neo4j.default.svc.cluster.local:6362 \
  112. --set bucket=s3://my-bucket \
  113. --set database="neo4j\,system" \
  114. --set cloudProvider=aws \
  115. --set secretName=neo4j-aws-credentials \
  116. --set jobSchedule="0 */12 * * *"
  117. ```
  118. **GCP with Workload Identity**
  119. ```shell
  120. helm install my-neo4j-backup . \
  121. --set neo4jaddr=my-neo4j.default.svc.cluster.local:6362 \
  122. --set bucket=gs://my-bucket \
  123. --set database="neo4j\,system" \
  124. --set cloudProvider=gcp \
  125. --set secretName=NULL \
  126. --set serviceAccountName=my-neo4j-backup-sa \
  127. --set jobSchedule="0 */12 * * *"
  128. ```
  129. **GCP with service key secret**
  130. ```shell
  131. helm install my-neo4j-backup . \
  132. --set neo4jaddr=my-neo4j.default.svc.cluster.local:6362 \
  133. --set bucket=gs://my-bucket \
  134. --set database="neo4j\,system" \
  135. --set cloudProvider=gcp \
  136. --set secretName=neo4j-gcp-credentials \
  137. --set jobSchedule="0 */12 * * *"
  138. ```
  139. **Azure**
  140. ```shell
  141. helm install my-neo4j-backup . \
  142. --set neo4jaddr=my-neo4j.default.svc.cluster.local:6362 \
  143. --set bucket=my-blob-container-name \
  144. --set database="neo4j\,system" \
  145. --set cloudProvider=azure \
  146. --set secretName=neo4j-azure-credentials \
  147. --set jobSchedule="0 */12 * * *"
  148. ```
  149. [NOTE]
  150. **Special notes for Azure Storage**. The chart requires a "bucket" but for Azure storage,
  151. the naming is slightly different; the bucket specified is the "blob container name"
  152. where the files will be placed. Relative paths will be respected; if you set bucket
  153. to be `container/path/to/directory`, then you will find your backup files stored in
  154. `container` at the path `/path/to/directory/db/db-latest.tar.gz` where "db" is the
  155. name of the database being backed up (i.e. neo4j and system).
  156. If all goes well, after a period of time when the Kubernetes Job is complete, you
  157. will simply see the backup files appear in the designated bucket, under directories named
  158. after the databases you backed up.
  159. [NOTE]
  160. **If your backup does not appear, consult the job's pod container logs to find out
  161. why**
  162. **If you want to get a hot backup before schedule, you can use this command:**
  163. ```shell
  164. kubectl create job --from=cronjob/my-neo4j-backup-job neo4j-hot-backup
  165. ```
  166. **Required parameters**
  167. * `neo4jaddr` pointing to an address where your cluster is running, ideally the
  168. discovery address.
  169. * `bucket` where you want the backup copied to. It should be `gs://bucketname` or `s3://bucketname`.
  170. * `databases` a comma separated list of databases to back up. The default is
  171. `neo4j,system`. If your DBMS has many individual databases, you should change this.
  172. * `cloudProvider` Which cloud service do you want to keep backups on?(gcp or aws)
  173. * `jobSchedule` what intervals do you want to take backup? It should be cron like "0 */12 * * *". You can set your own schedule(*/12_*_*_*)
  174. At least one of `secretName` and `serviceAccountName` must be set.
  175. * `secretName` the name of the secret you created (set NULL if using Workload Identity on GKE)
  176. * `serviceAccountName` the name of the Kubernetes ServiceAccount to use for the backup Job (required if using Workload Identity on GKE)
  177. **Optional environment variables**
  178. All of the following variables mimic the command line options
  179. for[neo4j-admin backup documented here]
  180. * `pageCache`
  181. * `heapSize`
  182. * `fallbackToFull` (true/false), default=true
  183. * `checkConsistency` (true/false), default=true
  184. * `checkIndexes` (true/false) default=true
  185. * `checkGraph` (true/false), default=true
  186. * `checkLabelScanStore` (true/false), default=true
  187. * `checkPropertyOwners` (true/false), default=false
  188. ### Exit Conditions
  189. If the backup of any of the individual databases mentioned in the database parameters
  190. fails, the entire container will exit with a non-zero exit code and fail.
  191. **Note**: it is possible for Neo4j backups to succeed, but with failed consistency checks.
  192. This will be noted in the logs, but will operationally behave as a successful backup.