values.yaml 3.1 KB

  1. replicaCount: 1
  2. image:
  3. registry:
  4. repository: provectuslabs/kafka-ui
  5. pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  6. # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
  7. tag: ""
  8. imagePullSecrets: []
  9. nameOverride: ""
  10. fullnameOverride: ""
  11. serviceAccount:
  12. # Specifies whether a service account should be created
  13. create: true
  14. # Annotations to add to the service account
  15. annotations: {}
  16. # The name of the service account to use.
  17. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
  18. name: ""
  19. existingConfigMap: ""
  20. yamlApplicationConfig:
  21. kafka:
  22. clusters:
  23. - name: yaml
  24. bootstrapServers: kafka-headless.observe.svc.cluster.local:9092
  25. # spring:
  26. # security:
  27. # oauth2:
  28. auth:
  29. type: disabled
  30. # management:
  31. # health:
  32. # ldap:
  33. # enabled: false
  34. yamlApplicationConfigConfigMap:
  35. {}
  36. # keyName: config.yml
  37. # name: configMapName
  38. existingSecret: ""
  39. envs:
  40. secret: {}
  41. config: {}
  42. networkPolicy:
  43. enabled: false
  44. egressRules:
  45. ## Additional custom egress rules
  46. ## e.g:
  47. ## customRules:
  48. ## - to:
  49. ## - namespaceSelector:
  50. ## matchLabels:
  51. ## label: example
  52. customRules: []
  53. ingressRules:
  54. ## Additional custom ingress rules
  55. ## e.g:
  56. ## customRules:
  57. ## - from:
  58. ## - namespaceSelector:
  59. ## matchLabels:
  60. ## label: example
  61. customRules: []
  62. podAnnotations: {}
  63. podLabels: {}
  64. ## Annotations to be added to kafka-ui Deployment
  65. ##
  66. annotations: {}
  67. ## Set field schema as HTTPS for readines and liveness probe
  68. ##
  69. probes:
  70. useHttpsScheme: false
  71. podSecurityContext:
  72. {}
  73. # fsGroup: 2000
  74. securityContext:
  75. {}
  76. # capabilities:
  77. # drop:
  78. # - ALL
  79. # readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
  80. # runAsNonRoot: true
  81. # runAsUser: 1000
  82. service:
  83. type: ClusterIP
  84. port: 80
  85. # In case of service type LoadBalancer, you can specify reserved static IP
  86. # loadBalancerIP:
  87. # if you want to force a specific nodePort. Must be use with service.type=NodePort
  88. # nodePort:
  89. # Ingress configuration
  90. ingress:
  91. # Enable ingress resource
  92. enabled: true
  93. # Annotations for the Ingress
  94. annotations: {}
  95. # ingressClassName for the Ingress
  96. ingressClassName: "nginx"
  97. # The path for the Ingress
  98. path: "/"
  99. # The path type for the Ingress
  100. pathType: "Prefix"
  101. # The hostname for the Ingress
  102. host: ""
  103. # configs for Ingress TLS
  104. tls:
  105. # Enable TLS termination for the Ingress
  106. enabled: false
  107. # the name of a pre-created Secret containing a TLS private key and certificate
  108. secretName: ""
  109. # HTTP paths to add to the Ingress before the default path
  110. precedingPaths: []
  111. # Http paths to add to the Ingress after the default path
  112. succeedingPaths: []
  113. resources:
  114. {}
  115. # limits:
  116. # cpu: 200m
  117. # memory: 512Mi
  118. # requests:
  119. # cpu: 200m
  120. # memory: 256Mi
  121. autoscaling:
  122. enabled: false
  123. minReplicas: 1
  124. maxReplicas: 100
  125. targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
  126. # targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80
  127. nodeSelector: {}
  128. tolerations: []
  129. affinity: {}
  130. env: {}
  131. initContainers: {}
  132. volumeMounts: {}
  133. volumes: {}