123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182 |
- {{/*
- Copyright VMware, Inc.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
- */}}
- {{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
- {{/*
- Generate secret name.
- Usage:
- {{ include "common.secrets.name" (dict "existingSecret" .Values.path.to.the.existingSecret "defaultNameSuffix" "mySuffix" "context" $) }}
- Params:
- - existingSecret - ExistingSecret/String - Optional. The path to the existing secrets in the values.yaml given by the user
- to be used instead of the default one. Allows for it to be of type String (just the secret name) for backwards compatibility.
- +info: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/main/bitnami/common#existingsecret
- - defaultNameSuffix - String - Optional. It is used only if we have several secrets in the same deployment.
- - context - Dict - Required. The context for the template evaluation.
- */}}
- {{- define "common.secrets.name" -}}
- {{- $name := (include "common.names.fullname" .context) -}}
- {{- if .defaultNameSuffix -}}
- {{- $name = printf "%s-%s" $name .defaultNameSuffix | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- with .existingSecret -}}
- {{- if not (typeIs "string" .) -}}
- {{- with .name -}}
- {{- $name = . -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- else -}}
- {{- $name = . -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- printf "%s" $name -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{/*
- Generate secret key.
- Usage:
- {{ include "common.secrets.key" (dict "existingSecret" .Values.path.to.the.existingSecret "key" "keyName") }}
- Params:
- - existingSecret - ExistingSecret/String - Optional. The path to the existing secrets in the values.yaml given by the user
- to be used instead of the default one. Allows for it to be of type String (just the secret name) for backwards compatibility.
- +info: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/main/bitnami/common#existingsecret
- - key - String - Required. Name of the key in the secret.
- */}}
- {{- define "common.secrets.key" -}}
- {{- $key := .key -}}
- {{- if .existingSecret -}}
- {{- if not (typeIs "string" .existingSecret) -}}
- {{- if .existingSecret.keyMapping -}}
- {{- $key = index .existingSecret.keyMapping $.key -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- printf "%s" $key -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{/*
- Generate secret password or retrieve one if already created.
- Usage:
- {{ include "common.secrets.passwords.manage" (dict "secret" "secret-name" "key" "keyName" "providedValues" (list "path.to.password1" "path.to.password2") "length" 10 "strong" false "chartName" "chartName" "context" $) }}
- Params:
- - secret - String - Required - Name of the 'Secret' resource where the password is stored.
- - key - String - Required - Name of the key in the secret.
- - providedValues - List<String> - Required - The path to the validating value in the values.yaml, e.g: "mysql.password". Will pick first parameter with a defined value.
- - length - int - Optional - Length of the generated random password.
- - strong - Boolean - Optional - Whether to add symbols to the generated random password.
- - chartName - String - Optional - Name of the chart used when said chart is deployed as a subchart.
- - context - Context - Required - Parent context.
- - failOnNew - Boolean - Optional - Default to true. If set to false, skip errors adding new keys to existing secrets.
- - skipB64enc - Boolean - Optional - Default to false. If set to true, no the secret will not be base64 encrypted.
- - skipQuote - Boolean - Optional - Default to false. If set to true, no quotes will be added around the secret.
- The order in which this function returns a secret password:
- 1. Already existing 'Secret' resource
- (If a 'Secret' resource is found under the name provided to the 'secret' parameter to this function and that 'Secret' resource contains a key with the name passed as the 'key' parameter to this function then the value of this existing secret password will be returned)
- 2. Password provided via the values.yaml
- (If one of the keys passed to the 'providedValues' parameter to this function is a valid path to a key in the values.yaml and has a value, the value of the first key with a value will be returned)
- 3. Randomly generated secret password
- (A new random secret password with the length specified in the 'length' parameter will be generated and returned)
- */}}
- {{- define "common.secrets.passwords.manage" -}}
- {{- $password := "" }}
- {{- $subchart := "" }}
- {{- $chartName := default "" .chartName }}
- {{- $passwordLength := default 10 .length }}
- {{- $providedPasswordKey := include "common.utils.getKeyFromList" (dict "keys" .providedValues "context" $.context) }}
- {{- $providedPasswordValue := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" $providedPasswordKey "context" $.context) }}
- {{- $secretData := (lookup "v1" "Secret" (include "common.names.namespace" .context) .secret).data }}
- {{- if $secretData }}
- {{- if hasKey $secretData .key }}
- {{- $password = index $secretData .key | b64dec }}
- {{- else if not (eq .failOnNew false) }}
- {{- printf "\nPASSWORDS ERROR: The secret \"%s\" does not contain the key \"%s\"\n" .secret .key | fail -}}
- {{- else if $providedPasswordValue }}
- {{- $password = $providedPasswordValue | toString }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- else if $providedPasswordValue }}
- {{- $password = $providedPasswordValue | toString }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- if .context.Values.enabled }}
- {{- $subchart = $chartName }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- $requiredPassword := dict "valueKey" $providedPasswordKey "secret" .secret "field" .key "subchart" $subchart "context" $.context -}}
- {{- $requiredPasswordError := include "common.validations.values.single.empty" $requiredPassword -}}
- {{- $passwordValidationErrors := list $requiredPasswordError -}}
- {{- include "common.errors.upgrade.passwords.empty" (dict "validationErrors" $passwordValidationErrors "context" $.context) -}}
- {{- if .strong }}
- {{- $subStr := list (lower (randAlpha 1)) (randNumeric 1) (upper (randAlpha 1)) | join "_" }}
- {{- $password = randAscii $passwordLength }}
- {{- $password = regexReplaceAllLiteral "\\W" $password "@" | substr 5 $passwordLength }}
- {{- $password = printf "%s%s" $subStr $password | toString | shuffle }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- $password = randAlphaNum $passwordLength }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if not .skipB64enc }}
- {{- $password = $password | b64enc }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if .skipQuote -}}
- {{- printf "%s" $password -}}
- {{- else -}}
- {{- printf "%s" $password | quote -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{/*
- Reuses the value from an existing secret, otherwise sets its value to a default value.
- Usage:
- {{ include "common.secrets.lookup" (dict "secret" "secret-name" "key" "keyName" "defaultValue" .Values.myValue "context" $) }}
- Params:
- - secret - String - Required - Name of the 'Secret' resource where the password is stored.
- - key - String - Required - Name of the key in the secret.
- - defaultValue - String - Required - The path to the validating value in the values.yaml, e.g: "mysql.password". Will pick first parameter with a defined value.
- - context - Context - Required - Parent context.
- */}}
- {{- define "common.secrets.lookup" -}}
- {{- $value := "" -}}
- {{- $secretData := (lookup "v1" "Secret" (include "common.names.namespace" .context) .secret).data -}}
- {{- if and $secretData (hasKey $secretData .key) -}}
- {{- $value = index $secretData .key -}}
- {{- else if .defaultValue -}}
- {{- $value = .defaultValue | toString | b64enc -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if $value -}}
- {{- printf "%s" $value -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{/*
- Returns whether a previous generated secret already exists
- Usage:
- {{ include "common.secrets.exists" (dict "secret" "secret-name" "context" $) }}
- Params:
- - secret - String - Required - Name of the 'Secret' resource where the password is stored.
- - context - Context - Required - Parent context.
- */}}
- {{- define "common.secrets.exists" -}}
- {{- $secret := (lookup "v1" "Secret" (include "common.names.namespace" .context) .secret) }}
- {{- if $secret }}
- {{- true -}}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- end -}}