NOTES.txt 3.0 KB

  1. #### DEPRECATED ####
  2. ####################
  3. From version 4.3, Neo4j publishes a productized and supported version of Helm Charts, which have been written using the experience generated by the neo4j-helm Labs project.
  4. For Neo4j standalone, productized Helm charts are available for Neo4j 4.3 and above.
  5. For Neo4j Causal Cluster, productized Helm charts are available for Neo4j 4.4 and above.
  6. That is the recommended way to run Neo4j in Kubernetes. Full details are in the [Kubernetes section of the Neo4j operations manual](
  7. The neo4j-helm Labs Helm charts described here will keep being updated for 4.4.x , but updates will stop from the next major release 5.0
  8. {{- if and (.Values.core.standalone) (gt (.Values.readReplica.numberOfServers | int) 0)}}
  9. You have specified standalone mode and also read replicas. The read replicas argument has
  10. been ignored - only Neo4j clusters may have read replicas.
  11. {{- end }}
  12. {{- if and (ne "yes" .Values.acceptLicenseAgreement) (contains "enterprise" .Values.imageTag)}}
  13. #### ERROR: You did not accept the Neo4j Enterprise License. ####
  14. #### ERROR: Please set acceptLicenseAgreement to yes. ####
  15. ###################################################################
  16. {{- else }}
  17. Your cluster is now being deployed, and may take up to 5 minutes to become available.
  18. If you'd like to track status and wait on your rollout to complete, run:
  19. $ kubectl rollout status \
  20. --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} \
  21. StatefulSet/{{ template "neo4j.core.fullname" . }} \
  22. --watch
  23. You can inspect your logs containers like so:
  24. We can see the content of the logs by running the following command:
  25. $ kubectl logs --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -l \
  26. "{{ .Release.Name }},{{ template "" . }},"
  27. We can now run a query to find the topology of the cluster.
  28. export NEO4J_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secrets
  29. {{- if .Values.existingPasswordSecret }}{{ .Values.existingPasswordSecret | indent 1 }}{{- else }}{{ include "neo4j.secrets.fullname" . | indent 1 }}{{- end }} --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath='{.data.{{- template "neo4j.secrets.key" . -}}}' | base64 -d)
  30. kubectl run -it --rm cypher-shell \
  31. --image={{ .Values.image }}:{{ .Values.imageTag }} \
  32. --restart=Never \
  33. --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} \
  34. --command -- ./bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p "$NEO4J_PASSWORD" -a neo4j://{{ template "neo4j.fullname" . }}.{{ printf "%s" .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local "call dbms.routing.getRoutingTable({}, 'system');"
  35. This will print out the addresses of the members of the cluster.
  36. Note:
  37. You'll need to substitute <password> with the password you set when installing the Helm package.
  38. If you didn't set a password, one will be auto generated.
  39. You can find the base64 encoded version of the password by running the following command:
  40. kubectl get secrets {{ template "neo4j.secrets.fullname" . }} -o yaml --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }}
  41. {{- end}}