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Jaeger is a distributed tracing system.


This chart adds all components required to run Jaeger as described in the jaeger-kubernetes GitHub page for a production-like deployment. The chart default will deploy a new Cassandra cluster (using the cassandra chart), but also supports using an existing Cassandra cluster, deploying a new ElasticSearch cluster (using the elasticsearch chart), or connecting to an existing ElasticSearch cluster. Once the storage backend is available, the chart will deploy jaeger-agent as a DaemonSet and deploy the jaeger-collector and jaeger-query components as Deployments.

Installing the Chart

Add the Jaeger Tracing Helm repository:

helm repo add jaegertracing https://jaegertracing.github.io/helm-charts

To install a release named jaeger:

helm install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger

By default, the chart deploys the following:

  • Jaeger Agent DaemonSet
  • Jaeger Collector Deployment
  • Jaeger Query (UI) Deployment
  • Cassandra StatefulSet (subject to change!)

Jaeger with Default


See Customizing the Chart Before Installing. To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart's values.yaml, or run these configuration commands:

$ helm show values jaegertracing/jaeger

You may also helm show values on this chart's dependencies for additional options.


If installing with a dependency such as Cassandra, Elasticsearch and/or Kafka their, values can be shown by running:

helm repo add elastic https://helm.elastic.co
helm show values elastic/elasticsearch
helm repo add incubator https://kubernetes-charts-incubator.storage.googleapis.com/
helm show values incubator/cassandra
helm repo add bitnami
helm show values bitnami/kafka

Please note, any dependency values must be nested within the key named after the chart, i.e. elasticsearch, cassandra and/or kafka.


As per Jaeger documentation, for large scale production deployment the Jaeger team recommends Elasticsearch backend over Cassandra, as such the default backend may change in the future and it is highly recommended to explicitly configure storage.

If you are just starting out with a testing/demo setup, you can also use in-memory storage for a fast and easy setup experience using the Jaeger All in One executable.

Elasticsearch configuration

Elasticsearch Rollover

If using the Elasticsearch Rollover feature, elasticsearch must already be present and so must be deployed separately from this chart, if not the rollover init hook won't be able to complete successfully.

Installing the Chart using a New ElasticSearch Cluster

To install the chart with the release name jaeger using a new ElasticSearch cluster instead of Cassandra (default), run the following command:

helm install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger \
  --set provisionDataStore.cassandra=false \
  --set provisionDataStore.elasticsearch=true \
  --set storage.type=elasticsearch

Installing the Chart using an Existing Elasticsearch Cluster

A release can be configured as follows to use an existing ElasticSearch cluster as it as the storage backend:

helm install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger \
  --set provisionDataStore.cassandra=false \
  --set storage.type=elasticsearch \
  --set storage.elasticsearch.host=<HOST> \
  --set storage.elasticsearch.port=<PORT> \
  --set storage.elasticsearch.user=<USER> \
  --set storage.elasticsearch.password=<password>

Installing the Chart using an Existing ElasticSearch Cluster with TLS

If you already have an existing running ElasticSearch cluster with TLS, you can configure the chart as follows to use it as your backing store:

Content of the jaeger-values.yaml file:

  type: elasticsearch
    host: <HOST>
    port: <PORT>
    scheme: https
    user: <USER>
    password: <PASSWORD>
  cassandra: false
  elasticsearch: false
    es.tls.ca: "/tls/es.pem"
    - name: jaeger-tls
      mountPath: /tls
      subPath: ""
      configMap: jaeger-tls
      readOnly: true
    es.tls.ca: "/tls/es.pem"
    - name: jaeger-tls
      mountPath: /tls
      subPath: ""
      configMap: jaeger-tls
      readOnly: true
  enabled: true
    java.opts: "-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/tls/trust.store -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit"
    - name: jaeger-tls
      mountPath: /tls
      subPath: ""
      configMap: jaeger-tls
      readOnly: true

Generate configmap jaeger-tls:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore trust.store -storepass changeit -alias es-root -file es.pem
kubectl create configmap jaeger-tls --from-file=trust.store --from-file=es.pem
helm install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger --values jaeger-values.yaml

Cassandra configuration

Installing the Chart using an Existing Cassandra Cluster

If you already have an existing running Cassandra cluster, you can configure the chart as follows to use it as your backing store (make sure you replace <HOST>, <PORT>, etc with your values):

helm install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger \
  --set provisionDataStore.cassandra=false \
  --set storage.cassandra.host=<HOST> \
  --set storage.cassandra.port=<PORT> \
  --set storage.cassandra.user=<USER> \
  --set storage.cassandra.password=<PASSWORD>

Installing the Chart using an Existing Cassandra Cluster with TLS

If you already have an existing running Cassandra cluster with TLS, you can configure the chart as follows to use it as your backing store:

Content of the values.yaml file:

  type: cassandra
    host: <HOST>
    port: <PORT>
    user: <USER>
    password: <PASSWORD>
      enabled: true
      secretName: cassandra-tls-secret

  cassandra: false

Content of the jaeger-tls-cassandra-secret.yaml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: cassandra-tls-secret
  commonName: <SERVER NAME>
  ca-cert.pem: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  client-cert.pem: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  client-key.pem: |
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  cqlshrc: |
    certfile = ~/.cassandra/ca-cert.pem
    userkey = ~/.cassandra/client-key.pem
    usercert = ~/.cassandra/client-cert.pem

kubectl apply -f jaeger-tls-cassandra-secret.yaml
helm install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger --values values.yaml

Ingester Configuration

Installing the Chart with Ingester enabled

The architecture illustrated below can be achieved by enabling the ingester component. When enabled, Cassandra or Elasticsearch (depending on the configured values) now becomes the ingester's storage backend, whereas Kafka becomes the storage backend of the collector service.

Jaeger with Ingester

Installing the Chart with Ingester enabled using a New Kafka Cluster

To provision a new Kafka cluster along with jaeger-ingester:

helm install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger \
  --set provisionDataStore.kafka=true \
  --set ingester.enabled=true

Installing the Chart with Ingester using an existing Kafka Cluster

You can use an existing Kafka cluster with jaeger too

helm install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger \
  --set ingester.enabled=true \
  --set storage.kafka.brokers={<BROKER1:PORT>,<BROKER2:PORT>} \
  --set storage.kafka.topic=<TOPIC>

Other Storage Configuration

If you are using grpc-plugin based storage, you can set environment variables that are needed by the plugin.

As as example if using the jaeger-mongodb plugin you can set the MONGO_URL as follows...

  type: grpc-plugin
      - name: MONGO_URL
            key: MONGO_URL
            name: jaeger-secrets

All in One In-Memory Configuration

Installing the Chart using the All in One executable and in-memory storage

To install the chart with the release name jaeger using in-memory storage and the All in One executable, configure the chart as follows:

Content of the values.yaml file:

  cassandra: false
  enabled: true
  type: none
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false

It's possible to specify resources and extra environment variables for the all in one deployment:

    - name: QUERY_BASE_PATH
      value: /jaeger
      cpu: 500m
      memory: 512Mi
      cpu: 256m
      memory: 128Mi
helm install jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger --values values.yaml

oAuth2 Sidecar

If extra protection of the Jaeger UI is needed, then the oAuth2 sidecar can be enabled in the Jaeger Query. The oAuth2 sidecar acts as a security proxy in front of the Jaeger Query service and enforces user authentication before reaching the Jaeger UI. This method can work with any valid provider including Keycloak, Azure, Google, GitHub, and more.

Offical docs here

Content of the jaeger-values.yaml file:

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    image: quay.io/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy:v7.3.0
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    containerPort: 4180
      - --config
      - /etc/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy.cfg
      - --client-secret
      - "$(client-secret)"
      - name: client-secret
            name: client-secret
            key: client-secret-key
    extraConfigmapMounts: []
    extraSecretMounts: []
    config: |-
      provider = "oidc"
      https_address = ":4180"
      upstreams = ["http://localhost:16686"]
      redirect_url = "https://jaeger-svc-domain/oauth2/callback"
      client_id = "jaeger-query"
      oidc_issuer_url = "https://keycloak-svc-domain/auth/realms/Default"
      cookie_secure = "true"
      cookie_secret = ""
      email_domains = "*"
      oidc_groups_claim = "groups"
      user_id_claim = "preferred_username"
      skip_provider_button = "true"

Installing extra kubernetes objects

If additional kubernetes objects need to be installed alongside this chart, set the extraObjects array to contain the yaml describing these objects. The values in the array are treated as a template to allow the use of variable substitution and function calls as in the example below.

Content of the jaeger-values.yaml file:

  - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: {{ .Release.Name }}-someRoleBinding
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Role
      name: someRole
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: "{{ include \"jaeger.esLookback.serviceAccountName\" . }}"