values.yaml 10 KB

  1. # Default values for Neo4j.
  2. # This is a YAML-formatted file.
  3. # Declare name/value pairs to be passed into your templates.
  4. # name: value
  5. name: "neo4j"
  6. # Specs for the Neo4j docker image
  7. image: "neo4j"
  8. imageTag: "4.4.10-enterprise"
  9. imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  10. # imagePullSecret: registry-secret
  11. acceptLicenseAgreement: "no"
  12. podDisruptionBudget: {}
  13. # minAvailable: 2
  14. # maxUnavailable: 1
  15. ## Node labels for pod assignment
  16. ## ref:
  17. nodeSelector: {}
  18. ## Tolerations for pod assignment
  19. ## ref:
  20. tolerations: []
  21. ## Affinity for pod assignment
  22. ## ref:
  23. affinity: {}
  24. ## Labels to be added to pods
  25. podLabels: {}
  26. ## Annotations to be added to pods
  27. podAnnotations: {}
  28. # Use password authentication
  29. authEnabled: true
  30. ## Specify password for neo4j user
  31. ## Defaults to a random 10-character alphanumeric string if not set and authEnabled is true
  32. neo4jPassword: insur132
  33. ## Specify secret name containing the password for neo4j user
  34. # existingPasswordSecret
  35. ## Specify the key in existingPasswordSecret, in which the password is contained
  36. # existingPasswordSecretKey
  37. # Specify cluster domain (used eg. as suffix in the eventual internal hostnames)
  38. clusterDomain: "cluster.local"
  39. # Specs for the images used for running tests against the Helm package
  40. # this is a general kubectl docker image
  41. testImage: ""
  42. # Whether or not to use APOC:
  43. # If you do not want APOC, make the array empty []
  44. plugins: "[\"apoc\"]"
  45. # The default name of the Neo4j database to use.
  46. # See
  47. defaultDatabase: "neo4j"
  48. # Cores
  49. core:
  50. # configMap: "my-custom-configmap"
  51. envFrom: []
  52. resources: {}
  53. # limits:
  54. # cpu: "100m"
  55. # memory: 512Mi
  56. # requests:
  57. # cpu: "100m"
  58. # memory: 512Mi
  59. standalone: false
  60. numberOfServers: 3
  61. persistentVolume:
  62. ## whether or not persistence is enabled
  63. ##
  64. enabled: true
  65. ## core server data Persistent Volume mount root path
  66. ##
  67. mountPath: /data
  68. ## core server data Persistent Volume size
  69. ## default value is large because in most cloud providers disk IOPS are proportional to disk size. Small disks frequently encounter IOPS throttling which
  70. ## is extremely detrimental to neo4j performance.
  71. size: 1Ti
  72. ## core server data Persistent Volume Storage Class
  73. ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>
  74. ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
  75. ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is
  76. ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on
  77. ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
  78. ## storageClass: "-"
  79. ## Subdirectory of core server data Persistent Volume to mount
  80. ## Useful if the volume's root directory is not empty
  81. ##
  82. ## subPath: ""
  83. sidecarContainers: []
  84. ## Additional containers to be added to the Neo4j core pod.
  85. # - name: my-sidecar
  86. # image: nginx:latest
  87. initContainers: []
  88. ## init containers to run before the Neo4j core pod e.g. to install plugins
  89. ## They can also be used to restore from last available backup, to ensure that newly joining
  90. ## core members have less TX history to catch up on before joining the cluster.
  91. ## Note that this is specifically *not* needed for APOC, which is included by default.
  92. # - name: init-plugins
  93. # image: "appropriate/curl:latest"
  94. # imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  95. # volumeMounts:
  96. # - name: plugins
  97. # mountPath: /plugins
  98. # command:
  99. # - "/bin/sh"
  100. # - "-c"
  101. # - |
  102. # curl -L -O
  103. # cp plugin.jar /plugins/
  104. ## This service is intended for clients running in kubernetes to connect to
  105. ## the cluster.
  106. ## Default: ClusterIP (headless)
  107. service:
  108. type: ClusterIP
  109. annotations: {}
  110. labels: {}
  111. loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
  112. ## This creates a discovery Service for each member in the core set, and ties
  113. ## to the use of the Neo4j discovery type "K8S" with the configured selectors.
  114. ## Default: ClusterIP (headless)
  115. discoveryService:
  116. type: ClusterIP
  117. annotations: {}
  118. labels: {}
  119. loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
  120. # Controls how many services get created. Usually want to over-provision so cores can
  121. # scale up for things like rolling upgrades.
  122. instances: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  123. standaloneOnly: [0]
  124. ## specify additional volumes to mount in the core container, this can be used
  125. ## to specify additional storage of material or to inject files from ConfigMaps
  126. ## into the running container
  127. additionalVolumes: []
  128. ## specify where the additional volumes are mounted in the core container
  129. additionalVolumeMounts: []
  130. terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
  131. restore:
  132. enabled: false
  133. image:
  134. imageTag: 4.4.10
  135. secretName: null
  136. database: neo4j,system
  137. cloudProvider: gcp
  138. bucket: gs://test-neo4j
  139. timestamp: "latest"
  140. forceOverwrite: true
  141. purgeOnComplete: true
  142. # Read Replicas
  143. readReplica:
  144. # configMap: "my-custom-configmap"
  145. envFrom: []
  146. resources: {}
  147. # limits:
  148. # cpu: "100m"
  149. # memory: 512Mi
  150. # requests:
  151. # cpu: "100m"
  152. # memory: 512Mi
  153. autoscaling:
  154. enabled: false
  155. targetAverageUtilization: 70
  156. minReplicas: 1
  157. maxReplicas: 3
  158. numberOfServers: 0
  159. persistentVolume:
  160. enabled: true
  161. mountPath: /data
  162. ## default value is large because in most cloud providers disk IOPS are proportional to disk size. Small disks frequently encounter IOPS throttling which
  163. ## is extremely detrimental to neo4j performance.
  164. size: 1Ti
  165. ## subPath: ""
  166. ## read replica data Persistent Volume Storage Class
  167. ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>
  168. ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
  169. ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is
  170. ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on
  171. ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
  172. ## storageClass: "-"
  173. sidecarContainers: []
  174. ## Additional containers to be added to the Neo4j replica pod.
  175. # - name: my-sidecar
  176. # image: nginx:latest
  177. initContainers: []
  178. ## init containers to run before the Neo4j replica pod e.g. to install custom plugins
  179. ## They can also be used to restore from last available backup, to ensure that newly joining
  180. ## core members have less TX history to catch up on before joining the cluster.
  181. ## Note that this is specifically *not* needed for APOC, which is included by default.
  182. # - name: init-plugins
  183. # image: "appropriate/curl:latest"
  184. # imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  185. # volumeMounts:
  186. # - name: plugins
  187. # mountPath: /plugins
  188. # command:
  189. # - "/bin/sh"
  190. # - "-c"
  191. # - |
  192. # curl -L -O
  193. # cp plugin.jar /plugins/
  194. ## This service is intended for clients running in kubernetes to connect to
  195. ## the cluster replica set.
  196. ## Default: ClusterIP (headless)
  197. service:
  198. type: ClusterIP
  199. annotations: {}
  200. labels: {}
  201. loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
  202. ## specify additional volumes to mount in the read replica container, this can
  203. ## be used to specify additional storage of material or to inject files from
  204. ## ConfigMaps into the running container
  205. additionalVolumes: []
  206. ## specify where the additional volumes are mounted in the read replica
  207. ## container
  208. additionalVolumeMounts: []
  209. terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
  210. restore:
  211. enabled: false
  212. image:
  213. imageTag: 4.1.0-1
  214. secretName: null
  215. database: neo4j,system
  216. cloudProvider: gcp
  217. bucket: gs://test-neo4j
  218. timestamp: "latest"
  219. forceOverwrite: true
  220. purgeOnComplete: true
  221. # Readiness probes will send a kill signal to the container if
  222. # it fails enough times. It's therefore very important
  223. # that initialDelaySeconds give the cluster time to form, because
  224. # if readiness probes start immediately after container start,
  225. # they may end up not forming quickly enough and getting killed.
  226. # DEPENDENCY: If you're running in standalone mode, the single machine
  227. # starts much faster. You could set initialDelaySeconds to something like
  228. # 30 and it would be OK for a stand-alone machine, but not for a cluster.
  229. readinessProbe:
  230. initialDelaySeconds: 120
  231. failureThreshold: 3
  232. timeoutSeconds: 2
  233. periodSeconds: 10
  234. tcpSocket:
  235. port: 7687
  236. livenessProbe:
  237. initialDelaySeconds: 300
  238. periodSeconds: 10
  239. failureThreshold: 3
  240. timeoutSeconds: 2
  241. tcpSocket:
  242. port: 7687
  243. # Startup probes are used to know when a container application has started.
  244. # If such a probe is configured, it disables liveness and readiness checks until it succeeds
  245. startupProbe:
  246. failureThreshold: 2000
  247. periodSeconds: 25
  248. tcpSocket:
  249. port: 7687
  250. ## (OPTIONAL) Expose Neo4j metrics
  251. # The structure of this object matches the Neo4j config syntax
  252. # Found in chapter 13 of the operations manual:
  253. #
  254. metrics:
  255. graphite:
  256. enabled: false
  257. server: localhost:2003
  258. interval: 3s
  259. # This will be set to the app name later.
  260. # metrics.prefix=Neo4j_1
  261. prometheus:
  262. ## Publish metrics for polling as Prometheus endpoint
  263. enabled: false
  264. endpoint: localhost:2004
  265. csv:
  266. enabled: true
  267. interval: 3s
  268. jmx:
  269. enabled: true
  270. dbms:
  271. memory:
  272. use_memrec: false
  273. heap:
  274. initial_size: ""
  275. max_size: ""
  276. pagecache:
  277. size: ""
  278. transaction:
  279. memory_allocation: ""
  280. # maximum size of an individual transaction
  281. max_size: ""
  282. # maximum size of all transactions combined
  283. global_max_size: ""
  284. # Create Role and RoleBinding
  285. rbac:
  286. create: true
  287. serviceAccount:
  288. create: true
  289. annotations: {}
  290. # If empty, name will be generated from the chart's fullname
  291. name:
  292. securityContext: {}
  293. # Sets securityContext at the pod level.
  294. # The following values for securityContext are recommended but may depend on your specific volume and filesystem settings
  295. # runAsNonRoot: true
  296. # runAsUser: 7474
  297. containerSecurityContext: {}
  298. # Sets securityContext at the container level.
  299. # We recommend to only use this if (pod) securityContext cannot be used. For example certain security options can only be set at this level.
  300. # allowPrivilegeEscalation: false