# Docker Registry Helm Chart This directory contains a Kubernetes chart to deploy a private Docker Registry. ## Prerequisites Details * PV support on underlying infrastructure (if persistence is required) ## Chart Details This chart will do the following: * Implement a Docker registry deployment ## Installing the Chart First, add the repo: ```console $ helm repo add twuni https://helm.twun.io ``` To install the chart, use the following: ```console $ helm install twuni/docker-registry ``` ## Configuration The following table lists the configurable parameters of the docker-registry chart and their default values. | Parameter | Description | Default | |:----------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:----------------| | `image.pullPolicy` | Container pull policy | `IfNotPresent` | | `image.repository` | Container image to use | `registry` | | `image.tag` | Container image tag to deploy | `2.7.1` | | `imagePullSecrets` | Specify image pull secrets | `nil` (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) | | `persistence.accessMode` | Access mode to use for PVC | `ReadWriteOnce` | | `persistence.enabled` | Whether to use a PVC for the Docker storage | `false` | | `persistence.deleteEnabled` | Enable the deletion of image blobs and manifests by digest | `nil` | | `persistence.size` | Amount of space to claim for PVC | `10Gi` | | `persistence.storageClass` | Storage Class to use for PVC | `-` | | `persistence.existingClaim` | Name of an existing PVC to use for config | `nil` | | `serviceAccount.create` | Create ServiceAccount | `false` | | `serviceAccount.name` | ServiceAccount name | `nil` | | `serviceAccount.annotations` | Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount | `{}` | | `service.port` | TCP port on which the service is exposed | `5000` | | `service.type` | service type | `ClusterIP` | | `service.clusterIP` | if `service.type` is `ClusterIP` and this is non-empty, sets the cluster IP of the service | `nil` | | `service.nodePort` | if `service.type` is `NodePort` and this is non-empty, sets the node port of the service | `nil` | | `service.loadBalancerIP` | if `service.type` is `LoadBalancer` and this is non-empty, sets the loadBalancerIP of the service | `nil` | | `service.loadBalancerSourceRanges`| if `service.type` is `LoadBalancer` and this is non-empty, sets the loadBalancerSourceRanges of the service | `nil` | | `service.sessionAffinity` | service session affinity | `nil` | | `service.sessionAffinityConfig` | service session affinity config | `nil` | | `replicaCount` | k8s replicas | `1` | | `updateStrategy` | update strategy for deployment | `{}` | | `podAnnotations` | Annotations for pod | `{}` | | `podLabels` | Labels for pod | `{}` | | `podDisruptionBudget` | Pod disruption budget | `{}` | | `resources.limits.cpu` | Container requested CPU | `nil` | | `resources.limits.memory` | Container requested memory | `nil` | | `autoscaling.enabled` | Enable autoscaling using HorizontalPodAutoscaler | `false` | | `autoscaling.minReplicas` | Minimal number of replicas | `1` | | `autoscaling.maxReplicas` | Maximal number of replicas | `2` | | `autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage` | Target average utilization of CPU on Pods | `60` | | `autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage` | (Kubernetes ≥1.23) Target average utilization of Memory on Pods | `60` | | `autoscaling.behavior` | (Kubernetes ≥1.23) Configurable scaling behavior | `{}` | | `priorityClassName ` | priorityClassName | `""` | | `storage` | Storage system to use | `filesystem` | | `tlsSecretName` | Name of secret for TLS certs | `nil` | | `secrets.htpasswd` | Htpasswd authentication | `nil` | | `secrets.s3.accessKey` | Access Key for S3 configuration | `nil` | | `secrets.s3.secretKey` | Secret Key for S3 configuration | `nil` | | `secrets.s3.secretRef` | The ref for an external secret containing the accessKey and secretKey keys | `""` | | `secrets.swift.username` | Username for Swift configuration | `nil` | | `secrets.swift.password` | Password for Swift configuration | `nil` | | `secrets.haSharedSecret` | Shared secret for Registry | `nil` | | `configData` | Configuration hash for docker | `nil` | | `s3.region` | S3 region | `nil` | | `s3.regionEndpoint` | S3 region endpoint | `nil` | | `s3.bucket` | S3 bucket name | `nil` | | `s3.rootdirectory` | S3 prefix that is applied to allow you to segment data | `nil` | | `s3.encrypt` | Store images in encrypted format | `nil` | | `s3.secure` | Use HTTPS | `nil` | | `swift.authurl` | Swift authurl | `nil` | | `swift.container` | Swift container | `nil` | | `proxy.enabled` | If true, registry will function as a proxy/mirror | `false` | | `proxy.remoteurl` | Remote registry URL to proxy requests to | `https://registry-1.docker.io` | | `proxy.username` | Remote registry login username | `nil` | | `proxy.password` | Remote registry login password | `nil` | | `proxy.secretRef` | The ref for an external secret containing the proxyUsername and proxyPassword keys | `""` | | `namespace` | specify a namespace to install the chart to - defaults to `.Release.Namespace` | `{{ .Release.Namespace }}` | | `nodeSelector` | node labels for pod assignment | `{}` | | `affinity` | affinity settings | `{}` | | `tolerations` | pod tolerations | `[]` | | `ingress.enabled` | If true, Ingress will be created | `false` | | `ingress.annotations` | Ingress annotations | `{}` | | `ingress.labels` | Ingress labels | `{}` | | `ingress.path` | Ingress service path | `/` | | `ingress.hosts` | Ingress hostnames | `[]` | | `ingress.tls` | Ingress TLS configuration (YAML) | `[]` | | `ingress.className` | Ingress controller class name | `nginx` | | `metrics.enabled` | Enable metrics on Service | `false` | | `metrics.port` | TCP port on which the service metrics is exposed | `5001` | | `metrics.serviceMonitor.annotations` | Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor annotations | `{}` | | `metrics.serviceMonitor.enable` | If true, Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor will be created | `false` | | `metrics.serviceMonitor.labels` | Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor labels | `{}` | | `metrics.prometheusRule.annotations` | Prometheus Operator PrometheusRule annotations | `{}` | | `metrics.prometheusRule.enable` | If true, Prometheus Operator prometheusRule will be created | `false` | | `metrics.prometheusRule.labels` | Prometheus Operator prometheusRule labels | `{}` | | `metrics.prometheusRule.rules` | PrometheusRule defining alerting rules for a Prometheus instance | `{}` | | `extraVolumeMounts` | Additional volumeMounts to the registry container | `[]` | | `extraVolumes` | Additional volumes to the pod | `[]` | | `extraEnvVars` | Additional environment variables to the pod | `[]` | | `initContainers` | Init containers to be created in the pod | `[]` | | `garbageCollect.enabled` | If true, will deploy garbage-collector cronjob | `false` | | `garbageCollect.deleteUntagged` | If true, garbage-collector will delete manifests that are not currently referenced via tag | `true` | | | `garbageCollect.schedule` | CronTab schedule, please use standard crontab format | `0 1 * * *` | | Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. To generate htpasswd file, run this docker command: `docker run --entrypoint htpasswd registry:2 -Bbn user password > ./htpasswd`.