{{ template "chart.header" . }} {{ template "chart.deprecationWarning" . }} {{ template "chart.versionBadge" . }} {{ template "chart.description" . }} {{ template "chart.homepageLine" . }} {{ template "chart.sourcesSection" . }} ## TL;DR ```console helm repo add superset http://apache.github.io/superset/ helm install my-superset superset/superset ``` Make sure you set your own `SECRET_KEY` to something unique and secret. This secret key is used by Flask for securely signing the session cookie and will be used to encrypt sensitive data on Superset's metadata database. It should be a long random bytes or str. On helm this can be set on `extraSecretEnv.SUPERSET_SECRET_KEY` or `configOverrides.secrets` {{ template "chart.requirementsSection" . }} {{ template "chart.valuesSection" . }}