{{/* Copyright Broadcom, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0 */}} {{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}} {{/* Auxiliary function to decide whether evaluate global values. Usage: {{ include "common.postgresql.values.use.global" (dict "key" "key-of-global" "context" $) }} Params: - key - String - Required. Field to be evaluated within global, e.g: "existingSecret" */}} {{- define "common.postgresql.values.use.global" -}} {{- if .context.Values.global -}} {{- if .context.Values.global.postgresql -}} {{- index .context.Values.global.postgresql .key | quote -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Auxiliary function to get the right value for existingSecret. Usage: {{ include "common.postgresql.values.existingSecret" (dict "context" $) }} */}} {{- define "common.postgresql.values.existingSecret" -}} {{- $globalValue := include "common.postgresql.values.use.global" (dict "key" "existingSecret" "context" .context) -}} {{- if .subchart -}} {{- default (.context.Values.postgresql.existingSecret | quote) $globalValue -}} {{- else -}} {{- default (.context.Values.existingSecret | quote) $globalValue -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Auxiliary function to get the right value for enabled postgresql. Usage: {{ include "common.postgresql.values.enabled" (dict "context" $) }} */}} {{- define "common.postgresql.values.enabled" -}} {{- if .subchart -}} {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.postgresql.enabled -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%v" (not .context.Values.enabled) -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Auxiliary function to get the right value for the key postgressPassword. Usage: {{ include "common.postgresql.values.key.postgressPassword" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }} Params: - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether postgresql is used as subchart or not. Default: false */}} {{- define "common.postgresql.values.key.postgressPassword" -}} {{- $globalValue := include "common.postgresql.values.use.global" (dict "key" "postgresqlUsername" "context" .context) -}} {{- if not $globalValue -}} {{- if .subchart -}} postgresql.postgresqlPassword {{- else -}} postgresqlPassword {{- end -}} {{- else -}} global.postgresql.postgresqlPassword {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Auxiliary function to get the right value for enabled.replication. Usage: {{ include "common.postgresql.values.enabled.replication" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }} Params: - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether postgresql is used as subchart or not. Default: false */}} {{- define "common.postgresql.values.enabled.replication" -}} {{- if .subchart -}} {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.postgresql.replication.enabled -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.replication.enabled -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Auxiliary function to get the right value for the key replication.password. Usage: {{ include "common.postgresql.values.key.replicationPassword" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }} Params: - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether postgresql is used as subchart or not. Default: false */}} {{- define "common.postgresql.values.key.replicationPassword" -}} {{- if .subchart -}} postgresql.replication.password {{- else -}} replication.password {{- end -}} {{- end -}}