# Default values for docker-registry. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: 1 updateStrategy: {} # type: RollingUpdate # rollingUpdate: # maxSurge: 1 # maxUnavailable: 0 podAnnotations: {} podLabels: {} serviceAccount: create: false name: "" annotations: {} image: repository: registry tag: latest pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # imagePullSecrets: # - name: docker service: name: registry type: ClusterIP # sessionAffinity: None # sessionAffinityConfig: {} # clusterIP: port: 5000 #nodePort: 31010 # loadBalancerIP: # loadBalancerSourceRanges: annotations: {} # foo.io/bar: "true" ingress: enabled: true ingressClassName: "nginx" #className: nginx path: / # Used to create an Ingress record. hosts: - reg.cestong.com.cn annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-connect-timeout: "60" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-read-timeout: "3600" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-send-timeout: "3600" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "0" labels: {} tls: # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace. - secretName: cecf-tls-secret hosts: - reg.cestong.com.cn resources: # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 4 memory: 8Gi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 1Gi persistence: accessMode: 'ReadWriteOnce' enabled: true size: 10Gi storageClass: 'openebs-hostpath' # set the type of filesystem to use: filesystem, s3 storage: filesystem # Set this to name of secret for tls certs # tlsSecretName: registry.docker.example.com secrets: haSharedSecret: "" htpasswd: "" # Secrets for Azure # azure: # accountName: "" # accountKey: "" # container: "" # Secrets for S3 access and secret keys # Use a secretRef with keys (accessKey, secretKey) for secrets stored outside the chart # s3: # secretRef: "" # accessKey: "" # secretKey: "" # Secrets for Swift username and password # swift: # username: "" # password: "" # Options for s3 storage type: # s3: # region: us-east-1 # regionEndpoint: s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com # bucket: my-bucket # rootdirectory: /object/prefix # encrypt: false # secure: true # Options for swift storage type: # swift: # authurl: http://swift.example.com/ # container: my-container # https://docs.docker.com/registry/recipes/mirror/ proxy: enabled: false remoteurl: https://registry-1.docker.io username: "" password: "" # the ref for a secret stored outside of this chart # Keys: proxyUsername, proxyPassword secretRef: "" metrics: enabled: false port: 5001 # Create a prometheus-operator servicemonitor serviceMonitor: enabled: false labels: {} # prometheus-operator PrometheusRule defining alerting rules for a Prometheus instance prometheusRule: enabled: false labels: {} rules: {} configData: version: 0.1 validation: disabled: true log: fields: service: registry storage: cache: blobdescriptor: inmemory http: addr: :5000 headers: X-Content-Type-Options: [nosniff] debug: addr: :5001 prometheus: enabled: false path: /metrics health: storagedriver: enabled: true interval: 10s threshold: 3 securityContext: enabled: true runAsUser: 1000 fsGroup: 1000 priorityClassName: "" podDisruptionBudget: {} # maxUnavailable: 1 # minAvailable: 2 autoscaling: enabled: false minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 2 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 60 targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 60 # available only on Kubernetes ≥1.23 [required "autoscaling/v2"] behavior: {} # available only on Kubernetes ≥1.23 [required "autoscaling/v2"] # scaleDown: # stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 # policies: # - type: Percent # value: 100 # periodSeconds: 15 # scaleUp: # stabilizationWindowSeconds: 0 # policies: # - type: Percent # value: 100 # periodSeconds: 15 # - type: Pods # value: 4 # periodSeconds: 15 # selectPolicy: Max nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/hostname: node01 affinity: {} tolerations: [] extraVolumeMounts: [] ## Additional volumeMounts to the registry container. # - mountPath: /secret-data # name: cloudfront-pem-secret # readOnly: true extraVolumes: [] ## Additional volumes to the pod. # - name: cloudfront-pem-secret # secret: # secretName: cloudfront-credentials # items: # - key: cloudfront.pem # path: cloudfront.pem # mode: 511 extraEnvVars: [] ## Additional ENV variables to set # - name: REGISTRY_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM_ROOTDIRECTORY # value: "/var/lib/example" initContainers: [] ## Init containers to add to the Deployment # - name: init # image: busybox # command: [] garbageCollect: enabled: false deleteUntagged: true schedule: "0 1 * * *"